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Obama faces a new challenger

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  • Obama faces a new challenger

    Charles is, Well know, for small goverment, freedom of expression.....& lets face has killed a hell of a lot less people!


  • #2
    Re: Obama faces a new challenger

    I just might vote for Obama, especially after reading that the South still clings to its racist politics. Better Obama than the rightwing idiots from the South running the country again. (It's a no-brainer.)

    But I despise the green agenda of the Obama Administration, also the pro-inflation (pro-Bernanke) agenda of the Obama Administration, also the inability of the Obama Administration to pass national health insurance, also the naivity of the Obama Administration in dealing with radical Islamists. Even so, after reading this article about Southern politics (published in The Guardian) I will vote for Obama again..... He is the under-dog, and Americans like me admire an under-dog that triumphs, despite the odds stacked against him.


    • #3
      Re: Obama faces a new challenger

      Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post
      I just might vote for Obama, especially after reading that the South still clings to its racist politics. Better Obama than the rightwing idiots from the South running the country again. (It's a no-brainer.)

      But I despise the green agenda of the Obama Administration, also the pro-inflation (pro-Bernanke) agenda of the Obama Administration, also the inability of the Obama Administration to pass national health insurance, also the naivity of the Obama Administration in dealing with radical Islamists. Even so, after reading this article about Southern politics (published in The Guardian) I will vote for Obama again..... He is the under-dog, and Americans like me admire an under-dog that triumphs, despite the odds stacked against him.
      Better voting for this dipshit than that dipshit. Awesome voting policy, keep up the good work.

      Poor underdog millionaire my @$$.


      • #4
        Re: Obama faces a new challenger

        A rather important footnote to this story was also in The Guardian on Monday, January 4th: President Obama hung in effigy in Plains, Georgia over the preceding weekend. Again, as amazing as it may seem, the issue of race in the election and re-election of Obama still has play in the South.

        And the attitude of the whites in the South is that these effigy hangings are isolated incidents which do not reflect how Southerners feel. (Probably true.) But the fact remains that these effigy hangings continue sporadically in the South, and no-one in the South really says very much about them, except that they make the South look bad.

        For example, you don't hear a word from Southerners about the need for change in America. You don't even hear Southerners reflecting upon why their region is so resistent to change. You don't hear a word about the nationalistic school curriculum still taught in America's public schools, especially in the South. You don't even hear a word of praise for Obama and for his outstanding achievement: becoming the nation's first black President..... It is as if nothing positive has happened and that maybe something really negative (really "un-American") has happened or is going to happen. (Therefore, it is time to stockpile more ammo and buy another gun.)

        And Southerners seem to have their own code which they use to communicate with one-another. Some examples: "the good ol' days" meaning the days before de-segregation in the South; "the folks" meaning, the rural white people from around the South; "the baby-killers" meaning, pro-choice liberals; "basic skills" meaning, English-only and phonics; "national standards" meaning, timed standardized-testing of so-called "basic skills"; "accountable education" meaning, teaching to standardized-tests; "the best healthcare system in the world" meaning, America's private (for-profit) healthcare system, "Constitutional rights" meaning especially, the right to tote guns around and flaunt weaponry, etc. Other code words used in the red states: "tea parties", "make my day laws", "thinning the population on death row","drug control", "border control", "un-American", "Hussein Obama", "foreign-born", "globalists", "liberals", "socialists", "trilateralist", et. al.
        Last edited by Starving Steve; January 17, 2010, 11:49 PM.


        • #5
          Re: Obama faces a new challenger

          Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post
          A rather important footnote to this story was also in The Guardian on Monday, January 4th: President Obama hung in effigy in Plains, Georgia over the preceding weekend. Again, as amazing as it may seem, the issue of race in the election and re-election of Obama still has play in the South.

