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"The Run on the Banks will be Unavoidable" ZH

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  • #16
    Re: "The Run on the Banks will be Unavoidable" ZH

    Originally posted by Rajiv View Post
    Tyler Durden and Marla Singer - characters from the movie "Fight Club"

    From the Zero Hedge Manifesto
    what a pile of poo! janet tavakoli? barry ritholtz? bill black? simon johnson? eric janszen? credentials & reps at stake.

    anon = unaccountable

    alternate explanation for anonymity... nobodies w/nothing to lose.


    • #17
      Re: "The Run on the Banks will be Unavoidable" ZH

      The reverse side of the coin is also there -- Anonymous postings should be gone over with a fine tooth comb, and their logic and sources scrutinized rigourously.

      Relying on experts often leads to blind acceptance of what is said.

      My take on this is - read everything you come across very carefully, and scrutinize for logic, and see whether it meshes in with current and life experiences -- check multiple sources before coming to a judgement.


      • #18
        Re: "The Run on the Banks will be Unavoidable" ZH

        Originally posted by Rajiv View Post
        The reverse side of the coin is also there -- Anonymous postings should be gone over with a fine tooth comb, and their logic and sources scrutinized rigourously.
        I'll take Door Three.

        I don't really notice whether one is anonymous or well known. I read a variety of sites and authors and over time form an opinion as to whether a particular author has some talent worth my continued time. Like someone staffing a business, I seek out a variety of talents. Some are fun to read, some have good insights or knowledge of some culture, industry or historical period, some have good short term trading intuitions, some have good long term economic understanding, some have more accurate sources, some have original conceptual insights, and so forth. Sometimes logic and sources are important, sometimes authors have other worthy attributes.
        Most folks are good; a few aren't.

