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How To Bring This System Down For Good!

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  • #61
    Re: How To Bring This System Down For Good!

    Originally posted by cindykimlisa View Post
    Very nice play on words

    I retired early and have devoted my life to ministry.


    I've been noticing a lot of this lately; perhaps it's the new trend. Our neighbors, who recently moved here from Florida, found God and took up missionary work, after mulling about for a year without prospects.

    I'm happy for them and for you Cindykimlisa. It's nice to know that people have a place to go, where they will be accepted and appreciated. There are so few alternatives these days. Keep up the good work.
    Last edited by dummass; January 06, 2010, 03:45 PM.


    • #62
      Re: How To Bring This System Down For Good!

      Originally posted by Kimmons View Post
      What if we all filed for extensions on our taxes?
      The Taxes are still due April 15th. Its the paperwork they will wait on.


      • #63
        Re: How To Bring This System Down For Good!

        In other words, if you cannot find a job, you can find god. And, that is an improvement?

        God is fed to the masses to compensate for their shitty lives and keep them in their place. You are contributing to that.


        • #64
          Re: How To Bring This System Down For Good!

          Originally posted by aaron View Post
          In other words, if you cannot find a job, you can find god. And, that is an improvement?

          God is fed to the masses to compensate for their shitty lives and keep them in their place. You are contributing to that.
          Your contribution is of a significance that leaves me without words to describe it.

          Perhaps instead of telling people how not to live their lives, you should start telling people how to live their lives? :rolleyes:


          • #65
            Re: How To Bring This System Down For Good!

            The most frequently given apologetic to the problem of suffering,
            i.e. "How can an all powerful and all good God allow suffering" is usually feebly answered as that's the only way God can get our attention. Otherwise we worship stuff, this world and our own dillusioned sense of omnipotence.

            I have suffered a lot in this life. I am suffering greatly now. Sometimes doing God's will is the only thing that gets me out of bed in the morning.
            I am not clergy or a missionary. Just a regular guy. But God's work can be incorporated into everything we do.


            • #66
              Re: How To Bring This System Down For Good!

              Originally posted by charliebrown View Post
              But God's work can be incorporated into everything we do.
              Amen, Brother. Amen.


              • #67
                Re: How To Bring This System Down For Good!

                Sometimes we forget that the iTulip community is a community of many thousands of people around the globe. That includes religious of every variety, non-religious of every variety, and in-betweeners in every variety. Maybe Buckaroo Bonzai can unite the group with his ...

                "Hey, Don't be mean. You don't have to be mean. Because Remember ... No matter where you go, there you are."

                For the impatient among us, scrolll over to 3:00 minutes in ... for the rest ... ENJOY THE CONTEXT...



                • #68
                  Re: How To Bring This System Down For Good!

                  Originally posted by aaron View Post
                  In other words, if you cannot find a job, you can find god. And, that is an improvement?

                  God is fed to the masses to compensate for their shitty lives and keep them in their place. You are contributing to that.
                  Please, don't confuse God or spirituality with dogma, each of which can manifest itself in a myriad of ways, some atheists are just as dogmatic the most fundamental of the religious, preaching from the alter of secularism, they have failed to distinguish that their supposedly non-belief is in fact still a belief, even if it is a belief in nothing. Marx missed that one - the religious dogma opiate can take many forms - political doctrine being one.
                  "that each simple substance has relations which express all the others"


                  • #69
                    Re: How To Bring This System Down For Good!

                    Originally posted by Ghent12 View Post
                    Your contribution is of a significance that leaves me without words to describe it.

                    Perhaps instead of telling people how not to live their lives, you should start telling people how to live their lives? :rolleyes:
                    I should not have said that. Everybody has a right to their personal fantasies. However, my rant was directed at dummas's "Keep up the good work." I do not think spreading more dogma is the way to help our country. Cindy could be out there spreading real truth, like the truth on this web site. Nope, leaders would rather sell myths.


