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401k/IRA Screw Job Coming?

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  • 401k/IRA Screw Job Coming?

    401k/IRA Screw Job Coming?
    Now this is a guaranteed rape job.

    In a short conversation this noontime that CNBC apparently has omitted from their archives (Why's that folks?) Rick Santelli was talking about a potential to effectively force money into the Treasury market.

    Where would they get this?

    From your 401k and IRA accounts!

    From Businessweek:

    The U.S. Treasury and Labor Departments will ask for public comment as soon as next week on ways to promote the conversion of 401(k) savings and Individual Retirement Accounts into annuities or other steady payment streams, according to Assistant Labor Secretary Phyllis C. Borzi and Deputy Assistant Treasury Secretary Mark Iwry, who are spearheading the effort.

    Let me tell you what this is - it is an attempt to prevent the collapse of the Treasury market!

    Forcing people into Treasuries as an "annuity" is exactly what Social Security allegedly is. Except that Treasury stole the money that was collected in FICA taxes and spent it!

    Guess what? They'll do that here too - you're going to "invest" in Treasuries which of course are effectively a CALL option on the future taxing ability of the government.

    The problem is that with an aging population and the immigrant problem (illegal immigrants that is), along with offshoring, the aggregate wage base will drop and thus this is the most dangerous investment of all!

    What's even worse is that the government has intentionally suppressed Treasury yields during this crisis (and will keep doing so by various means, including manipulating the CPI - the "inflation index" - as they have for the last 30 years) so as to guarantee that you lose over time compared to actual purchasing power.


    I have been talking about this for quite some time and recall writing a Ticker on it a year or more ago, although I can't find the entry immediately.

    Let me be clear:

    I have no quarrel with the government mandating that you have a choice in your IRA or 401k account to buy short-duration Treasuries - much like the "G" fund that government and civil-service workers have.

    But - "choices" have a funny way of turning into mandates, and this looks to me like a raw admission that Treasury knows it will not be able to sell its debt in the open market - so they will effectively tax you by forcing your "retirement" money to buy them!

    This may be the only way for Treasury to hold down interest rates to something reasonable in the intermediate term, but doing so will instantaneously remove a major source of funding for the stock market - that is, the monthly and quarterly inflows from retirement accounts.

    You can bet this won't be good for you, the ordinary American.

    You can also bet that once such an "option" is made available there is a very high probability of the government doing things that either promote or simply don't stand in the way of another stock market crash as a means of "herding" your money into Treasuries - so they can blow it - all under the guise of being allegedly "safe".

    Of course this begs the question - what if the government can't pay down the road when you retire, just as they can't pay on a forward basis with Social Security and Medicare?

    This "proposal" can only mean one thing - Treasury smells smoke. Maybe you should pay attention to what they're huffing!

    And before you say "oh they'd never do that" I want you to read this:

    Here is a warning to us all. The Argentine state is taking control of the country’s privately-managed pension funds in a drastic move to raise cash.


    My fear is that governments in the US, Britain, and Europe will display similar reflexes. Indeed, they have already done so. The forced-feeding of banks with fresh capital – whether they want it or not – and the seizure of the Fannie/Freddie mortgage giants before they were in fact in trouble (in order to prevent a Chinese buying strike of US bonds and prevent a spike in US mortgage rates), shows that private property can be co-opted – or eliminated – with little due process if that is required to serve the collective welfare.

    Any questions?

    PS: If the video shows up I'll update this ticker.... and if you're wondering what hammered the dollar starting at about 9:00 today, this is probably it. Such a "move" would free the government to further abuse the issuance of Treasuries rather than take necessary austerity steps and places us even further down the road toward a political and economic collapse.

  • #2
    Re: 401k/IRA Screw Job Coming?

    Who could have thunk?

    "Speaking about internal markets, bond crash means massive movement of cash between different asset classes. The gov’t can always restrain this movement (limit volume of trade, squeeze speculators, mandate bond purchases by the insurance companies and pension plans)."

    Now, try to guess what the next step will be?


    • #3
      Re: 401k/IRA Screw Job Coming?

      "...the western financial system has already failed. The failure has just not yet been realized, while the system remains confident that it is still alive." Jesse


      • #4
        Re: 401k/IRA Screw Job Coming?

        Analysis from Jesse's Cafe Americain on this topic.

        As a rule of thumb, the worst possible time to convert lump sum savings into a fixed income annuity would be when interest rates are historically low.

        Although products may vary, this is roughly equivalent to buying long term bonds at a time when interest rates are likely to increase, substantially reducing your principal in real terms, and eroding your fixed returns through inflation.

