$22bn (€15bn, £13.7bn) oil pipeline across east Siberia to China and the Pacific, allowing Russia to reorientate a large part of its oil trade, which is now focused on Europe, towards the east.
Transneft, the Russian oil pipeline monopoly, last month completed the first 2,757km (1,713 miles) stretch of the pipeline which runs from Taishet in Irkutsk region to Skovorodino near the Chinese border. At Skovorodino, oil is being loaded on to railcars for transport to Kozmino 2,100km further east. Cumbersome rail transport will be phased out after 2012, when Transneft completes the second section of the pipeline from Skovorodino to Kozmino.
Transneft said last week it would transport 300,000 barrels a day of oil through the east Siberian pipeline in 2010 and double that the following year, ending dependence on export pipelines to Europe. On completion, the pipeline will be capable of carrying up to 1.6m barrels of oil a day, about a third of Russia’s current oil exports.
Transneft, the Russian oil pipeline monopoly, last month completed the first 2,757km (1,713 miles) stretch of the pipeline which runs from Taishet in Irkutsk region to Skovorodino near the Chinese border. At Skovorodino, oil is being loaded on to railcars for transport to Kozmino 2,100km further east. Cumbersome rail transport will be phased out after 2012, when Transneft completes the second section of the pipeline from Skovorodino to Kozmino.
Transneft said last week it would transport 300,000 barrels a day of oil through the east Siberian pipeline in 2010 and double that the following year, ending dependence on export pipelines to Europe. On completion, the pipeline will be capable of carrying up to 1.6m barrels of oil a day, about a third of Russia’s current oil exports.