                    • #70
                      Re: How To Bring This System Down For Good!

                      Originally posted by aaron View Post
                      I should not have said that. Everybody has a right to their personal fantasies. However, my rant was directed at dummas's "Keep up the good work." I do not think spreading more dogma is the way to help our country. Cindy could be out there spreading real truth, like the truth on this web site. Nope, leaders would rather sell myths.
                      For those without family support or government support, The Church may be the last stop before hitting bottom. They (people like Cindy) provide a service for those in need. I can appreciate their efforts and sacrifices.

                      These are hard times for many, less fortunate than ourselves. Who knows, any one of us could find ourselves in a bad spot and it's a comfort to know that there are people to turn to at such times.

                      I suppose that I made the assumption that Cindy was doing good work, maybe not? Perhaps, aaron, was molested by a priest. Who knows? I guess it's better not to say anything, sometimes.


                      • #71
                        Re: How To Bring This System Down For Good!

                        Originally posted by aaron View Post
                        Cindy could be out there spreading real truth, like the truth on this web site.
                        As both a dyed in the wool atheist and an active iTulip member, I feel I must caution you on the certainty you express here. It is not at all obvious to me whether either of EJ or Cindy is closer to, or further from, the "real truth." We each inhabit the world of true understanding as we inhabit the physical worlds of space and time, mastering and being pwn3d by quite modest fragments of the universe for our brief time here.
                        Most folks are good; a few aren't.


                        • #72
                          Re: How To Bring This System Down For Good!

                          Real religion isn't about dogma at all, but spirituality and consciousness.


                          • #73
                            Re: How To Bring This System Down For Good!

                            Originally posted by dummass View Post
                            For those without family support or government support, The Church may be the last stop before hitting bottom. They (people like Cindy) provide a service for those in need. I can appreciate their efforts and sacrifices.

                            These are hard times for many, less fortunate than ourselves. Who knows, any one of us could find ourselves in a bad spot and it's a comfort to know that there are people to turn to at such times.

                            I suppose that I made the assumption that Cindy was doing good work, maybe not? Perhaps, aaron, was molested by a priest. Who knows? I guess it's better not to say anything, sometimes.
                            Yes. Church and community are good.

                            I guess I misinterpret the meaning of ministering... To me that sounds like "spreading the good word". Caring for those in need is most certainly a good thing, and it is certainly something to be encouraged.

                            Selling salvation to people who probably could use advice in practical, worldly matters is not the best use of our typical "Cindy's" time. I do not want the few intellectuals we have left to to join the convent or spend their lives "saving" souls. I want them saving people.


                            • #74
                              Re: How To Bring This System Down For Good!

                              Originally posted by ThePythonicCow View Post
                              As both a dyed in the wool atheist and an active iTulip member, I feel I must caution you on the certainty you express here. It is not at all obvious to me whether either of EJ or Cindy is closer to, or further from, the "real truth." We each inhabit the world of true understanding as we inhabit the physical worlds of space and time, mastering and being pwn3d by quite modest fragments of the universe for our brief time here.

                              Wriggly, bless you! that is a most profound statement. For the record, I once lost a great job opportunity simply because I wrote on a single sheet of paper that my religion was: Christian/Agnostic. I firmly believe in the power of religion, indeed, any religion, to help people through their lives, but I do not believe in "God" other than to believe that God is a figment of that truly wonderful thing called the human imagination.

                              You do not need to believe in god to be a good person.


                              • #75
                                Re: How To Bring This System Down For Good!

                                Originally posted by Jay View Post
                                Real religion isn't about dogma at all, but spirituality and consciousness.
                                Others would share the sentiment, but differ in the semantics. Personally, I think religion is little more than a spiritually-themed business, and that simple faith or spirituality is what you are ascribing to "real religion" in your statement. Religion has been a mixed blessing, certainly, but spirituality and faith are always personal.

