Read the headline, then read Soros' comments. Notice anything fishy? (As in the headline implies the opposite of the quotes by Soros)
the 'ultimate bubble'
Gold is now "the ultimate bubble", billionaire investor George Soros has declared, sparking fears that prices for the precious metal may soon suffer a tumble.
By Edmund Conway in Davos
Published: 6:15AM GMT 28 Jan 2010
Comments 27 | Comment on this article
27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" id="TelegraphPlayer-7092110" codebase="" height="259" width="460">

Read the headline, then read Soros' comments. Notice anything fishy? (As in the headline implies the opposite of the quotes by Soros)
the 'ultimate bubble'
Gold is now "the ultimate bubble", billionaire investor George Soros has declared, sparking fears that prices for the precious metal may soon suffer a tumble.
By Edmund Conway in Davos
Published: 6:15AM GMT 28 Jan 2010
Comments 27 | Comment on this article
27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" id="TelegraphPlayer-7092110" codebase="" height="259" width="460">