        For some reason the Obama Administration is promoting the idea now that there should be some encouragement for Americans to start converting their 401K's and IRA's into annuities, to provide themselves with lifetime income.

        The effort is being spear-headed by Mark Iwry of the Treasury and Phyllis Borzi of the Department of Labor. Here is a paper written on the subject by Mark Iwry when he was at the Brookings Institution.

        The essence of this paper is that distributions from IRA's and 401K's would automatically be rolled into an annuity providing a monthly income by default.

        This concept is known on the Street as the handling fees for meager returns pork barrel pigfest. The Fed likes it because they will undoubtedly get a two year rolling chunk of the people's retirement cash to play with.

        Perhaps just rolling those 401K's and IRA's into Social Security or the Long Bond would be what they have in mind. Somehow the panacea of TIPS with inflation defined by the government sounds probable. The drawback perhaps is that this would not generate the highest recurring fees for Wall Street and the FIRE sector, which have to be eyeing that 'cash on the sidelines' hungrily.

        How about Patriot Bonds that are fully invested in Mortgage Debt formerly owned by the Fed, with some tranches of Commercial Real Estate to add some zest to the recipe? The Treasury can give this option a small tax break, which can be largely consumed by Wall Street fees and mispricing of risk returns.

        And I thought that Greenspan's advice for homeowners to step into ARMs into the knee of the housing bubble was foul.

        Here's a modest proposal. Raise the amount of losses from investments that can be deducted from income in one year from $3,000 to $20,000 for individuals and $40,000 filing jointly so mom and pop can clean up their balance sheets. And if they really want to jump start the economy, declare a tax and penalty exemption on the first $150,000 that an individual can withdraw from their IRA or 401K in 2010.

        And for God's sake fix the Alternative Minimum Tax levels.

        Does it seems as though I have barely given this annuitization effort a chance, a fair hearing, the benefit of the doubt, improperly assumed it might not have the best intentions of the American public at heart?

        Are you serious? After Healthcare Reform and TARP? These people in Washington and Wall Street have no shame, much less good intentions, common sense, or a conscience. They are strangling the real economy, slowly but surely.

        Instead of "Yes We Can" the slogan for the Obama Administration should be "Over 1 Million Fat Cats Served."

        Here's the original story in Bloomberg.

        This is the spin you'll hear from the promoters such as the AARP, a mouthpiece for Big Government and the Democrat Party.

        “There’s a real desire on a lot of people’s parts to try to encourage something other than just rolling over a lump sum, to make sure this money will actually last a lifetime,” said Certner, legislative counsel for Washington-based AARP, the biggest U.S. advocacy group for retirees.

        Promoting annuities may benefit companies that provide them through employers, including ING Groep NV and Prudential Financial Inc., or sell them directly to individuals, such as American International Group Inc., the insurer that has received $182.3 billion in government aid.
        Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. -Groucho


        • #5
          Re: 401k/IRA Screw Job Coming?

          As a rule of thumb, the worst possible time to convert lump sum savings into a fixed income annuity would be when interest rates are historically low.
          That applies only if the fixed income annuity has its return rate fixed based on the initial interest rates.

          If the annuity has variable returns (such as Social Security claims to have, based on cost of living adjustments) then all that matters is that you got out of the lump sum account when it was at a relative high point, relative that is to where it would have gone had you stayed in that account! Unfortunately, none of us have a crystal ball, so the advice to sell high (relative to where it will go in the future) is not useful advice.
          Most folks are good; a few aren't.


          • #6
            Re: 401k/IRA Screw Job Coming?

            And if they really want to jump start the economy, declare a tax and penalty exemption on the first $150,000 that an individual can withdraw from their IRA or 401K in 2010.
            I had the same idea. Instead of raising taxes so they can give it back through horribly inefficient "stimulus", why not simply let Americans provide the stimulus from their own funds? Of course, that would cut them out from the opportunity to buy votes and pay off backers, so it won't happen .:rolleyes:

            As far as the government forcing treasuries down our throats, I'm not surprised if something like this happens. I've been saying since the meltdown that they'd come after the retirement plans next. Only I thought it would be a direct tax. This plan is much slicker and very typical of how Congress operates these days. Should be interesting to see how they sell this as something the government is doing to "help" people.


            • #7
              Re: 401k/IRA Screw Job Coming?

              This has been in the works for some time. In October 2008, Teresa Ghilarducci testified to the Committee on Education and Labor, promoting a mandatory, guaranteed retirement account.

