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Hudson: Junk Economics

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  • Hudson: Junk Economics

    This Stockholm syndrome when it comes to Wall Street’s power-grab is junk economics. Wall Street is not “the economy.” It is a superstructure of credit and money management privileges positioned to extract as much as it can, while threatening to close down the economy if it does not get its way. High finance holds the economy hostage not only economically but also intellectually at least to the extent of having captured Obama’s brain – and also the federal budget, as money paid to Wall Street has crowded out spending on economic recovery. It has re-defined “reform” to mean putting Wall Street even more in power by making the Fed the sole regulator of Wall Street. Under these conditions, saving “the system” means saving a mess. It means saving a debt dynamic that must grow exponentially at the economy’s expense, absorbing more and more federal bailout funds and hence crowding out the spending needed to revive the economy.

    Democrats Say "Bye" to Populist Option

    Obama's Junk Economics

    In a dress rehearsal for this November’s mid-term election, Democrats and Republicans vied last week for who could denounce the banks and blame the other party the most for the giveaways to Wall Street that have swollen the public debt since September 2008, pushing the federal budget into deficit and the economy into a slump.

    The Republicans are winning the populist war. On the weekend before his State of the Union address on Wednesday, Obama strong-armed Democratic senators to re-appoint Ben Bernanke as Federal Reserve Chairman. His Wednesday speech did not mention this act (happily applauded by Wall Street). The President sought to defuse voter opposition by acknowledging that nobody likes the banks. But he claimed that unemployment would be much higher if they hadn’t been bailed out. So the giveaway of public funds was all for the workers. The $13 trillion that has created a new power elite was just an incidental byproduct. Unpleasant, perhaps, as American democracy slips into oligarchy. But the least bad option. People might not like it, but Main Street simply cannot prosper without creating hundreds of Wall Street billionaires – without enabling them to increase their bonuses and capital gains as bank stock prices quadruple. It’s all to get credit flowing again (at 30 per cent for credit card users, to be sure.)

    So the rest of us must wait for wealth to trickle down. The cover story is that, like it or not, this is how the world works. At least this is the argument of the lobbyists who are drafting and censoring laws and signing off on just who is acceptable to run the Federal Reserve, Treasury and other public-subsidy agencies. The working assumption is that the economy cannot recover without enriching Wall Street.

    In fact what the economy needs is to recover from the Bush-Obama supposed cure, i.e., from the mushrooming debt overhead. It needs to recover from the enrichment of Wall Street. It doesn’t need more credit, but a write-down for the unpayably high debts that the banks have imposed on American families, businesses, states and localities, real estate, and the federal government itself.

    Instead of helping debtors, Obama has moved to heal the creditors, at public expense. If debtors cannot pay, the Treasury and Fed will take their IOUs and bad casino gambles onto the public sector’s balance sheet. The financial winners must come first – and it seems second and third, too. The rationale is that unless the government gives the large financial institutions what they want and saves them from taking a loss, their “incentive” to protect the economy from devastation will be gone.

    Knuckling under to this protection racket is not the change that most people voted for in November 2008. So on Thursday afternoon, most Republican senators opposed a second four-year term for Bernanke. By leading the effort to re-confirm him, the Corporate Democrats (but not most of their colleagues who had to face voters this autumn) removed this albatross from the Republican neck and put it around their own.

    For starters, Chairman Bernanke has convinced the President that the Fed should be the single regulator of Wall Street – ideologically kindred, and drawn from its ranks, or with its assent. There was no place in Obama’s Act Now list last Wednesday for the Consumer Financial Products Agency he promised a year ago as the centerpiece of financial reform. Its main sponsor, Elizabeth Warren, has been warning that hopes for reform are being overwhelmed by financial lobbyists arguing that truth-in-lending laws and anti-usury regulations threaten to reduce bank profits, forcing lenders to raise costs to consumers. In Bernanke’s world, regulations to protect consumers simply will oblige the banks to pass on the cost increase caused by this “government interference.” The more regulation there is, the more consumers will have to pay.

    This is the inside-out picture drawn by bank lobbyists and purveyed by Obama’s economic team. Could George Bush have gotten away with it? Democrats have a friendlier and more compassionate face, but the substance remains the same.

