Just a thought: What would have happened after the 1929 crash if average people had access to the kind of credit we see today? Yes, investors in the '20s had access to margin credit, but the average joe didn't have pre-approved credit card offers sitting in his mailbox and the ability to cash out 110% of his home's value. Would the Great Depression have happened? Would it have been postponed and magnified? Might we be now living in the equivalent of 1935 with credit cards (and a Fed that ensures a growing supply of fake money)?
It's like a person who takes cold medicine for symptomatic relief but doesn't discontinue the unhealthy activity that caused the cold in the first place. Sometimes you can ride it out, making the symptoms milder and the duration longer (soft landing), or sometimes you end up in the hospital with pneumonia. Either way, you're walking around in a fog for a while.
It's like a person who takes cold medicine for symptomatic relief but doesn't discontinue the unhealthy activity that caused the cold in the first place. Sometimes you can ride it out, making the symptoms milder and the duration longer (soft landing), or sometimes you end up in the hospital with pneumonia. Either way, you're walking around in a fog for a while.