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Peek oil/ No No Coal

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  • Peek oil/ No No Coal

    Explains a lot.


  • #2
    Re: Peek oil/ No No Coal

    Originally posted by Mega View Post
    Explains nothing. Starts out with a complete misrepresentation that even a minimal amount of research by the author should have prevented.

    You're posting way too much crap on this site these days Mike.

    Here's an excerpt of the first couple of paragraphs to set the stage for the conspiracy theory:
    Why would a Middle Eastern kingdom be funding a British Climate research business?

    Oman has just completed a massive investment in LNG, and developed and installed new CO2 removal technology in their process; this lowers the carbon footprint of their gas. So using their gas to drive electricity generation will be less costly once CO2 is taxed.

    Alright folks, here's the dope in bullet point form:
    • CO2 has no heat content. That is one reason it is always removed to fairly low concentrations from every natural gas stream [except those that are naturally low in CO2], including all the natural gas outside of Oman and outside of the Middle East. Not to remove it means that it takes up space and costs money to move it through the compressors, pipelines and other equipment used to deliver natural gas to market, and since natural gas is sold based on heating content, and CO2 has none, there's no way to recoup the costs of moving it around the system.
    • CO2 combined with a very small amount of water forms carbonic acid which, although a "weak" acid, will over time corrode the pipelines, processing and other equipment in the natural gas production and distribution chain. That is the second reason that most of the CO2 in natural gas is removed as early in the processing chain as practical.
    • Liquified natural gas [LNG] is created by cooling a treated natural gas stream down to minus 260 Farenheit [about minus 160 C]. Both water and CO2 solidify [freeze] at temperatures well above this. This is the third reason CO2 is removed from natural gas. To prevent the LNG processing equipment from being frozen or plugged off, natural gas streams destined for LNG liquifaction must have the water and the CO2 removed to very low concentrations first. Oman LNG's CO2 content and climate change credentials are no better or worse than any other LNG from any other source anywhere else in the world.
    This part of the site is called "News" and it's supposed to be for..."Link to a news story by a credible source plus member commentary...". IMO the original post doesn't meet the criteria.


    • #3
      Re: Peek oil/ No No Coal

      Do you wish me to stop posting?


      • #4
        Re: Peek oil/ No No Coal

        Don't stop posting. One useful line of British brevity is often enough.


        • #5
          Re: Peek oil/ No No Coal

          Originally posted by Mega View Post
          Do you wish me to stop posting?
          No. I like your good stuff.

          But you go through periods sometimes where you seem to start believing nutters out there... And that makes it hard to sort out your good stuff from the crap. So you need to do a bit better job of that for us...;)


          • #6
            Re: Peek oil/ No No Coal

            Originally posted by GRG55 View Post
            No. I like your good stuff.

            But you go through periods sometimes where you seem to start believing nutters out there... And that makes it hard to sort out your good stuff from the crap. So you need to do a bit better job of that for us...;)
   one's an expert on everything. Mega's gotten his education on this particular topic now thanks to you and on this particular subject I'm sure he'll apply the appropriate filters in future.

            To be honest, I find the occasional "you are dead wrong" posting highly illuminating (I didn't know the facts you brought out either). It's one of the things I love about iTulip -- I've learned so damn much on this site it's worth the subscription price for that alone.


            • #7
              Re: Peek oil/ No No Coal

              I don't have a sub, down here in "steerage" its free.


              • #8
                Re: Peek oil/ No No Coal

                Originally posted by Mega View Post
                I don't have a sub, down here in "steerage" its free.
                Understood. I learn lots in "steerage", lots in subscription.


                • #9
                  Re: Peek oil/ No No Coal

                  Originally posted by Mega View Post
                  Do you wish me to stop posting?
                  Hey Mega: Just so it's clear the author I was referrring to in my first post was the guy who wrote the article that you posted. He's the one that should have taken just a small amount of time to check his facts before he started using the web to write and distribute his garbage. And my comment at the end of my post had to do with HIS credibility as a source.

                  My only comment to you was that we all need to be a bit suspicious of conspiracy theory stuff before we just swallow it as "truth" [and that applies to all of us]. Everyone including our own governments is trying to manipulate how we think [that article by Frank Rich on the "American Huckster" thread is classic]. I was pissed at the guy who wrote the article, not if it came out the wrong way, my apologies.