          And the attitude of the whites in the South is that these effigy hangings are isolated incidents which do not reflect how Southerners feel. (Probably true.) But the fact remains that these effigy hangings continue sporadically in the South, and no-one in the South really says very much about them, except that they make the South look bad.

          For example, you don't hear a word from Southerners about the need for change in America. You don't even hear Southerners reflecting upon why their region is so resistent to change. You don't hear a word about the nationalistic school curriculum still taught in America's public schools, especially in the South. You don't even hear a word of praise for Obama and for his outstanding achievement: becoming the nation's first black President..... It is as if nothing positive has happened and that maybe something really negative (really "un-American") has happened or is going to happen. (Therefore, it is time to stockpile more ammo and buy another gun.)

          And Southerners seem to have their own code which they use to communicate with one-another. Some examples: "the good ol' days" meaning the days before de-segregation in the South; "the folks" meaning, the rural white people from around the South; "the baby-killers" meaning, pro-choice liberals; "basic skills" meaning, English-only and phonics; "national standards" meaning, timed standardized-testing of so-called "basic skills"; "accountable education" meaning, teaching to standardized-tests; "the best healthcare system in the world" meaning, America's private (for-profit) healthcare system, "Constitutional rights" meaning especially, the right to tote guns around and flaunt weaponry, etc. Other code words used in the red states: "tea parties", "make my day laws", "thinning the population on death row","drug control", "border control", "un-American", "Hussein Obama", "foreign-born", "globalists", "liberals", "socialists", "trilateralist", et. al.
          When my business partner (he is Haitian) told me he was relocating down south to South Carolina, I had a frank talk with him about my "northerners" perspective of what the south was all about....which he told me he was well aware of.

          My concern was that he was a very dynamic, successful man who may rub some idiot the wrong way. But he also reminded me of all the very subtle discrimination he faced here in the north, as well, in our case from a few people at a previous employer we both worked at, these people well-heeled members of the liberal left (Not saying this to step on anyone's toes, it's just the truth), and that to him it wasn't a big difference.

          The isolated idiots of the south doing such things are not any worse than such idiots doing similar acts elsewhere!


          • #6
            Re: Obama faces a new challenger

            Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post
            A rather important footnote to this story was also in The Guardian on Monday, January 4th: President Obama hung in effigy in Plains, Georgia over the preceding weekend. Again, as amazing as it may seem, the issue of race in the election and re-election of Obama still has play in the South.

            And the attitude of the whites in the South is that these effigy hangings are isolated incidents which do not reflect how Southerners feel. (Probably true.) But the fact remains that these effigy hangings continue sporadically in the South, and no-one in the South really says very much about them, except that they make the South look bad.

            For example, you don't hear a word from Southerners about the need for change in America. You don't even hear Southerners reflecting upon why their region is so resistent to change. You don't hear a word about the nationalistic school curriculum still taught in America's public schools, especially in the South. You don't even hear a word of praise for Obama and for his outstanding achievement: becoming the nation's first black President..... It is as if nothing positive has happened and that maybe something really negative (really "un-American") has happened or is going to happen. (Therefore, it is time to stockpile more ammo and buy another gun.)

            And Southerners seem to have their own code which they use to communicate with one-another. Some examples: "the good ol' days" meaning the days before de-segregation in the South; "the folks" meaning, the rural white people from around the South; "the baby-killers" meaning, pro-choice liberals; "basic skills" meaning, English-only and phonics; "national standards" meaning, timed standardized-testing of so-called "basic skills"; "accountable education" meaning, teaching to standardized-tests; "the best healthcare system in the world" meaning, America's private (for-profit) healthcare system, "Constitutional rights" meaning especially, the right to tote guns around and flaunt weaponry, etc. Other code words used in the red states: "tea parties", "make my day laws", "thinning the population on death row","drug control", "border control", "un-American", "Hussein Obama", "foreign-born", "globalists", "liberals", "socialists", "trilateralist", et. al.
            I.m a southerner man and you are just full of crap!



