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To become wealthy, think like a banker

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  • To become wealthy, think like a banker

    To extort the maximum value from a population, when one has control of monetary system, leverage the laws of supply and demand. Use deflation, inflation, and hyperinflation all as tools to transfer wealth. All have a place and a purpose.

    The banker's guide to owning it all

    1. Become majority lender in an economy of people with assets you want.
    2. Encourage indebtedness by loaning generously while securing on assets of interest.
    3. Loosen lending standards until the assets you seek to capture are attached.
    (this makes the economy debt dependent)
    4. Once debts are significant for the bulk of the population, sharply tighten lending standards. <-- Economic shock - Onset of deflation
    5. Backstop losses with public guarantees if possible. This is gravy if one can get it.
    (Fannie and Freddie guarantees, for example)
    6. Permit default 'without risk' on the assets you wish to sieze to maximize wealth transfer.
    (stall foreclosure, stay repossession orders etc)
    7. Stall the economy to maximize default positions and deplete private liquidity. <-- We are here
    8. Successively ratchet the economy downhill, while bettering secured positions.
    9. In a series of large actions, sieze all security for default. Target the assets of greatest interest first.
    (This deals a heavy economic blow and can help cause the ratcheting required for step 8.)
    10. Transfer asset ownership, but retain prior owners as renters where possible.
    (This reduces public lashback and helps maintain the asset for resale)
    11. Once the bulk of assets of transferred, write them down to leverage the public financial backstop.
    12. Buy up as many remaining assets on the cheap as possible. Hide this action.
    13. Hyperinflate to destroy the external claims on wealth. <-- Onset of hyperinflation
    (This destroys treasuries, gov't bonds, currency. Ensures free title on new assets. May cause war.)
    14. Stabilize the currency or devise a new one, resume lending at a reasonable pace. Sell the assets back, secured of course, at your chosen price in new currency.

    Hyperinflation is only a risk to the wealthy if the population has the assets.
    Make note of that statement. It is key to timing the shift from deflation to hyperinflation.
    Last edited by Charles Mackay; December 31, 2009, 06:39 PM.

  • #2
    Re: To become wealthy, think like a banker

    Originally posted by Charles Mackay View Post
    To extort the maximum value from a population, when one has control of monetary system, leverage the laws of supply and demand. Use deflation, inflation, and hyperinflation all as tools to transfer wealth. All have a place and a purpose.

    The banker's guide to owning it all
    Nice find - thanks for posting it.
    Most folks are good; a few aren't.


    • #3
      Re: To become wealthy, think like a banker

      I just noticed the numbers don't line up on copying and pasting the article here. Best to go to the original link above otherwise might be confusing.


      • #4
        Re: To become wealthy, think like a banker

        Originally posted by Charles Mackay View Post
        I just noticed the numbers don't line up on copying and pasting the article here. Best to go to the original link above otherwise might be confusing.
        Looks like a Microsoft Word problem I understand they're 'working on it'. :rolleyes:


        • #5
          Re: To become wealthy, think like a banker

          You're a bit into CTs. All I see is lots of people acting in their own self interest. Nothing new about that other than the size of the FIRE economy bubbles.

          I'm currently in the process of buying a large apartment complex that was re-fied by the previous owners. They milked it, let it run down, and left the bank holding the bag. It's now a very reasonable price and with a little cash to fix it up will be a good income property.

          Looks to me like the bank was the one that took it in the ear by refi-ing it at a ridiculous price.


          • #6
            Re: To become wealthy, think like a banker

            Originally posted by Charles Mackay View Post
            I just noticed the numbers don't line up on copying and pasting the article here. Best to go to the original link above otherwise might be confusing.
            I think it's fixed now..


            • #7
              Re: To become wealthy, think like a banker

              Originally posted by newnewthing View Post

              Looks to me like the bank was the one that took it in the ear by refi-ing it at a ridiculous price.
              No, the "new new thing" is that you took it on the ear as a taxpayer. Who do you think backstopped the $12 trillion lost by the bankers? What happened Christmas Eve regarding Fannie and Freddie?

              Re-read Part 5 of the post...


              • #8
                Re: To become wealthy, think like a banker

                Originally posted by newnewthing View Post
                You're a bit into CTs. All I see is lots of people acting in their own self interest. Nothing new about that other than the size of the FIRE economy bubbles.

                I'm currently in the process of buying a large apartment complex that was re-fied by the previous owners. They milked it, let it run down, and left the bank holding the bag. It's now a very reasonable price and with a little cash to fix it up will be a good income property.

                Looks to me like the bank was the one that took it in the ear by refi-ing it at a ridiculous price.
                Originally posted by Charles Mackay View Post
                No, the "new new thing" is that you took it on the ear as a taxpayer. Who do you think backstopped the $12 trillion lost by the bankers? What happened Christmas Eve regarding Fannie and Freddie?

                Re-read Part 5 of the post...
                All banks are equal...some are just more equal than others. The TBTF Walls Street favourites were treated as you say Charles, but many others, equally reckless but less powerful and influential, are being allowed to "take it in the ear", and in an increasing number of cases, euthanized...


                • #9
                  Re: To become wealthy, think like a banker


                  • #10
                    Re: To become wealthy, think like a banker

                    Originally posted by GRG55 View Post
                    All banks are equal...some are just more equal than others. The TBTF Walls Street favourites were treated as you say Charles, but many others, equally reckless but less powerful and influential, are being allowed to "take it in the ear", and in an increasing number of cases, euthanized...
                    I agree GRG,

                    I suppose the author of this piece would point to his step 6 and 7....

                    BTW, whether you believe in the "man behind the curtain" scenario or not, the author's message is "know the steps that this crisis may take before you take a full on stance against hyperinflation or go back into business" ... there are likely more debt default crises prior to that.


                    • #11
                      Re: To become wealthy, think like a banker

                      Originally posted by Charles Mackay View Post

                      2. Encourage indebtedness by loaning generously while securing on assets of interest.
                      you could split this into an explicit media arm/propaganda/advertising branch for this and other agenda items.

                      That is: number x. Maintain massive/monopolistic media outlets to condition populace to do as you wish. (what is actually occurring now.)


                      • #12
                        Re: To become wealthy, think like a banker

                        Originally posted by 0tr View Post
                        you could split this into an explicit media arm/propaganda/advertising branch for this and other agenda items.

                        That is: number x. Maintain massive/monopolistic media outlets to condition populace to do as you wish. (what is actually occurring now.)
                        Clinton's TeleCom bill eliminated major ownership restrictions for radio and television groups. Also legislation and policies by Rubin and Summers were put in place that created the housing bubble.

