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The Eu :- NO Greek Bale out!
Re: The Eu :- NO Greek Bale out!
Originally posted by Mega View Post
Re: The Eu :- NO Greek Bale out!
Ah, the game of chicken has begun. Who will pull the trigger first? Will the ECB risk the implosion of the Euro area and the resulting market panic that would follow a full on sovereign default on the part of Greece? Will Greece continue pushing the crisis further down the road risking an outright revolution waiting on a bailout that may never come?
Will the Europeans ever to learn to get along and solve their problems? Will the French ever develop a cheese that tastes good alongside a stout German beer? Or will everyone go their separate ways and mind their own business after figuring out that places like Greece just aren't important enough to lose a good night's sleep over?
Tune in next week to watch Angela Merkle's heartthrob Vladimir Putin go shirtless let again...
...while Hu Jintao attempts and equally macho stunt of wrestling a Falun Gong follower into submission at a special World Wrestling Federation match in Beijing. That ought to show those girly Europeans how real men handle things.:p:p