            • #7
              Re: Obama faces a new challenger

              Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post
              A rather important footnote to this story was also in The Guardian on Monday, January 4th: President Obama hung in effigy in Plains, Georgia over the preceding weekend. Again, as amazing as it may seem, the issue of race in the election and re-election of Obama still has play in the South.

              And the attitude of the whites in the South is that these effigy hangings are isolated incidents which do not reflect how Southerners feel. (Probably true.) But the fact remains that these effigy hangings continue sporadically in the South, and no-one in the South really says very much about them, except that they make the South look bad.

              For example, you don't hear a word from Southerners about the need for change in America. You don't even hear Southerners reflecting upon why their region is so resistent to change. You don't hear a word about the nationalistic school curriculum still taught in America's public schools, especially in the South. You don't even hear a word of praise for Obama and for his outstanding achievement: becoming the nation's first black President..... It is as if nothing positive has happened and that maybe something really negative (really "un-American") has happened or is going to happen. (Therefore, it is time to stockpile more ammo and buy another gun.)

              And Southerners seem to have their own code which they use to communicate with one-another. Some examples: "the good ol' days" meaning the days before de-segregation in the South; "the folks" meaning, the rural white people from around the South; "the baby-killers" meaning, pro-choice liberals; "basic skills" meaning, English-only and phonics; "national standards" meaning, timed standardized-testing of so-called "basic skills"; "accountable education" meaning, teaching to standardized-tests; "the best healthcare system in the world" meaning, America's private (for-profit) healthcare system, "Constitutional rights" meaning especially, the right to tote guns around and flaunt weaponry, etc. Other code words used in the red states: "tea parties", "make my day laws", "thinning the population on death row","drug control", "border control", "un-American", "Hussein Obama", "foreign-born", "globalists", "liberals", "socialists", "trilateralist", et. al.


              Maybe we should become more like you northerners.

              See Below -- How quickly some forget!

              The Henry Louis Gates Affair: When Race Matters

              By Ta-Nehisi CoatesThursday, Jul. 30, 2009

              ENLARGE PHOTO+
              The director of Harvard University's W.E.B. DuBois Institute for African and African American Research, is accusing the Cambridge police of racism after he was arrested while trying to force open the front door of his home last week.
              BCarter / Demotix

