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An interesting health care reform proposal from the Naked Economist

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  • An interesting health care reform proposal from the Naked Economist

    On the cost side, the basic challenges of health care are fivefold:
    1: Each one of us wants as much care as is technologically possible.
    2: What is technologically possible keeps expanding, and the new medical options are almost always more expensive than the older options. (This is why health care is so much more of a problem now than it was in 1960; the system was broken then, too, but there were fewer ways to squander money.)
    3: For any particular medical treatment, someone else usually pays the bill, whether it is the government (Medicare and Medicaid) or an insurance company. The patient has little incentive to mind the costs or even to ask how much something will cost. Of course, we all end up sharing those health care bills in the long run. The effect is like going out to dinner with a large group and splitting the bill. Each one of us orders the steak and lobster and then wonders why the bill was so high.
    4: Some expensive medical treatments are remarkably effective. Others have little impact on health. The current system does a remarkably poor job of separating one from the other. In fact, some procedures, such as screening healthy people for rare diseases, may actually do more harm than good because they are likely to generate false positives that lead to expensive and unnecessary follow-up procedures.
    5: Medical treatments are prescribed by doctors, who have an incentive to act aggressively, both because they earn more money by doing more procedures, but also because doing everything that is medically possible helps to protect them from getting sued.
    Add it all up. Your doctor, or more likely, multiple doctors, have an incentive to practice lots of medicine, whether the costs are justified by the outcomes or not. You, the consumer, are willing to undergo just about anything that is medically possible, no matter how much it costs, because you won't see the bulk of the bill. And even if you were to pay the bill, you would likely to listen to your doctor (who earns more by doing more) because he or she knows a lot more about medicine than you do.
    This is not a recipe for responsible spending.
    So here is my straightforward treatment. Congress should create a semi-autonomous Health Care Review Board, kind of like the Federal Reserve Board in terms of its independence, that gathers data on the cost and effectiveness of different medical procedures. The board would be made up of doctors, public health experts, economists and so on.
    The British government already does this. It has an organization called NICE -- National Institute for Clinical Excellence -- that is "responsible for providing national guidance on promoting good health and preventing and treating ill health." That's a fancy way of saying that NICE determines what things the British health care system will pay for and what it won't.
    But before I get a bunch of screaming e-mails about "death panels," let me make one thing clear -- the Health Care Review Board that I am proposing would have no authority to make anyone do anything or not do anything. Nada.
    So what's the point? The Health Care Review Board would use its information and expertise to define every medical procedure in one of the following ways:
    Effective: Based on existing data, this medical test or procedure is likely to have some positive impact on your health, though that effect could be quite small.
    Cost effective: Not only has this test or procedure been proven clinically effective, but the benefits of the treatment are likely to exceed its costs. The distinction between effective and cost effective is crucial to the health care discussion. A drug for pancreatic cancer that costs $400,000 and prolongs life by an average of two weeks is effective, since it does improve outcomes, but it's not cost effective.
    To get your mind around the concept of "cost effective," think about the following exercise. Suppose I offered you a choice today -- while you are presumably healthy -- between $400,000 and an extra two weeks of life at some point. Most people would take the $400,000. We don't have unlimited resources. The best way to get excellent health outcomes at an affordable long term cost is to channel our resources to the kinds of medical care that have the most pronounced impact on health.
    Ineffective: These are things that we should not be doing, such as screening healthy 22-year-olds for prostate cancer, even if your doctor says so.
    Why bother with all of this, if the Health Care Review Board has no authority to do anything other than put medical procedures in different categories?
    Because once that information is credible and available, the market will take over. Using the information described above, the Health Care Review Board can define three different kinds of private health plans, regardless of what company is offering them.
    Plan A: The Cadillac. If you subscribe to this plan (and pay the hefty premiums), you will get any health care your doctor may recommend, whether it is cost effective or not. In fact, it doesn't even have to have any proven medical benefits. Do you want to be screened for prostate cancer at age 23? Go for it. If your doctor says it's a good idea, this insurance plan will cover it. By the way, what I've just described is not only "Plan A," it is also a reasonable description of the current U.S. health care system, which is why we spend so much and get mixed results.
    Plan B: The Toyota Camry. This plan covers any medical procedure deemed effective by the best available empirical evidence. If the data support a treatment, this insurance plan must cover it, which guarantees that you will get care that works. Insurance companies can't deny coverage for things that are expensive but well worth the cost, such as organ transplants, life-saving drugs and so on. On the other hand, this plan will say "no," or at least "not as much." No expensive treatments without proven benefits. Fewer diagnostics and tests for healthy people. No end-of-life care that is not justified by its cost. For example, you won't get a hip replacement at age 93.
    Other: Any insurance company can offer any other plan that they want, at any price. In fact, no company is obligated to offer either Plan A or Plan B, though once these standard options are clearly defined by an objective outside body, I suspect there will be strong market pressure to do so.

  • #2
    Re: An interesting health care reform proposal from the Naked Economist

    1. Anyone that wants as much health care as possible is a nut.

    2. Next time you go to a doctor, ask him what the visit will cost. My experience is most don't know.

    The system needs to come up with a table of allowances for injuries, including death, and pay them off. Take malpractice out of the system.