              According to the site, the proposal by Ghilarducci would:

              ...Create a special-purpose government bond that returns 3 percent annually as the only investment in the accounts;

              ...Include a mandatory 5 percent employee contribution;

              ...Partially offset the mandatory contribution with a $600 tax credit for each participant;

              ...Fund the tax credit by largely eliminating the current tax advantages in 401(k) plans; and

              ...Allow current 401(k) participants to swap their current accounts (at August levels) for government bonds in the guaranteed retirement account."

              Apparently, Education and Labor Committee Chairman George Miller supported Ghilarducci's plan in a CNBC interview. Mitchell Orenstein believes that the Obama administration has an "ambitious reform agenda", whose advocates include Larry Summers, CBO Director Peter Orszag and Cass Sunstein, the White House regulatory Czar and author of Nudge.

              Besides the mandatory 5% requirement, I find Ghilarducci's testimony troubling regarding two proposals. Firstly, she proposes that "Congress let workers trade their 401 (k) and 401 (k) type plan assets for a Guaranteed Retirement Account composed of government bonds (earning a 3% return, adjusted for inflation). "Let" is an interesting word, and we all know how the government plays games in defining inflation. Secondly, the GRAs will be administered by the Social Security Administration.

              Ghilarducci's entire testimony can be found at



              • #8
                Re: 401k/IRA Screw Job Coming?

                Originally posted by K Carlson View Post
                This has been in the works for some time. In October 2008, Teresa Ghilarducci testified to the Committee on Education and Labor, promoting a mandatory, guaranteed retirement account.
                I had heard of that testimony before, but I was not aware that it was "in the works". I have seen nothing since that testimony that indicated this particular plan was gaining traction. Have you?
                Most folks are good; a few aren't.


                • #9
                  Re: 401k/IRA Screw Job Coming?

                  Originally posted by ThePythonicCow View Post
                  I had heard of that testimony before, but I was not aware that it was "in the works". I have seen nothing since that testimony that indicated this particular plan was gaining traction. Have you?


                  • #10
                    Re: 401k/IRA Screw Job Coming?

                    "The question is how to encourage it, and whether the government can and should be helpful in that regard," Iwry said.
                    here's a novel idea... tax debt not savings & raise interest rates to > 0.


                    • #11
                      Re: 401k/IRA Screw Job Coming?

                      Ah - I was insufficiently precise. What I have not seen is evidence that the particular plan Teresa Ghilarducci proposed in October 2008 was "in the works."

                      Well, perhaps a better way of explaining this confusion would be to say that I read K Carlson's "in the works" comment to narrowly, as if KC was stating that the particular plan proposed by Ghilarducci was what is being still considered now.

                      I entirely agree that the general idea of moving some of money now in or flowing into 401K's or IRA's into Treasuries or similar U.S. government debt instruments is an idea whose time is coming.

                      We're just debating the details now. We're down to the "well, ok, so long as they don't steal my money" negotiation.
                      Last edited by ThePythonicCow; January 11, 2010, 03:13 AM. Reason: s/done/down/
                      Most folks are good; a few aren't.


                      • #12
                        Re: 401k/IRA Screw Job Coming?

                        all the more reason to look into a 'self-directed' IRA and use it to buy... more gold!


                        • #13
                          Re: 401k/IRA Screw Job Coming?

                          I do have to say that Puplava has been suggesting that this will be coming for at least 2-3 years now. Manditory purchases of T-Bills through your retirement accounts. The sum of money out there in retirement accounts is too large for a broke government to ignore. They are going to try and figure out a way to confiscate it without you even knowing it...


                          • #14
                            Re: 401k/IRA Screw Job Coming?

                            Originally posted by doom&gloom View Post
                            all the more reason to look into a 'self-directed' IRA and use it to buy... more gold!
                            Do you think they will include IRA's too when they mandate Treasury purchases?

                            Did you buy physical in yours or just GTU?

                            What think all of you itulipans, should I transfer my 403b into an IRA or just take it all out and get crushed in taxes this year?

                            Damn those government bastards they make it so hard......


                            • #15
                              Re: 401k/IRA Screw Job Coming?

                              Originally posted by Jay View Post
                              Do you think they will include IRA's too when they mandate Treasury purchases?

                              Did you buy physical in yours or just GTU?

                              What think all of you itulipans, should I transfer my 403b into an IRA or just take it all out and get crushed in taxes this year?

                              Damn those government bastards they make it so hard......
                              read ash's posts in the "social security trust fund ii" thread. he'll help you calm down.

                              and i don't think transferring INTO an ira is of any possible benefit.