              • 76Share
              One of the most telling, and overlooked, aspects of the brouhaha over the arrest of Henry Louis Gates Jr. is the particular cast of Gates' defenders. There was Deval Patrick, the fresh-faced black governor of Massachusetts, who called the arrest "every black man's nightmare." There was Vernon Jordan, noting that the event "tells us that the election of Barack Obama did not automatically erase racism." There was former Congressman Harold Ford, moderate to a fault, passionately insisting that once Sergeant James Crowley realized Gates had not broken into his own home, the officer should have said, "I'm sorry you're upset, sir. We're going to leave." And then, of course, there was the President of the United States, asserting that the Cambridge, Mass., police acted "stupidly." (See pictures of Henry Louis Gates Jr.)
              There were also the old standbys — Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. But by and large, this was not the sort of group you'd expect to see leading a Jena Six rally. Gates himself is more a Cosby conservative than a rabble-rouser; he once wrote, "Are white racists forcing black teenagers to drop out of school or to have babies?" And though he studies race for a living, he's not particularly interested in being divisive or controversial. In short, he's one of the last people you'd expect to be led off his front porch in bracelets after reportedly yelling, "This is what happens to black men in America." (Watch TIME's video "10 Questions for Henry Louis Gates Jr.")
              There has been a temptation to use the Gates arrest as a metaphor for the plight of all black people. And yet much of what we think of as "black issues" doesn't really affect most black people. We too easily conflate the words disproportionate and majority. While a disproportionate number of black males are in prison, the majority of us have no experience with hard time. Black people are overrepresented in the ranks of impoverished Americans — but most of us are not poor. Affirmative action may ignite all sorts of racial tensions — but a lot of black people will never apply to a college where such a program exists. What we often term "black issues" are really "American issues" that affect an uncomfortably large number of black people. For activists looking to rally around race, this has presented a problem over the past few decades: there simply is no single issue that unites blacks with the visceral power of segregation and its accompanying "Whites Only" sign. (Read an article by Gates: "Black Creativity: On the Cutting Edge.")
              Mistreatment by the police, however, remains a shared experience for many African Americans. And it's members of the black upper class — people like Gates and Obama and Ford, black America's most credentialed social stratum — who are most sensitive to overzealous policing and racial profiling. When it comes to encounters with law enforcement, they are uniquely aware of how quickly their accolades can be rendered irrelevant. (Read "The Gates Case: When Disorderly Conduct Is a Cop's Judgment Call.")
              It would never occur to me, or most black people I know, to offer a police officer a lecture on race or to say, as Gates is alleged to have said, "You don't know who you're messing with." For the most part, we're trained by our mothers to hand over ID, answer all questions politely and keep our hands where they can be seen. But for blacks who've made it to the upper echelons of American society, those old lessons chafe, and you tire of wearing the mask of deference. Moreover, members of the black upper class tend to inhabit places where they stick out. They work with colleagues who, if only for statistical reasons, don't have to worry about being confused with a suspect. They live in neighborhoods where they might be the only people of color on the block. This sense of insecurity, of not quite being at home, coupled with the unwillingness of an agent of the state to explain why he's on your property, might lead even the mellowest among us to see shadowy intentions in what probably was just sloppy police work. And it might lead an otherwise even-tempered President to call the police out in exactly those terms. (Read TIME's 1994 review of Gates' book Colored People.)
              Obama, in all likelihood, has had similar experiences with the police, exchanges in which he was left with the impression that his Ivy League pedigree could take him only so far. And so it's unfortunate that he felt unable to continue to express what he truly felt. He was forced to revise and turn what was an objectively true statement — that it's stupid to arrest a man in his own house for being rude — into a vague "teachable moment" about nothing particular. Then he invited Gates and Crowley to the White House for beers.
              This is deflating. If the rest of the country is too immature for some straight talk about the relationship between blacks and the police, delivered by our most accomplished and temperate diplomats, then the prospects for a broader dialogue about race are not good. I doubt that small talk over Heinekens will make things any better.

              Read more:,8599,1913438,00.html#ixzz0d198SNKo


              • #8
                Re: Obama faces a new challenger

                Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post
                A rather important footnote to this story was also in The Guardian on Monday, January 4th: President Obama hung in effigy in Plains, Georgia over the preceding weekend. Again, as amazing as it may seem, the issue of race in the election and re-election of Obama still has play in the South.

                And the attitude of the whites in the South is that these effigy hangings are isolated incidents which do not reflect how Southerners feel. (Probably true.) But the fact remains that these effigy hangings continue sporadically in the South, and no-one in the South really says very much about them, except that they make the South look bad.

                For example, you don't hear a word from Southerners about the need for change in America. You don't even hear Southerners reflecting upon why their region is so resistent to change. You don't hear a word about the nationalistic school curriculum still taught in America's public schools, especially in the South. You don't even hear a word of praise for Obama and for his outstanding achievement: becoming the nation's first black President..... It is as if nothing positive has happened and that maybe something really negative (really "un-American") has happened or is going to happen. (Therefore, it is time to stockpile more ammo and buy another gun.)

                And Southerners seem to have their own code which they use to communicate with one-another. Some examples: "the good ol' days" meaning the days before de-segregation in the South; "the folks" meaning, the rural white people from around the South; "the baby-killers" meaning, pro-choice liberals; "basic skills" meaning, English-only and phonics; "national standards" meaning, timed standardized-testing of so-called "basic skills"; "accountable education" meaning, teaching to standardized-tests; "the best healthcare system in the world" meaning, America's private (for-profit) healthcare system, "Constitutional rights" meaning especially, the right to tote guns around and flaunt weaponry, etc. Other code words used in the red states: "tea parties", "make my day laws", "thinning the population on death row","drug control", "border control", "un-American", "Hussein Obama", "foreign-born", "globalists", "liberals", "socialists", "trilateralist", et. al.