    Most economists believe that Obama is whistling in the dark when he says the economy will recover this year under Chairman Bernanke’s guidance.
    The financial screws are being tightened, yet the Fed refuses to abide by its charter and regulate credit card rates going through the roof. Instead of countercyclical federal spending to rescue the economy from debt deflation, Obama says that since we have given so much to Wall Street in the past year and a half, little is left to spend on the “real” economy.

    Sounding like a Republican in Democratic clothing not unlike his Senate mentor Joe Lieberman, his State of the Union speech urged creation of a bipartisan (that is, Republican-friendly) working group to agree on how to lower the deficit. The President proposes that starting next year Congress should freeze spending not already committed under entitlement programs.

    Testifying Wednesday morning as a run-up to Pres. Obama’s evening speech, Messrs. Geithner and Paulson at least avoided the Washington ploy of emulating Alzheimer’s patients and saying that they couldn’t recall anything about their giveaways. Sophisticated enough to outplay their questioners in verbal tennis, the past and present Treasury Secretaries brazened it out. Using the Plausible Deniability defense, they claimed that they weren’t even in the loop when it came to paying AIG enough to turn around and pay Goldman Sachs and other arbitrageurs 100 cents on the dollar for securities worth about a fifth as much. Their underlings did it.

    “This was a Federal Reserve loan,” Paulson explained. “They had the authority. They had the technical expertise … and I was working on many other things which were in my bailiwick.” And in any case an AIG bankruptcy “would have buckled our financial system and wrought economic havoc.” Unemployment, he warned, “could have risen to 25 per cent.” The Fed had to protect people.

    When there was no way to dodge, they frankly admitted what had happened, providing helpful pieties to the effect that it is the job of Congress to change the law to make sure nothing like this happens again. Yes, there was a big giveaway, but we saved the economy. Wall Street’s loss would have been the peoples’ loss. Certainly we need new rules to protect the taxpaye …. We’re all in the same boat. If the banks took a loss, they would have to raise the price of financial services and we would all have had to pay more. Thank heavens that everything is getting back to normal now.

    “A lot of people think the president of the New York Fed works for the government,” Democrat Marcy Kaptur of Ohio concluded, “but in fact he works for the banks on the board that elected you.” Not so, testified New York Federal Reserve general counsel Thomas Baxter. “A.I.G. wanted to keep the information confidential, for fear that it would lose business if customers were named.” And if it lost business, “This would have had the effect of harming the taxpayers’ investment in A.I.G.” So it was all to save the taxpayers money that the Fed spent $185 billion of their money.

    But was it really necessary not to let A.I.G. go bankrupt in September of 2008? The Wall Street Journal’seditorial page blew the whistle on how the government’s wheeler-dealer insiders have been changing their story again and again – not usually a sign of truthfulness. “Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner and predecessor Hank Paulson said they didn’t bail out AIG to save its derivatives counterparties” from bad credit default swap contracts because if it would have asked these counterparties to “take a haircut,” credit-ratings agencies would have downgraded AIG. A lower rating would have obliged it to post even more collateral on its other swap contracts, presumably because of the higher risk.

    There are a number of problems with this story, the editorial explained. First of all, Goldman Sachs and other counterparties unilaterally said the prices had declined for securities that had no market price at all, only subjective valuations. A.I.G. would have been reasonable in disputing this. In any event, as the firm’s new 80 per cent stockholder, the U.S. Government said it would stand behind AIG. This should have removed fears of non-payment. But most important of all was the claim by Messrs. Paulson and Geithner that failure to “honor” AIG’s swaps would have threatened its far-flung insurance businesses on which so many American consumers depended. New York Insurance Superintendent Eric Dinallo, who was AIG’s principal insurance regulator at the time, testified before the Senate last year that these operations were not threatened at all! “‘The main reason why the federal government decided to rescue AIG was not because of its insurance companies.’ He was so confident in the health of the AIG subsidiaries that, before the federal bailout, he was working on a plan to transfer $20 billion of their excess reserves to the parent company.”

