Finally, a watershed, thanks to Masachusetts. The fork in the road is no longer postponable. The Dems must either move in a progressive/populist direction or continue to carry water for Wall Street. Hmm. How can the party of FDR continue to advance the interests of the banking elite, complete with publically funded bonuses, all against a backdrop of record foreclosures and 20% unemployment? They must be thinking, what good are Wall Street benefactors if you have to change your address in your home district? Hence the panic and Obama's sudden Huey Long head-fake. Then again that was Friday. On Monday he reiterated his support for Geithner and Bernanke.
Wall Street stalking horse Mort Zuckerman was out on Saturday declaring Obama a complete failure. Mort didn't waste any time challenging the mob headed for Manhattan. Don't mess with the banks, Barry. You can't straddle the (growing) Main Street-Wall Street schism any longer. Pick your poison. And if you want a roadmap back to the People read Stiglitz, Hudson and Liu and quit letting Summers prepare your economics press clippings.
Historical cautionary: When FDR took decisive steps towards the People, they attempted a coup. Man, tough times ahead. My money's with the bankers, in more ways than one. ki/Business_Plot
Wall Street stalking horse Mort Zuckerman was out on Saturday declaring Obama a complete failure. Mort didn't waste any time challenging the mob headed for Manhattan. Don't mess with the banks, Barry. You can't straddle the (growing) Main Street-Wall Street schism any longer. Pick your poison. And if you want a roadmap back to the People read Stiglitz, Hudson and Liu and quit letting Summers prepare your economics press clippings.
Historical cautionary: When FDR took decisive steps towards the People, they attempted a coup. Man, tough times ahead. My money's with the bankers, in more ways than one.