                What a pompous arrogant asshat you are. Plain-spoken, well-defined words of the English language-which is the only common language of the nation-have another, wholly different meaning just because you say so. So you're some sort of self-appointed High Commissioner of the English language, eh?
                Hanging a politician in effigy, which has been done for generations and done to all sorts of public figures, has some new and utterly unique hostile
                implication because its' done to a biracial politician in this case. Obama is genetically and biologically as 'white' as he is 'black', so perhaps he was hung in effigy by 'blacks' or by guilt-addled, self-loathing 'whites' trying to make up for some delusional sense of past wrong doing.Or perhaps you're so consumed by ignorance and loathing of a significant section of this country's population you can't grasp the idea that applying equal manners of abuse to all political figures is actually the only nonracial standard and is opposed only by those who leech off playing the racialist card and the shriveled self-loathing sect of 'whites'.Obama self-identifies as black because it makes it easier for him to win elections by offering stupid guilt-trippers like yourself a chance to 'make history' or bring about 'hope and change', instead of realizing the man has zero record of real world accomplishment. And this last is a 'bipartisan' condition. often invoked by 'veterans'(who never left the territory of the 50 states) or 'businesspeople'(who took a fancy title at some corporate bureaucracy and used their family connections to get said bureaucracy a sweet deal at least partly on the taxpayers dime). You're a useless fool whose contribution to the nation is wholly destructive.


                • #9
                  Re: Obama faces a new challenger

                  Originally posted by Rantly McTirade View Post
                  What a pompous arrogant asshat you are. Plain-spoken, well-defined words of the English language-which is the only common language of the nation-have another, wholly different meaning just because you say so. So you're some sort of self-appointed High Commissioner of the English language, eh?
                  Hanging a politician in effigy, which has been done for generations and done to all sorts of public figures, has some new and utterly unique hostile
                  implication because its' done to a biracial politician in this case. Obama is genetically and biologically as 'white' as he is 'black', so perhaps he was hung in effigy by 'blacks' or by guilt-addled, self-loathing 'whites' trying to make up for some delusional sense of past wrong doing.Or perhaps you're so consumed by ignorance and loathing of a significant section of this country's population you can't grasp the idea that applying equal manners of abuse to all political figures is actually the only nonracial standard and is opposed only by those who leech off playing the racialist card and the shriveled self-loathing sect of 'whites'.Obama self-identifies as black because it makes it easier for him to win elections by offering stupid guilt-trippers like yourself a chance to 'make history' or bring about 'hope and change', instead of realizing the man has zero record of real world accomplishment. And this last is a 'bipartisan' condition. often invoked by 'veterans'(who never left the territory of the 50 states) or 'businesspeople'(who took a fancy title at some corporate bureaucracy and used their family connections to get said bureaucracy a sweet deal at least partly on the taxpayers dime). You're a useless fool whose contribution to the nation is wholly destructive.
                  May I remind you that effigy hangings and lynch mobs were a fact of life in the rural South, for more than a century after the Civil War? Ever hear of the night-riders of the KKK?

                  The South is not the only part of America with a racist history, but while the rest of America wants to re-invent itself, the South does not.... Why is that?

                  As for English-only: May I remind you that California is half Spanish-speaking, and half of those who don't speak a fluent Spanish are learning Spanish at work or by taking courses at night? Maybe it is time for Southerners to learn another language beside English, so that the South might join the rest of the world and prosper?;)


                  • #10
                    Re: Obama faces a new challenger

                    Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post
                    A rather important footnote to this story was also in The Guardian on Monday, January 4th: President Obama hung in effigy in Plains, Georgia over the preceding weekend. Again, as amazing as it may seem, the issue of race in the election and re-election of Obama still has play in the South.