    This directly contradicts Geithner’s claim “that the ‘people responsible’ for overseeing the insurance subsidiaries ‘had no idea’ about the risks facing AIG policyholders. He’s talking about Dinallo here. Instead of being safely segregated, Geithner said the insurance businesses were ‘tightly connected’ to the parent company. Paulson added that the healthy parts of AIG had been ‘infected’ by the ‘toxic assets.’ He added, ‘One part of the company would have contaminated the other.’” Does this mean that New York’s “heavy state insurance regulation was a sham,” the newspaper asked? It would seem that “When push came to shove, policyholders were not protected from a default by the parent company.” It urges that Dinallo be brought back to straighten the matter out.

    Geithner closed his own comments by saying, “if you are outraged by what happened with A.I.G., then you should be deeply committed to financial reform.” This is rhetorical judo. The financial system in question is not the economy at large. It was A.I.G.’s carefully segregated bookies’ account for wealthy hedge fund gambles and Wall Street speculations that should have had little to do with the “real” economy at all.

    Wall Street – and most business schools – promote the myth that the “real” economy of production and consumption cannot function without making Wall Street’s insiders immensely rich. There seems nothing to be done about banks impoverishing people by extortionate credit card rates, junk securities and a debt burden so heavy that it will require one bailout after another over the next few years. Present policy is based on the assumption that the U.S. economy will crash if we don’t keep the debt overhead growing at past exponential rates. It is credit – that is, debt – that is supposed to pull real estate out of its present negative equity. Credit – that is, debt leveraging – that is supposed to raise stock market prices to enable pension funds to meet their scheduled payments. And it is credit – that is, debt –is supposed to be the key to employment growth.

    Credit means giving Wall Street what it wants. Regulating it is supposed to interfere with prosperity. Truth-in-lending, for example, will increase the “cost of production” by “making” banks charge consumers even more for creating credit on their computer keyboards.

    This Stockholm syndrome when it comes to Wall Street’s power-grab is junk economics. Wall Street is not “the economy.” It is a superstructure of credit and money management privileges positioned to extract as much as it can, while threatening to close down the economy if it does not get its way. High finance holds the economy hostage not only economically but also intellectually at least to the extent of having captured Obama’s brain – and also the federal budget, as money paid to Wall Street has crowded out spending on economic recovery. It has re-defined “reform” to mean putting Wall Street even more in power by making the Fed the sole regulator of Wall Street. Under these conditions, saving “the system” means saving a mess. It means saving a debt dynamic that must grow exponentially at the economy’s expense, absorbing more and more federal bailout funds and hence crowding out the spending needed to revive the economy.

    Paulson’s testimony echoed the idea that the rescue of A.I.G. was necessary to keep the economy from collapsing. “We would have seen a complete collapse of our financial system,” Paulson said, “and unemployment easily could have risen to the 25 per cent level reached in the Great Depression.” So it was all for the working class, for employees and consumers. It was done to save the government – a.k.a. “taxpayers” – from losing money on its investment. It was to save the economy from breaking down – or perhaps to pay off protection-racket money to Wall Street not to wreck the economy. And as we all know, taxpayers today are mainly the lower-income individuals unable to take their revenue in the form of low-taxed “capital gains” like Wall Street traders, in today’s fiscal war between finance and labor.

    It seems to be merely an incidental by-product of saving taxpayers and labor that Wall Street ended up with the hundreds of billions of dollars of gains (and losses avoided) – at a $13 trillion expense by government, of about four million jobs in the overall economy whose employment is shrinking, and of about four million home foreclosures in 2009-10. The cover story is that matters would have been worse otherwise. This was the price for “saving the system.” But “the system” turns out to be the Bubble Economy, in which the Obama administration has put as much faith as Bush did. This is why the same managers have been kept in place. This policy has enabled Republicans to strike a posture of denouncing the banks in preparation for this November’s mid-term election.

    “Saving the economy” has become a euphemism for the policy of keeping bad debts on the books and saving high finance from writing them down to reflect the realistic ability to pay. Wall Street has used its bailout money to lobby Washington, back its political nominees to hold Congress hostage, and blame the downturn on any regulator or president who does not yield to its demands.

    The resulting program is not saving the economy; it is sacrificing it. What has been saved is the debt overhead – the wrong side of the balance sheet.

    A bipartisan compact between Corporate Democrats and Republicans is not the change voters expected in November 2008. Confronted with the “Obama surprise” – an absence of change – the only option that many voters believe they have is to change the existing party. Republicans are setting their eyes on Pres. Obama’s former Senate seat in Illinois, Vice Pres. Biden’s seat in Baltimore, and Majority Leader Reid’s seat in Nevada. Losing these and other seats would create a political standoff giving Obama further excuse for not changing course.

