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Xmas in Copenhagen: Banksters Feast on the Bones of the Underclass

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  • Xmas in Copenhagen: Banksters Feast on the Bones of the Underclass

    Now that there is nothing left to suck from the wallets of the world's underclass, the pickings for the Banksters have never been leaner. Not to worry, though. The Banksters have a backup plan that will keep them firmly attached to your pocketbook by passing on the carbon "cost" of every activity you engage in whether its eating, breathing, commuting to work, heating your homes, or clothing yourselves. All of these require energy and all produce CO2. If you are a producer, you will have to purchase credits on an exchange for the "pollution" you create while passing on the increased costs to the end consumer. And don't forget the new tax revenues from this as well when they begin to tax cow farts.

    Welcome to Hell.

  • #2
    Re: Xmas in Copenhagen: Banksters Feast on the Bones of the Underclass

    It's all part of the "Plan".

    ...."Taxation Without Representation is Tyranny,"
    Which in this case is also TREASON!
    'The final Copenhagen draft agreement which was hammered out in the early hours of Friday morning includes provisions for a global tax on financial transactions that will be paid directly to the World Bank, as President Obama prepares to bypass Congress by approving a massive transfer of wealth from America into globalist hands.
    As Lord Monckton, Alex Jones and others warned, the notion that the globalists would achieve nothing at Copenhagenhas likely been a ruse all along. The elite look set to ram through the lion's share of their agenda, which would include a massive global government tax at a cost of at least $3,000 a year for American families already laboring under a devastating recession, double digit unemployment and a reduction in living standards.
    Hillary Clinton arrived yesterday to rally global leaders around a resolution and Barack Obama is set to be portrayed as the savior of the world by rescuing what was pitched all along as a conference doomed to fail.
    "The summit "hangs in the balance," said Obama this morning. "We are running out of time. The time for talk is over. It is better for us to act than to talk. The question is whether we move forward together or split apart."
    The final agreement may not force countries to meet CO2 emission targets, but it will grease the skids for the biggest tax hike in human history, a fact that establishment media outlets have completely failed to emphasize.
    Monckton told the Alex Jones Show last week that the initial secretive draft version of the Copenhagen agreement represented a global government power grab on an "unimaginable scale," and mandated the creation of 700 new bureaucracies as well as a colossal raft of new taxes including 2 percent levies on both GDP and every international financial transaction.
    Monckton said that the new world government outlined in the treaty would be handed powers to, "Tax the American economy to the extent of 2 percent GDP, to impose a further tax of 2 percent on every financial transaction.and to close down effectively the economies of the west, transfer your jobs to third world countries."
    As the leak of the Danish text outlined, such taxes, earmarked as "climate financing," will go straight into the coffers of the IMF and the World Bank. These funds will be used to bankroll the imposition of global governance that UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon promised would be achieved at Copenhagen.
    According to the latest news out of Copenhagen, the taxes that were included in the initial text are still in the final agreement which is set to be passed later today or in the early hours of Saturday morning.
    The Sydney Morning Herald reports that the final text, "Proposes a range of innovative mechanisms for raising the money, ranging from a tax on air and sea transports fuels to a tax on financial transfers."
    This would form part of an initial commitment of $10 billion (US) a year from 2010 to 2012, climbing to $50 billion (US) annually by 2015 and $100 billion (US) by 2020, although these figures will inevitably increase if the UN ramps up its climate fear-mongering as it has done at each successive climate conference since the Rio Earth Summit in 1992.
    The treaty outlines, "Penalties or fines for non-compliance," in developed countries and the creation of an international police force to "enforce its will by imposing unlimited financial penalties on any countries whose performance under this treaty they don't like," Monckton told the Alex Jones Show, saying that it amounted to a total global government takeover on an "unimaginable scale".".......


    • #3
      Re: Xmas in Copenhagen: Banksters Feast on the Bones of the Underclass

      Though this report is currently only on doomer sites such as (above) or Alex Jones, I (a born-again doomer ) give credence to Lord Monckton's warnings and reports.

      It seems one modus operandi of the most powerful is to get the people inflamed over one topic (e.g. communists or terrorists) while cramming through far more serious measures (war, loss of liberties, overrides of the U.S. Constitution, global taxation and governance, debt peonage, ...)

      The Anthropomorphic Global Warming controversy was another such smoke screen.
      Most folks are good; a few aren't.