                    And the attitude of the whites in the South is that these effigy hangings are isolated incidents which do not reflect how Southerners feel. (Probably true.) But the fact remains that these effigy hangings continue sporadically in the South, and no-one in the South really says very much about them, except that they make the South look bad.

                    For example, you don't hear a word from Southerners about the need for change in America. You don't even hear Southerners reflecting upon why their region is so resistent to change. You don't hear a word about the nationalistic school curriculum still taught in America's public schools, especially in the South. You don't even hear a word of praise for Obama and for his outstanding achievement: becoming the nation's first black President..... It is as if nothing positive has happened and that maybe something really negative (really "un-American") has happened or is going to happen. (Therefore, it is time to stockpile more ammo and buy another gun.)

                    And Southerners seem to have their own code which they use to communicate with one-another. Some examples: "the good ol' days" meaning the days before de-segregation in the South; "the folks" meaning, the rural white people from around the South; "the baby-killers" meaning, pro-choice liberals; "basic skills" meaning, English-only and phonics; "national standards" meaning, timed standardized-testing of so-called "basic skills"; "accountable education" meaning, teaching to standardized-tests; "the best healthcare system in the world" meaning, America's private (for-profit) healthcare system, "Constitutional rights" meaning especially, the right to tote guns around and flaunt weaponry, etc. Other code words used in the red states: "tea parties", "make my day laws", "thinning the population on death row","drug control", "border control", "un-American", "Hussein Obama", "foreign-born", "globalists", "liberals", "socialists", "trilateralist", et. al.
                    I don't much about or experienced racism in USA though I am non-white. I once talked to a Black Person - Apartment Property Manager that he was moving from Boston Area to North carolina. I asked him - is there racism there for Black people ? He told me that people in the south are up front in their love or racism unlike people in Boston who always have a hidden racism. That is why he likes South. First time I heard such a logic and he is grew up in the South.

                    Anyway this is off topic from the thread.


                    • #11
                      Re: Obama faces a new challenger

                      Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post
                      May I remind you that effigy hangings and lynch mobs were a fact of life in the rural South, for more than a century after the Civil War? Ever hear of the night-riders of the KKK?

                      The South is not the only part of America with a racist history, but while the rest of America wants to re-invent itself, the South does not.... Why is that?

                      As for English-only: May I remind you that California is half Spanish-speaking, and half of those who don't speak a fluent Spanish are learning Spanish at work or by taking courses at night? Maybe it is time for Southerners to learn another language beside English, so that the South might join the rest of the world and prosper?;)
                      'The rest of America wants to reinvent itself'-according to who, you again? Your presumption and arrogance are simply amazing, especially as you shill for patently stupid and destructive actions.Are you so delusional that you believe you anywhere close to support from a majority of Americans for that suicidal ignorance you espouse. California is bankrupt and an immense failure,due partly to an influx of low skilled non-English speaking illegals, and yet you somehow find it amodel to cite. Yes it is a model of the stupidity of multiculturalism, which you seem to have a pathological need to pimp here. Far more dangerous to the nation than illegals are the self-hating fools who enable them and many other destructive-no,treasonous-actions.Your sort is a bigger, more real threat to the future of the nation than OBL and his ilk. And, asshole, I don't live in the South.


                      • #12
                        Re: Obama faces a new challenger

                        Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post
                        May I remind you that effigy hangings and lynch mobs were a fact of life in the rural South, for more than a century after the Civil War? Ever hear of the night-riders of the KKK?

                        The South is not the only part of America with a racist history, but while the rest of America wants to re-invent itself, the South does not.... Why is that?