    This kind of standoff normally would enable a popular president to ask voters to elect a majority large enough to legislate the program he outlines. But instead of a program, Obama has simply appointed the leading Bush-era administrators and brought back the Clinton “Rubinomics” team from Wall Street. His spending freeze in a shrinking economy is a Republican program, his modest “stimulus package” is over, and he has dropped the Consumer Financial Products Agency under Wall Street pressure. So if we are to look at what the administration actually is doing, its program is simply a blank check to the Fed and Treasury (under Bush-era management) to revive Wall Street fortunes – in a nutshell, more Rubinomics.

    Convergence between the two parties reflects the privatization of politics by political lobbying and campaign contributions. Paybacks to corporations with fiscal favors, sell-offs and bailouts promises to increase in the wake of the recent Supreme Court decision that corporations are virtual people when it comes to freedom of speech and the purchase of media time.

    The only countervailing power is that within the Republican Party a fringe of tea partiers threatens to run against more established candidates safely sold to special interests. The Democratic Party always has been a looser coalition, which may not hold together if the Rubinomics team continues to lock out non-Corporate Democrats. So a political realignment may be in the making. Financial and fiscal restructuring issues span left and right, progressive Democrats and populist Republicans. So far, their sentiments are reactive rather than being spelled out in a policy program. But there is a widening realization that the economy has painted itself into a financial corner.

    What is needed is to explain to voters how financial and tax policies are symbiotic. The tax shift off finance, insurance and real estate (FIRE) onto labor and industry since 1980 has polarized the economy between a creditor class at the top of and an indebted “real” economy below. Unless this tax favoritism is reversed, more and more revenue will be diverted away from spending on consumption and investment to pay debt service and “financialize” the economy even more.

    It is natural that the world’s most debt-ridden economies – Latvia and its Baltic and post-Soviet neighbors, and Iceland – are the first to perceive the problem. They may be viewed as an object lesson for a dystopian future of debt peonage. New Europe’s debt strains are threatening to break up the core euro-currency area (aggravated from within by the Greek, Spanish and Irish public debt problems). The British economy is likewise financialized, weakening sterling. And Europe lacks the U.S. financial safeguard that enables mortgage debtors here to walk away from properties that have fallen into negative equity. Insolvent homeowners in Europe face a lifetime of literal debt peonage to make the banks (even foreign banks, which dominate Central Europe’s post-Soviet economies) whole on their bad debts as the continent’s real estate prices are plunging even more steeply than those in the United States – some 70 per cent in Iceland and Latvia.

    The only silver lining I can see is that perception will spread that the financial sector is an intrusive dynamic subjecting the economy to debt deflation. But at present, lawmakers are acting as if the economy is an albatross around Wall Street’s neck. (“How are we wealthy people to bear the cost of healing the sick and employing the masses?” the financial sector complains. “The cost is eating into our ability to create wealth.”) Libertarians have warned that our economy is going down the Road to Serfdom. What they do not realize is that by fighting against government power to check financial hubris, they are paving the road for centralized financial planning by Wall Street. They have been tricked into leading the parade on behalf of the financial, insurance and real estate sector – down the road to debt peonage in a monopolized and polarized economy.

    Michael Hudson is a former Wall Street economist.

  • #2
    Re: Hudson: Junk Economics

    On a Railroad without Switchmen,

    Politics is a Cat Fight over First-Seating in the Club Car,

    On the FIRE-Red Express....


    • #3
      Re: Hudson: Junk Economics

      The Republicans and the Democrats are the exact same bunch, the latter under Obama are just Demos with the old Republican agenda and a happy face that goes with it, to make the failed-agenda more palitable to the public.

      Social-democrats on the left and libertarians on the right will have to unite to rid America of Republicrat-rule--- the monstrosity that has resulted by the convergence of both major parties. And Hudson explained above exactly how that convergence naturally arose through corporate-lobbyists and campaign contributions from special interests.

      The toxicity of the convergence of the two major parties now can not be ignored. Most of what little wealth America produces is being sucked-out of the system by Wall Street and its phoney F.I.R.E. economy, so living- standards are now declining in America.