    Take profit motives out of what health care costs with insurance and hospitals. Right now, if there were never another advance with health care, there is enough knowledge to allow the population to keep expanding--which in itself is going to lead to disaster.

    Nationalize the whole system, educate providers at no cost based on their desire to help fellow man and their knowledge qualifications that would likely allow them to assimilate what is known in basic medical education. Pay students a livable wage and pay doctors livable wages.

    Computerize all medical records, open up research to allow more aggressive trials on humans.

    In the end we are all dead.
    Jim 69 y/o

    "...Texans...the lowest form of white man there is." Robert Duvall, as Al Sieber, in "Geronimo." (see "Location" for examples.)

    Dedicated to the idea that all people deserve a chance for a healthy productive life. B&M Gates Fdn.

    Good judgement comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgement. Unknown.


    • #3
      Re: An interesting health care reform proposal from the Naked Economist

      you are a medical guy right? That is why I listen to your opinions.

      One thing that most people don't put into the equation is quality of life issues. Yes I can get a prostrate exam at 23 for free, but ... do I really want one?? A lot of these diagnostic test still involve shoving pipes down my orifices, drinking mass quantities of vile liquids etc, taking a day off from work, or from a walk in the park. etc.

      Yes I can get a hip at 93, but do I want to undergo the surgery, the re-hab. my 85 year old mother in law has said no. She would rather use a walker than go through 6 months of rehab.

      I would really like this database. Especially for chronic conditions such as allergies, immuno problems etc. migraines, etc. etc. what works, what doesn't how much is it, what are the side effects. a lot of people do want to make good choices but there is no reliable, easily accessable refereed source. Go looking on the web for info and try and seperate the supplement people from the medical people good luck.

      And to Mr. Whelan's point technology has gone up by leaps and bounds, driving costs. 50 years ago a 60 ish person with a bad hip would have been given a cane and told to live with it. Now two new hips at 100K.
      At 65, probably a good investment, but still expensive.


      • #4
        Re: An interesting health care reform proposal from the Naked Economist

        Originally posted by charliebrown View Post
        you are a medical guy right? That is why I listen to your opinions.

        One thing that most people don't put into the equation is quality of life issues. Yes I can get a prostrate exam at 23 for free, but ... do I really want one?? A lot of these diagnostic test still involve shoving pipes down my orifices, drinking mass quantities of vile liquids etc, taking a day off from work, or from a walk in the park. etc.

        Yes I can get a hip at 93, but do I want to undergo the surgery, the re-hab. my 85 year old mother in law has said no. She would rather use a walker than go through 6 months of rehab.

        I would really like this database. Especially for chronic conditions such as allergies, immuno problems etc. migraines, etc. etc. what works, what doesn't how much is it, what are the side effects. a lot of people do want to make good choices but there is no reliable, easily accessable refereed source. Go looking on the web for info and try and seperate the supplement people from the medical people good luck.

        And to Mr. Whelan's point technology has gone up by leaps and bounds, driving costs. 50 years ago a 60 ish person with a bad hip would have been given a cane and told to live with it. Now two new hips at 100K.
        At 65, probably a good investment, but still expensive.
        I believe if you ask any physician what is the purpose of whatever they recommend, reflective ones, if not all, will say it is about quality of life, but what is quality of life if you go broke seeking it when there is no assurance whatsoever that what you pay will in fact result in something worth what it costs--it might, it might not, but the cost will likely be the same.

        The other thing that makes your mother-in-law wise is the consideration that a hip replacement is not a benign procedure in itself and even less so if one is 85. IMO smart people should be scared to death to be operated on for anything, but the average person I encountered for the most part in effect said "I don't care what you do, just knock me out." I think I read something like 100,000K die in the US receiving health care, and that the number is probably under reported. Anyone correct me if I'm off on that.

        I've got a mother in law dying of colon cancer right now having rejected chemotherapy when she was told it was inoperable. Wife was talking to her mom's doctor's nurse last week and nurse said they had three other patients diagnosed with terminal malignancies around the time as wife's mom, and all three have died though they all went down getting whatever treatment was offered. (Nurse could have been lying I suppose.) Wife's mom is not well, but her brain is still functioning, and she is staying at home with her family vs. running daily or every 2-3 days to get loaded up with more chemo and suffering whatever are the ill effects of that.

        Sad part to me is that my mother-in-law when she is ready cannot ask to be helped to die. Nah, freakin religions say people need to suffer all they can before going to heaven (or hell).

        I think everyone needs to think about just how much they are going to subject themselves to when it comes near the end of life. Since 58 I have been nearer to the end than the beginning for sure, and I am not gong to let doctors become whores in trying to save me from death.
        Jim 69 y/o

        "...Texans...the lowest form of white man there is." Robert Duvall, as Al Sieber, in "Geronimo." (see "Location" for examples.)

        Dedicated to the idea that all people deserve a chance for a healthy productive life. B&M Gates Fdn.

        Good judgement comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgement. Unknown.

