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Future Trends

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  • Future Trends

    Fellow ituliper's,
    I am compiling a comprehensive list of future trends and expectations both for the USA and globally. These include the socioeconomic, war, housing, government, religion, medical, educational etc..
    I have a nice start, but would be helped greatly by your hive-knowledge. I would like web-sites of individuals/groups that you have found credible, as well as personal thoughts along any of these lines.
    In advance, let me thank you for any help, and for the several years in your company on this site.

  • #2
    Re: Future Trends

    Some of my trusted nutrition & medical sites (these are not traditional ):
    Most folks are good; a few aren't.


    • #3
      Re: Future Trends

      The United States cannot indefinitely continue to consume the world's resources way, way out of proportion to population and geographic size. The current economic crisis has only accelrated the trend of a more even distribution of the world's wealth across nations.

      The standard of living in the US will continue its slow decline, while the standard of living in the hardiest of the developing nations (China, BRIC, etc.) continues to slowly rise.

      There will be bumps along the path of change, but the trend is in place and will continue.


      • #4
        Re: Future Trends

        Thanks P-Cow.


        • #5
          Re: Future Trends

          The world will become riskier as the Pax Americana (such as it is) is withdrawn over the next decade. Europe, Japan and Korea will be the primary losers as they will have to increase their defense spending. There will probably be some accommodation between Saudi Arabia and the US.

          Strangely enough America will probably gain and not lose from this as it is near impossible to attack directly (terrorism will still be a threat) and will remain the premier military power with *very* long reach.

          Technology will still remain a primary driver of progress. Expect the major vendors to become more powerful. Prepare for the re-emergence of Microsoft as a major player. Web 2.0 and ever increasing internet speeds combined with peak cheap oil will drive new trends toward telecommuting. Ironically, this will make it ever easier to outsource jobs to the cheapest locations.

          Socially -- look at the 70s in the US.

          Other random thoughts I might post later.


          • #6
            Re: Future Trends

   blog are


            • #7
              Re: Future Trends

              Originally posted by Gnosis View Post
              Fellow ituliper's,
              I am compiling a comprehensive list of future trends and expectations both for the USA and globally. These include the socioeconomic, war, housing, government, religion, medical, educational etc..
              I have a nice start, but would be helped greatly by your hive-knowledge. I would like web-sites of individuals/groups that you have found credible, as well as personal thoughts along any of these lines.
              In advance, let me thank you for any help, and for the several years in your company on this site.
              More of the same - for generations - the beat goes on.

              Some live and some die

              Some go to heaven, some hell and others perhaps elsewhere.

              A lot of people will want to kill other peole - some will actually do it.

              A lot of greedy people will take money from others and some religious people/etal will give money to help others along with their time and talents to help the less fortunate.

              Empires will fall and rise.

              Price of stocks. bonds/ currency and pm will go up and down.

              Bulls will be bulls and bears will be bears and from time to time vice versa.

              Eventually the crap will hit the fan globally and a righteous remenant will be all that is left to start the process all over again. I don't want to be here then.




              • #8
                Re: Future Trends

                Originally posted by World Traveler View Post
                The United States cannot indefinitely continue to consume the world's resources way, way out of proportion to population and geographic size. The current economic crisis has only accelrated the trend of a more even distribution of the world's wealth across nations.

                The standard of living in the US will continue its slow decline, while the standard of living in the hardiest of the developing nations (China, BRIC, etc.) continues to slowly rise.

                There will be bumps along the path of change, but the trend is in place and will continue.
                Will peck cheep oil ( a la James Kunstler's "the long emergency") get in the way of the rise in other nations standard of living?


                • #9
                  Re: Future Trends

                  Originally posted by jpatter666 View Post
                  The world will become riskier as the Pax Americana (such as it is) is withdrawn over the next decade. Europe, Japan and Korea will be the primary losers as they will have to increase their defense spending. There will probably be some accommodation between Saudi Arabia and the US.

                  Strangely enough America will probably gain and not lose from this as it is near impossible to attack directly (terrorism will still be a threat) and will remain the premier military power with *very* long reach.

                  Technology will still remain a primary driver of progress. Expect the major vendors to become more powerful. Prepare for the re-emergence of Microsoft as a major player. Web 2.0 and ever increasing internet speeds combined with peak cheap oil will drive new trends toward telecommuting. Ironically, this will make it ever easier to outsource jobs to the cheapest locations.

                  Socially -- look at the 70s in the US.

                  Other random thoughts I might post later.
                  Thx jpatter666. Socially the 70's? Interesting. Agreed with the Web tech for sure!


                  • #10
                    Re: Future Trends

                    Originally posted by Gnosis View Post
                    Thx jpatter666. Socially the 70's? Interesting. Agreed with the Web tech for sure!
                    I think the 70s because that decade most closely mirrors what is to come for the US. An oil shock, inflation, a perception that the country's best days are behind it. A decade which followed an earlier decade of hype, aspirations and change. Watch musical trends -- they often foreshadow the public mood well before the pollsters catch on.

                    I think much depends on the *level* of US implosion when it occurs. One of the interesting things about the US is that it is essentially isolationist. Oh, definitely, TPTB project power and manipulate other countries -- but the population itself honestly doesn't (and really never did) give a damn about other countries unless it was forced to. And it is very easy for the US to go isolationist -- only next to two countries, excepting oil, nearly self-sufficient (if it had to be).

                    One of the things that keeps my head up about the US is that the people have always come together in times of crisis. The US has been written off many, many times. We may be in trouble for a decade or more, but I think after this time, the US may come back even stronger. From what I can tell, that's been EJ's opinion as well although I think he's getting more pessimistic about the depths of the hole we're going to have to climb out of.


                    • #11
                      Re: Future Trends

                      Originally posted by doom&gloom View Post
             blog are
                      Got it D&G, thx.


                      • #12
                        Re: Future Trends

                        Originally posted by Gnosis View Post
                        Will peck cheep oil ( a la James Kunstler's "the long emergency") get in the way of the rise in other nations standard of living?
                        I wonder if India and China are poor enough now, per capita, that even diffuse 'green energy' like windmills and solar can do a lot to raise their standard of living.

                        Anyway, heres a blog focusing on peak oil, predicting a relatively gloomy result. I like it.



                        • #13
                          Re: Future Trends

                          Thank You Cindy


                          • #14
                            Re: Future Trends

                            Tiger Woods will start to transform himself into a white women through skin bleaching and plastic surgery.

                            Then he will purchase Disneyland Orlando and turn it into a private ranch for his special children friends.


                            • #15
                              Re: Future Trends

                              Thx leegs. I will read it.

