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Did Tim Geithner Get Fired Yesterday?

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  • Did Tim Geithner Get Fired Yesterday?

    Earlier this month, we argued that it was time for Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner to go.

    Our logic was simple:
    • Geithner's save-Wall Street-at-any-cost policy has failed (the banks aren't lending), and it is distorting fairness and competition throughout the economy

    • Geithner's role in the AIG bailout and cover-up continues to undermine confidence in the current administration (and makes it impossible for the current administration to blame AIG on the last administration)

    • Geithner's "too big to fail" bailout policy has led directly to today's Wall Street bonus fiasco: There's no "bonus problem" at Lehman or Wamu.

    • Geithner's insistence on always putting Wall Street first has contributed to the populist rage that is now sweeping the nation and bludgeoning Obama in the polls.

    We still think Geithner should go. And judging by yesterday's startling Get-Tough-On-Banks press conference, it seems Obama is coming to the same conclusion.

    Recall the opening words of Obama's short speech:

    Good morning, everybody. I just had a very productive meeting with two members of my Economic Recovery Advisory Board: Paul Volcker, who is the former chair of the Federal Reserve Board, and Bill Donaldson, previously the head of the SEC. And I deeply appreciate the counsel of these two leaders and the board, that they’ve offered as we have dealt with a broad array of very difficult economic challenges.

    Note the immediate shout-out to Paul Volcker and Bill Donaldson. Note the glaring omission of Tim Geithner and Larry Summers. Note that he didn't say "meetings with my economic team" (because surely this new policy wasn't hatched in one meeting with Volcker and Donaldson).
    What Obama was telling America was "I just had a meeting with two new advisors, and, based on what they said, I'm launching a new policy."
    Note, too, that the new get-tough-on-Wall Street policy is explicitly called, "The Volcker Rule." (That in itself is shocking. Volcker is just an advisor. Tim Geithner is Obama's Treasury Secretary.)

    Tim Geithner was at the press conference, way down the line -- but, by some accounts, he spent most of it staring at his shoes. He is also said to disagree with the new policy (we have problems with it, too).

    At the very least, yesterday's press conference seemed designed to tell America that Tim Geithner has been marginalized, that Obama is now (finally) committed to change. More likely, it was a prelude to Geithner formally being shown the door.

  • #2
    Re: Did Tim Geithner Get Fired Yesterday?

    Obama is the man. Tell congress and senate to get out of the way and start working for America.

    "If the American people allow the banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation, and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive people of all property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers occupied ... The issuing power of money should be taken from the banks and restored to Congress and the people to whom it belongs."

    - Thomas Jefferson

    Tim Geithner, Paulson should be in jail along with GW Bush.


    • #3
      Re: Did Tim Geithner Get Fired Yesterday?

      Obama is the nowhere man, at least for the past year.


      • #4
        Re: Did Tim Geithner Get Fired Yesterday?

        Originally posted by Chomsky View Post
        Obama is the nowhere man, at least for the past year.
        Sitting in his nowhere land making all his nowhere plans for nobody, doesn't have a point of view, knows not where he's going to, isn't he a bit like you and me?

        Nowhere Man, Please Listen.
        You don't know what your missing.

        Nowhere man, the world is at your command.

        (Sorry, so good, I couldn't help myself)


        • #5
          Re: Did Tim Geithner Get Fired Yesterday?

          Well I had to do it and post the video

          I thought that the entire piece was more meaningful! Particularly if you are referring to Obama as the "Nowhere Man"
          Last edited by Rajiv; January 23, 2010, 09:54 PM.


          • #6
            Re: Did Tim Geithner Get Fired Yesterday?

            looked what wiki had to say about him.
            Geithner was born in New York City but spent most of his childhood in other countries, including present-day Zimbabwe,
            so now we know where he got his schooling in monetry policy


            • #7
              Re: Did Tim Geithner Get Fired Yesterday?

              Also from the wiki

              His father, Peter F. Geithner, was the director of the Asia program at the Ford Foundation in New York in the 1990s. During the early 1980s, Peter Geithner oversaw the Ford Foundation's microfinance programs in Indonesia being developed by Ann Dunham, President Barack Obama's mother, and they met in person at least once.
              Small world? Or crony capitalism?


              • #8
                Re: Did Tim Geithner Get Fired Yesterday?

                TO be fair if he enacted these policies a year ago, there was the risk of the economy coming to a screeching halt.


                • #9
                  Re: Did Tim Geithner Get Fired Yesterday?

                  I remember reading somewhere (quite possibly it was here on iTulip) early in the crisis, that before enacting serious policy/personnel change it was strategically important for Obama to first allow the existing plans to be tried. That is to say allow them to try and fail. Only then could the new policies/personnel be empowered.


                  • #10
                    Re: Did Tim Geithner Get Fired Yesterday?

                    THE ONLY REASON Timmy was chosen is that he supposedly understood the problem better than anybody and continuity was critical. No one would care about the bonuses if the public was convinced things were on the right track. The bail out has failed. Obama is pivoting to lead a depressed America. Timmy is a great combination of the Andy Warhol's 15 minute observation and the Peter Principle combined. So, for that matter, is Larry Summers. Anybody who listens to this guy for more than five minutes knows he full of shit. The Harvard/Yale model has failed.


                    • #11
                      Re: Did Tim Geithner Get Fired Yesterday?

                      Originally posted by blazespinnaker View Post
                      TO be fair if he enacted these policies a year ago, there was the risk of the economy coming to a screeching halt.
                      So what? The economy is coming to a screeching halt now. The difference is that the US public is now saddled with so much liability and debt, compared to a year ago, that the country is fast approaching zero degrees of freedom in respect to policy options available to it.

                      The Obama Administration and the country would have been far better off if they had fired the management of every TBTF financial institution that needed a bail out, break up these institutions, auction off the viable and solvent parts of the businesses, used TARP for its original purpose to take over and write off the non-viable "assets", and sent Ben out in a helicopter to literally drop the trillions sent to Wall Street on the heads of the people in the heartland instead.


                      • #12
                        Re: Did Tim Geithner Get Fired Yesterday?

                        I totally agree.

                        The advantage of high tech information is that we can reboot the economy very fast. This won't take 10-15 years as it did in the thirties. It will take two. Let's move on.


                        • #13
                          Re: Did Tim Geithner Get Fired Yesterday?

                          Had he done that, he would have been TOTALLY crucified -- and the US public would have believed the MSM and led the charge. This way he can do an about face and have an excuse for doing what you suggest.


                          • #14
                            Re: Did Tim Geithner Get Fired Yesterday?

                            Originally posted by Rajiv View Post
                            Had he done that, he would have been TOTALLY crucified -- and the US public would have believed the MSM and led the charge. This way he can do an about face and have an excuse for doing what you suggest.
                            No matter what they did the public would have blamed's normal to blame the incumbents once the election honeymoon period is over.

                            What has happened is that by continuing the policies of the Bush Admininstration...indeed amplifying them...Obama has taken on the responsibility of the results of those policies and this depression is now HIS depression. Regardless of whatever mea culpa he may wish to declare now, I think he's destined to be a one-term President [although I am cognizant that a week is a long time in politics ].


                            • #15
                              Re: Did Tim Geithner Get Fired Yesterday?

                              Obama tried doing it the Bankster's way and it failed. Now he'll switch to a populist approach, which is bound to be better to some degree. If he plays this right he could end up being more popular than ever. But it still may not be enough to get him re-elected. Too many jobs lost. Too much economic carnage.

