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Gold Big Sell-off Coming, or Not?

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  • Gold Big Sell-off Coming, or Not?

    Gold backwardation fears revisited, uh oh! by Izabella Kaminska

    Readers may recall GOFO rates went negative back in November 2008 for three whole days. At the time gold bugs said the move reflected a massive shortage in the supply of gold.

    The likes of Professor Antal Fekete, a pro gold-standard monetary economist, meanwhile, claimed it marked the dawn of gold backwardation and the collapse of the world’s fiat monetary system.

    The reality was that with Libor sky high, and cash-calls coming at banks left, right, and centre — many banks, with bullion in their coffers, saw sense in lending out gold temporarily in return for much-needed cash. And with cash more sought after than gold in a sharply descending interest-rate environment, institutions were happy to pay counterparties to take their gold in return for cash.

    Hey presto — GOFO rates went negative.
    A decline in forward rates implies one of two things: There’s either a scarcity of metal available for swap or lease transactions, or there’s heavy forward selling.
    The latest Commodity Futures Trading Commission data show commercial accounts engaging in heavy selling and long liquidation. To boot, money managers have built their largest short position since August 2009 (and, if you’re a contrarian, small speculators have taken up their strongest long position in a year and a half).

    Given all that, the aroma wafting from the gold market seems to be a harbinger of a sell-off. Technically, gold’s stalled now. Key support for the February COMEX contract sits at $1,120 after bulls backed off from a test of the halfway point for the contract’s December swoon. A close below that level makes the sell-off case.
    In which case could the recent drop we’ve seen in gold-forward rates to 0.185 be the market catching up to the over-pricing of gold forwards in the first place? Or even the pricing-in of higher interest rates to come?

    here is the link to the LBMA data:

  • #2
    Re: Gold Big Sell-off Coming, or Not?


    It's called a routine correction.

    Those peeps all make money yacking about stuff. If you are in the market, don't worry. This is normal stuff. Gold may fall below $1000 temporarily. It will come back. It will go higher. It is a great time to buy gold now because it ain't gonna fall below $1000 for very long.


    • #3
      Re: Gold Big Sell-off Coming, or Not?

      i bought some gold yesterday. It's destined to crash dramatically


      • #4
        Re: Gold Big Sell-off Coming, or Not?

        Originally posted by Chris View Post
        i bought some gold yesterday. It's destined to crash dramatically
        Sorry for your pending misfortune, but thanks for giving me the chance to add to my holdings. I'm not the best chartist, but this trend looks intact to me, even at $950.


        • #5
          Re: Gold Big Sell-off Coming, or Not?

          Yes, but when does a trend stop becoming a trend?

          Technical analysis voodoo to follow...


          • #6
            Re: Gold Big Sell-off Coming, or Not?

            Originally posted by Chris View Post
            Yes, but when does a trend stop becoming a trend?

            When the US can Finance it own budget deficit internally, honesty and integrity and TRUST are restored to the financial and political system (and the Dollar), Gold and Silver are no longer ACTIVELY suppressed DOWNWARD by the PTB and the Bond and Stock Markets are no longer ACTIVELY SUPPORTED by the PTB.

            Does that answer your question?


            • #7
              Re: Gold Big Sell-off Coming, or Not?

              Originally posted by Chris View Post
              i bought some gold yesterday. It's destined to crash dramatically
              Thanks - I sold some gold yesterday .
              Most folks are good; a few aren't.


              • #8
                Re: Gold Big Sell-off Coming, or Not?

                Originally posted by ThePythonicCow View Post
                Thanks - I sold some gold yesterday .
                No problem. If anyone has some prime Spanish real estate to sell, please get in touch...


                • #9
                  Re: Gold Big Sell-off Coming, or Not?

                  I don't hold Gold. It is annoying like an old aunt- BUT
                  Look into the Future - you have a little problem that is not going away any time soon, that being your ever increasing debt ceiling. You have reached the point where you have to print because you can't earn enough to pay your outgoings. this equates to applying for an additional credit card to keep food on the table and paying the minimum monthly on the others to leave cash available to pay for "incidentals" such as health care, fuel to get to work, clothes, power, school fees, rates, 401's, insurances, rent ( or rent equivalent) et all.
                  You are in fact no different from the average Family. Your Family has lived beyond your available means for so long that now, when the "overtime" has been cut you find it impossible to make ends meet without borrowing against the future to keep yourself from penury.
                  This will inevitably leave you with few options.
                  The best option is to cut expenditures you don't need and sell off the "assets" that you don't want to survive. But how the children will whine.
                  To keep the peace you will pretend and hope it will fix itself (it won't)
                  Gold is the equivalent of your aged aunts assets. Its value to you increases in inverse proportion to your debts.
                  Have a little faith in Time - as you go deeper into debt - her stash gets ever valuable. She is Old but she ain't in debt and never was, as she has lived within her means. The Old bitch never understood "gearing" but if the truth was known, she did and more than you know.
                  Hope this helps in a weird way - BTW Thunder has quietly been preparing - Have you?
                  May you live in interesting times.