      • #4
        Re: Hudson: Junk Economics

        Don -

        Thanks for posting the articles by Dr. Hudson. One of the most enlightening reads on the web. However, depressing as well, to see this country being put through the meat grinder just like third-world countries in earlier decades.


        • #5
          Re: Hudson: Junk Economics

          Originally posted by ViC78 View Post
          Don -

          Thanks for posting the articles by Dr. Hudson. One of the most enlightening reads on the web. However, depressing as well, to see this country being put through the meat grinder just like third-world countries in earlier decades.
          Don't cry for me Argentina, the truth is that I'll play out the same way in America...


          • #6
            Re: Hudson: Junk Economics

            Originally posted by jtabeb View Post
            Don't cry for me Argentina, the truth is that I'll play out the same way in America...
            What a bunch of BullShit but true. Sad isn't it


            • #7
              Re: Hudson: Junk Economics

              Time for mass demonstrations in D.C. for single-payer health care and the Consumer Finance Protection Agency.

              Yes, Hudson gets me nicely fired up, but I'm beginning to tire of even the rhetoric I agree with.

              Nothing changes until millions converge on D.C.

              You can laugh at me, but someday it'll happen....when the rage and suffering becomes great enough...and it will.


              • #8
                Re: Hudson: Junk Economics

                Originally posted by tree View Post
                Time for mass demonstrations in D.C. for single-payer health care and the Consumer Finance Protection Agency.

                Yes, Hudson gets me nicely fired up, but I'm beginning to tire of even the rhetoric I agree with.

                Nothing changes until millions converge on D.C.

                You can laugh at me, but someday it'll happen....when the rage and suffering becomes great enough...and it will.
                Umm, yes, nothing motivates the masses for revolution like free healthcare...


                • #9
                  Re: Hudson: Junk Economics

                  I don't want "free health care."

                  I am living with cancer. I want to be able to move anywhere in the US that I want to and be able to buy a freaking individual policy with a premium that doesn't consume 40 percent of after-tax income.

                  As things stand, I can't buy one at any price today except in the handful of states with guaranteed-issue health coverage.

                  The minute insurance companies (that's the "I" in FIRE economy) got their mitts into health care, the price of it was bound to go beyond the reach of ordinary citizens, or those too young for Medicare but old enough to have less than perfect health.

                  Believe me, a lot of folks who lose their jobs, and along with it their health coverage, are in for a nasty surprise when their COBRA runs out, they can't immediately get another job with coverage, and they can't buy individual coverage at any price because of their medical records.

                  The mass demonstrations in D.C. for single-payer are coming when the pain becomes deep and widespread enough.

                  The sooner the better.


                  • #10
                    Re: Hudson: Junk Economics

                    Originally posted by tree View Post
                    Time for mass demonstrations in D.C. for single-payer health care and the Consumer Finance Protection Agency.

                    Yes, Hudson gets me nicely fired up, but I'm beginning to tire of even the rhetoric I agree with.

                    Nothing changes until millions converge on D.C.

                    You can laugh at me, but someday it'll happen....when the rage and suffering becomes great enough...and it will.
                    The Republican resurgence now underway -- or imagined to be, I'm not really sure -- casts photogenic clods like Massachusetts's new senator Scott Brown as heralds of a new free market Golden Age, in which WalMart will profitably manage every moment of daily life from grocery shopping to banking to medical care to the mortuary (and perhaps even war). Little thought has been allotted to exactly what the role of citizens might be in such a nirvana. I suppose we'd become an endless chain of $8-an-hour "greeter associates" -- which is at least a step above being a national feedlot of polled Herefords. But I wouldn't want to be mistaken as a shill for the Democratic party, either, since the Obama team has opted for creating its own reality as much as its predecessor bunch did. The result will certainly be the election of countless maniacs to congress this fall, especially of the theocratic-despotic brand -- creationists, alien abductees, economics professors from bible colleges, Sunbelt war hawks, Lyndon LaRouche acolytes, Nativists, Palinites, crusaders against the New World Order, anti-Bilderbergers... the whole appalling menu of thought-disorder cases now roiling in the breakdown lane of American history.
                    from today's Kunstler rant (


                    • #11
                      Re: Hudson: Junk Economics

                      Originally posted by tree View Post
                      I don't want "free health care."

