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Double Dip Never Happened Before!

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  • Double Dip Never Happened Before!

    Does this clown really get paid for his opinions and advice? Check-out his video interview...

    Basically he says that a double dip has never happened...

    ...except in 2001, but he doesn't consider that a double dip because the second down leg didn't surpass the first...

    ...and except in the early '80's, but that didn't count because the Fed caused it...

    ...and he doesn't even try to explain the mid-'30's second leg.

    Here's an alternative summary of his advice...

    "...the western financial system has already failed. The failure has just not yet been realized, while the system remains confident that it is still alive." Jesse

  • #2
    Re: Double Dip Never Happened Before!

    Originally posted by rjwjr View Post
    Does this clown really get paid for his opinions and advice? Check-out his video interview...

    Basically he says that a double dip has never happened...

    ...except in 2001, but he doesn't consider that a double dip because the second down leg didn't surpass the first...

    ...and except in the early '80's, but that didn't count because the Fed caused it...

    ...and he doesn't even try to explain the mid-'30's second leg.

    Here's an alternative summary of his advice...

    I place Krugman in the same category as Arthur Laffer, only not as stupid. (Who else is?)
    But this cuts two ways: Laffer is too dumb to understand; Krugman isn't - he's just plain dishonest.

    They are both "wing-nuts" and look to extremes for answers.


    • #3
      Re: Double Dip Never Happened Before!

      Both are political hack economists.