                  • #10
                    Re: Gold Big Sell-off Coming, or Not?

                    can you guys read? i am not asking the political, historical, philosophical, or economical and financial problems the US of A facing. i AM asking the question of if the huge short positions of the bullion banks will overwhelm the SPECULATIVE positions of little gold bugs scattered around the world in the SHORT TERM!!!

                    now smarten up and try again-read the charts, study the data, and then tell me the exact answers, PLEASE!!! it should be simple: up or down, and by how much.
                    Last edited by skyson; January 22, 2010, 09:49 PM.


                    • #11
                      Re: Gold Big Sell-off Coming, or Not?

                      Originally posted by skyson View Post
                      can you guys read? i am not asking the political, historical, philosophical, or economical and financial problems the US of A facing. i AM asking the question of if the huge short positions of the bullion banks will overwhelm the SPECULATIVE positions of little gold bugs scattered around the world in the SHORT TERM!!!

                      now smarten up and try again-read the charts, study the data, and then tell me the exact answers, PLEASE!!! it should be simple: up or down, and by how much.
                      You asking paper or physical.

                      Cause ANYTHING can happen in paper, SOME of us bet that physical will be the last thing standing.


                      • #12
                        Re: Gold Big Sell-off Coming, or Not?

                        A big sell-off is only likely to come if gold sees a weekly close below $970. Unless/until that happens, this is not likely to be anything more than a normal intermediate term correction.

                        Weekly gold chart updated through today's weekly close:



                        • #13
                          Re: Gold Big Sell-off Coming, or Not?

                          Originally posted by skyson View Post
                          can you guys read? i am not asking the political, historical, philosophical, or economical and financial problems the US of A facing. i AM asking the question of if the huge short positions of the bullion banks will overwhelm the SPECULATIVE positions of little gold bugs scattered around the world in the SHORT TERM!!!

                          now smarten up and try again-read the charts, study the data, and then tell me the exact answers, PLEASE!!! it should be simple: up or down, and by how much.
                          Read the attachment. It was written by Ross Clark, the technical analyst for Institutional Advisors.
                          He's one smart inhabitant of "The Great White North" (Canada) and is right far more often than he's wrong.

                          Attached Files


                          • #14
                            Re: Gold Big Sell-off Coming, or Not?

                            Q: Why did gold rally to 1200 from 950?
                            A: Stocks slowed down, or got toppy so flush money managers chased a trend, that trend was gold, silver, copper (metals)..Money mangers were flush because nothing was going down and the public was sending monies into funds (late in the trend as usual).

                            RISK: The same dumb public who entered the market late, see the market go down 10 % to 20 % and will be in the red, so they want monies back via fund redemption process...funds have to be raise monies to pay these redemptions so there is contagion selling to pay these bills..this gold will be sold, etc...


                            • #15
                              Re: Gold Big Sell-off Coming, or Not?

                              Originally posted by skyson View Post
                              can you guys read? i am not asking the political, historical, philosophical, or economical and financial problems the US of A facing. i AM asking the question of if the huge short positions of the bullion banks will overwhelm the SPECULATIVE positions of little gold bugs scattered around the world in the SHORT TERM!!!

                              now smarten up and try again-read the charts, study the data, and then tell me the exact answers, PLEASE!!! it should be simple: up or down, and by how much.
                              You need to respect opinion of the well-connected insiders with some political clout. If they pay a certain price, it is likely to hold. I doubt, India's Central Bank is as stupid as Gordon Brown for pure cultural reasons. India is not UK and traditionally deals in massive amounts of gold. Their purchase at $1045/oz is a good indicator. IMHO, it will be some serious resistance level. In this case I agree with Jim Sinclair, the gold shorts are no match for foreign central banks. Russia, India, China will gladly swallow any amount of gold the shorts are ready to sell.

                              P.S. It looks like this purchase increased RBI gold's share of foreign reserves from 4% to 6%. I am sure, they would want to buy more at the same price or close to it.