                      I am living with cancer. I want to be able to move anywhere in the US that I want to and be able to buy a freaking individual policy with a premium that doesn't consume 40 percent of after-tax income.

                      As things stand, I can't buy one at any price today except in the handful of states with guaranteed-issue health coverage.

                      The minute insurance companies (that's the "I" in FIRE economy) got their mitts into health care, the price of it was bound to go beyond the reach of ordinary citizens, or those too young for Medicare but old enough to have less than perfect health.

                      Believe me, a lot of folks who lose their jobs, and along with it their health coverage, are in for a nasty surprise when their COBRA runs out, they can't immediately get another job with coverage, and they can't buy individual coverage at any price because of their medical records.

                      The mass demonstrations in D.C. for single-payer are coming when the pain becomes deep and widespread enough.

                      The sooner the better.
                      Socialism sir!! How presumptuous of you to think you should be able to buy health insurance. It would interfere with the constitutional right of the right wing to extract your wealth from you for their own personal pleasure. -- Unfortunately, I think that this is where the debate is and at least 50% of the people in this country beleive or have been instructed to believe they have the "god given" right to deny other people something as basic as the ability to purchase healthcare. Just look at the senators elected to represent the "people" fight tirelessly and belligerently to protetct the insurance industry and the vampire squid, heck they don't even pretend to care about the people.

                      The Dems came close to a 60 vote majority but never really had one. Any time you need to rely two timing doublecrossing turncoats like Joe Lieberman you are screwed. And frankly I am quite disappointed with Obama's approach. He needs to show some spunk and force the issue instead of playing nice with the people who are constantly kicking him in the nuts.

                      I feel deeply about this hence the rant, hope you do get an opportunity to buy decent healthcare and soon. In the meantime enjoy the tea party the mad hatter is coming to town. The red queen the white queen and Alice (or is it Sarah) are all in attendance.
                      It's the Debt, stupid!!


                      • #12
                        Re: Hudson: Junk Economics

                        Not to worry...nobody is going to be able to see any of this happening...:rolleyes:

                        By Michael Booth
                        The Denver Post

                        COLORADO SPRINGS — This tax-averse city is about to learn what it looks and feels like when budget cuts slash services most Americans consider part of the urban fabric.

                        More than a third of the streetlights in Colorado Springs will go dark Monday...

                        ...Turning out the lights, literally, is one of the high-profile trims aggravating some residents. The city-run Colorado Springs Utilities will shut down 8,000 to 10,000 of more than 24,000 streetlights, to save $1.2 million in energy and bulb replacement...

                        Shouldn't take long to meet the carbon reduction goals at this pace...:rolleyes:


                        • #13
                          Re: Hudson: Junk Economics

                          Colorado Springs voters turned down a big property tax hike, proposed to replace lost sales tax.

                          Besides streetlights, many services being cut.


                          • #14
                            Re: Hudson: Junk Economics

                            Originally posted by tree View Post
                            I am living with cancer. I want to be able to move anywhere in the US that I want to and be able to buy a freaking individual policy with a premium that doesn't consume 40 percent of after-tax income.
                            I sympathize with your plight, but I think you might be a bit biased in this particular instance.

                            The concern of many people, myself included, is that people such as yourself will likely be sidelined as an extraneous expense, particularly if you are older. If you are amongst the old, I'm sorry - but your political influence is waning. The young are much more concerned with watching mindless television, having as much sex as their reproductive organs will allow, purchasing the newest cell phone, and generally trying to emulate mass culture as best as they can. They will not fight for you.

                            A more sane public policy would be to restrict technological advancements until they are proven safe, and to minimize the risks of known carcinogens. For those who have a genetic predisposition to cancer, procreation should be restricted by law.

                            Cancer is relatively rare in isolated mammalian communities. It is largely a byproduct of modernity.


                            • #15
                              Re: Hudson: Junk Economics

                              Originally posted by tree View Post
                              Time for mass demonstrations in D.C. for single-payer health care and the Consumer Finance Protection Agency.

                              Yes, Hudson gets me nicely fired up, but I'm beginning to tire of even the rhetoric I agree with.

                              Nothing changes until millions converge on D.C.

                              You can laugh at me, but someday it'll happen....when the rage and suffering becomes great enough...and it will.