                        As for English-only: May I remind you that California is half Spanish-speaking, and half of those who don't speak a fluent Spanish are learning Spanish at work or by taking courses at night? Maybe it is time for Southerners to learn another language beside English, so that the South might join the rest of the world and prosper?;)
                        Steve -- have you lived in the South? Having lived both in the South and North (and currently living in Virginia) I found racism (and generally bigotry) worse in the North (note: my personal experience -- your mileage may vary)

                        There are "good 'ole boys" (and girls) everywhere. Personally, these days I see much more class discrimination than race-based.

                        And your generalizations based upon events two generations back, don't help. The language comment doesn't add anything (and my wife and I are both bilingual -- so stuff it)


                        • #13
                          Re: Obama faces a new challenger

                          Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post
                          May I remind you that effigy hangings and lynch mobs were a fact of life in the rural South, for more than a century after the Civil War? Ever hear of the night-riders of the KKK?

                          The South is not the only part of America with a racist history, but while the rest of America wants to re-invent itself, the South does not.... Why is that?

                          As for English-only: May I remind you that California is half Spanish-speaking, and half of those who don't speak a fluent Spanish are learning Spanish at work or by taking courses at night? Maybe it is time for Southerners to learn another language beside English, so that the South might join the rest of the world and prosper?;)
                          Jesus, are you ever an bigot.

                          Is there another people on earth you despise as much as you despise white southerners? The contempt drips from your words.

                          Southerners have just as much right to want to see their culture, language, and way of life continue as any other identity group on earth. If they don't learn to speak the language of illegal alien colonists elbowing their way into our lands, insisting we accomodate them with free education, free emergency health care, and government and schooling conducted in their home language, that somehow makes southerners contemptible. Would you say the same if white people were flooding into Latin America, demanding that Latin America change to accomodate them? No. You'd say it was a tragic loss of "diversity" and that it threatened authentic indigenous cultures or something like that. But if white southerners just want to be left alone to live their lives, that makes them hateful, contemptible, viscious idiots in your eyes.

                          And I would give you 2-1 odds that any effigy of Obama burned anywhere in this country was burned by a black person trying to impersonate a white bigot in order to stir up resentment. I'm sure you don't see the news about that sort of thing in your Air America/Olbermann/Maddow news bubble, but it happens time and time again - some racist thing is scrawled on a black person's office door or wall or something and it turns out it was a black person who did it.


                          • #14
                            Re: Obama faces a new challenger

                            Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post
                            May I remind you that effigy hangings and lynch mobs were a fact of life in the rural South, for more than a century after the Civil War? Ever hear of the night-riders of the KKK?

                            The South is not the only part of America with a racist history, but while the rest of America wants to re-invent itself, the South does not.... Why is that?

                            As for English-only: May I remind you that California is half Spanish-speaking, and half of those who don't speak a fluent Spanish are learning Spanish at work or by taking courses at night? Maybe it is time for Southerners to learn another language beside English, so that the South might join the rest of the world and prosper?;)
                            Help me with this steve. What areas in America are the South. Then tell me the top three issues in the other place that they are focusing on to redefine themselves.

                            Thank You



                            • #15
                              Re: Obama faces a new challenger

                              Originally posted by jpatter666 View Post
                              Steve -- have you lived in the South? Having lived both in the South and North (and currently living in Virginia) I found racism (and generally bigotry) worse in the North (note: my personal experience -- your mileage may vary)

                              There are "good 'ole boys" (and girls) everywhere. Personally, these days I see much more class discrimination than race-based.

                              And your generalizations based upon events two generations back, don't help. The language comment doesn't add anything (and my wife and I are both bilingual -- so stuff it)
                              I agree. I grew up in Pittsburgh and have lived in Boston, Columbus, Davis Caifornia, Baltimore, Memphis, Raleigh and now in the mountains on NC. The racism up north is far worse than I have seen here in the South. My Father (whom I loved greatly) and many of my Northern friends are very very racist. Steve is certainly not writing from personal experience.

