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Soon They'll Be Everywhere

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  • Soon They'll Be Everywhere

    Jan. 13: "The future of the electric automobile is assured, not only in San Francisco, but throughout the state, and all along the Pacific Coast," says John H. Eagal, manager of the automobile department of the Studebaker San Francisco branch. "The past few months have seen an increase in the demand for the electric cars that has been surprising to manufacturers all over the country. Such has been the demand that factories have been compelled to increase the output of these cars from 1,000 to 2,000 per year. The economy of maintaining such vehicles is unquestionable. The Studebaker design is unique in that it does not require the owner to carry along with him a power plant and battery vastly in excess of requirements, in order to meet conditions which may occur once or twice a year."

    SF Chronicle (1910)