Basic Tachnical analysis target of nearly 6% on the 10yr ( thats about 8% on the 30yr)
Sorry folks, if I have this right its not good
1) pre 2008 levels, Govt interest bearing debt was $6T
2) post 2008 levels, govt interest bearing debt is $12T ( or will be soon)
3) Interest rates a returning to pre 2008 levels
4) This means the interest payments have doubled in 18 months.
This assumes interest rates stay below 5% on the 10yr.
The housing market was plagued with ALT A and option ARMS deals, looks like the USA Govt had the same deal, with interest payments way below true market.
So will USA print more money to pay the interest, will the FED buy more of its own POOP. How long can that last.
2010 will see these stresses create much volatility.
2010 SP500 forecast : Current SP500 1140 : 2010 low range 550, high range 1300
But of money printing goes crazy SP500 could break upto 1500 as a hedge to (potential) inflation.
THE MAIN PLAYS FOR 2010: US Dollar and Interest Rates. Gold will take a bashing if these are strong.
If rising interest rates cant be stopped, (say the world wont by USA 10yr paper under 6%), then a STOCK CRASH is on the cards. WHY: Why buy stocks in this credit crunch consumer dead market when you can get 6% for 10 years secured (supposedly).
UPDATE: How would 'Bob The Builder' Pay of USA debt
1) National GST/VAT of 5%
2) Sell govt held assets
3) Reduce govt costs (unlikely in Obama term)
4) Increase taxes (on the so called rich: Done !)
Basic Tachnical analysis target of nearly 6% on the 10yr ( thats about 8% on the 30yr)
Sorry folks, if I have this right its not good
1) pre 2008 levels, Govt interest bearing debt was $6T
2) post 2008 levels, govt interest bearing debt is $12T ( or will be soon)
3) Interest rates a returning to pre 2008 levels
4) This means the interest payments have doubled in 18 months.
This assumes interest rates stay below 5% on the 10yr.
The housing market was plagued with ALT A and option ARMS deals, looks like the USA Govt had the same deal, with interest payments way below true market.
So will USA print more money to pay the interest, will the FED buy more of its own POOP. How long can that last.
2010 will see these stresses create much volatility.
2010 SP500 forecast : Current SP500 1140 : 2010 low range 550, high range 1300
But of money printing goes crazy SP500 could break upto 1500 as a hedge to (potential) inflation.
THE MAIN PLAYS FOR 2010: US Dollar and Interest Rates. Gold will take a bashing if these are strong.

If rising interest rates cant be stopped, (say the world wont by USA 10yr paper under 6%), then a STOCK CRASH is on the cards. WHY: Why buy stocks in this credit crunch consumer dead market when you can get 6% for 10 years secured (supposedly).
UPDATE: How would 'Bob The Builder' Pay of USA debt
1) National GST/VAT of 5%
2) Sell govt held assets
3) Reduce govt costs (unlikely in Obama term)
4) Increase taxes (on the so called rich: Done !)