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Vintage Hudson

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  • Vintage Hudson

    Elegant Theories That Didn't Work

    The Problem with Paul Samuelson

    Paul Samuelson, America’s best known economist, died on Sunday. He was awarded the Nobel prize for economics, (founded one year earlier by a Swedish bank in 1970 “in honor of Alfred Nobel”). That award elicited this trenchant critique, published by Michael Hudson in Commonweal, December 18, 1970. The essay was titled “Does economics deserve a Nobel prize? (And by the way, does Samuelson deserve one?)”
    It is bad enough that the field of psychology has for so long been a non-social science, viewing the motive forces of personality as deriving from internal psychic experiences rather than from man's interaction with his social setting. Similarly in the field of economics: since its “utilitarian” revolution about a century ago, this discipline has also abandoned its analysis of the objective world and its political, economic productive relations in favor of more introverted, utilitarian and welfare-oriented norms. Moral speculations concerning mathematical psychics have come to displace the once-social science of political economy.

    To a large extent the discipline’s revolt against British classical political economy was a reaction against Marxism, which represented the logical culmination of classical Ricardian economics and its paramount emphasis on the conditions of production. Following the counter-revolution, the motive force of economic behavior came to be viewed as stemming from man's wants rather than from his productive capacities, organization of production, and the social relations that followed therefrom. By the postwar period the anti-classical revolution (curiously termed neo-classical by its participants) had carried the day. Its major textbook of indoctrination was Paul Samuelson's Economics.

    Today, virtually all established economists are products of this anti-classical revolution, which I myself am tempted to call a revolution against economic analysis per se. The established practitioners of economics are uniformly negligent of the social preconditions and consequences of man's economic activity. In this lies their shortcoming, as well as that of the newly-instituted Economics Prize granted by the Swedish Academy: at least for the next decade it must perforce remain a prize for non-economics, or at best superfluous economics. Should it therefore be given at all?

    This is only the second year in which the Economics prize has been awarded, and the first time it has been granted to a single individual -- Paul Samuelson -- described in the words of a jubilant New York Times editorial as “the world’s greatest pure economic theorist.” And yet the body of doctrine that Samuelson espouses is one of the major reasons why economics students enrolled in the nation's colleges have been declining in number. For they are, I am glad to say, appalled at the irrelevant nature of the discipline as it is now taught, impatient with its inability to describe the problems which plague the world in which they live, and increasingly resentful of its explaining away the most apparent problems which first attracted them to the subject.

    The trouble with the Nobel Award is not so much its choice of man (although I shall have more to say later as to the implications of the choice of Samuelson), but its designation of economics as a scientific field worthy of receiving a Nobel prize at all. In the prize committee’s words, Mr. Samuelson received the award for the “scientific work through which he has developed static and dynamic economic theory and actively contributed to raising the level of analysis in economic science. . . .”

    What is the nature of this science? Can it be “scientific” to promulgate theories that do not describe economic reality as it unfolds in its historical context, and which lead to economic imbalance when applied? Is economics really an applied science at all? Of course it is implemented in practice, but with a noteworthy lack of success in recent years on the part of all the major economic schools, from the post-Keynesians to the monetarists.

    In Mr. Samuelson’s case, for example, the trade policy that follows from his theoretical doctrines is laissez faire. That this doctrine has been adopted by most of the western world is obvious. That it has benefited the developed nations is also apparent. However, its usefulness to less developed countries is doubtful, for underlying it is a permanent justification of the status quo: let things alone and everything will (tend to) come to “equilibrium.” Unfortunately, this concept of equilibrium is probably the most perverse idea plaguing economics today, and it is just this concept that Mr. Samuelson has done so much to popularize. For it is all too often overlooked that when someone falls fiat on his face he is “in equilibrium” just as much as when he is standing upright. Poverty as well as wealth represents an equilibrium position. Everything that exists represents, however fleetingly, some equilibrium -- that is, some balance or product -- of forces.

    Nowhere is the sterility of this equilibrium preconception more apparent than in Mr. Samuelson's famous factor-price equalization theorem, which states that the natural tendency of the international economy is for wages and profits among nations to converge over time. As an empirical historical generality this obviously is invalid. International wage levels and living standards are diverging, not converging, so that the rich creditor nations are becoming richer while poor debtor countries are becoming poorer -- at an accelerating pace, to boot. Capital transfers (international investment and “aid”) have, if anything, aggravated the problem, largely because they have tended to buttress the structural defects that impede progress in the poorer countries: obsolete systems of land tenure, inadequate educational and labor-training institutions, pre-capitalist aristocratic social structures, and so forth. Unfortunately, it is just such political-economic factors that have been overlooked by Mr. Samuelson’s theorizing (as they have been overlooked by the mainstream of academic economists since political economy gave way to “economics” a century ago).

    In this respect Mr. Samuelson's theories can be described as beautiful watch parts which, when assembled, make a watch that doesn’t tell the time accurately. The individual parts are perfect, but their interaction is somehow not. The parts of this watch are the constituents of neoclassical theory that add up to an inapplicable whole. They are a kit of conceptual tools ideally designed to correct a world that doesn’t exist.

    The problem is one of scope. Mr. Samuelson’s three volumes of economic papers represent a myriad of applications of internally consistent (or what economists call “elegant”) theories, but to what avail? The theories are static, the world dynamic.

    Ultimately, the problem resolves to a basic difference between economics and the natural sciences. In the latter, the preconception of an ultimate symmetry in nature has led to many revolutionary breakthroughs, from the Copernican revolution in astronomy to the theory of the atom and its sub-particles, and including the laws of thermodynamics, the periodic table of the elements, and unified field theory. Economic activity is not characterized by a similar underlying symmetry. It is more unbalanced.

    Independent variables or exogenous shocks do not set in motion just-offsetting counter-movements, as they would have to in order to bring about a meaningful new equilibrium. If they did, there would be no economic growth at all in the world economy, no difference between U.S. per capita productive powers and living standards and those of Paraguay.

    Mr. Samuelson, however, is representative of the academic mainstream today in imagining that economic forces tend to equalize productive powers and personal incomes throughout the world except when impeded by the disequilibrating “impurities” of government policy. Empirical observation has long indicated that the historical evolution of “free” market forces has increasingly favored the richer nations (those fortunate enough to have benefited from an economic head start) and correspondingly retarded the development of the laggard countries. It is precisely the existence of political and institutional “impurities” such as foreign aid programs, deliberate government employment policies, and related political actions that have tended to counteract the "natural" course of economic history, by trying to maintain some international equitability of economic development and to help compensate for the economic dispersion caused by the disequilibrating “natural” economy.

    This decade will see a revolution that will overthrow these untenable theories. Such revolutions in economic thought are not infrequent. Indeed, virtually all of the leading economic postulates and “tools of the trade” have been developed in the context of political-economic debates accompanying turning points in economic history. Thus, for every theory put forth there has been a counter-theory.

    To a major extent these debates have concerned international trade and payments. David Hume with the quantity theory of money, for instance, along with Adam Smith and his “invisible hand” of self-interest, opposed the mercantilist monetary and international financial theories that had been used to defend England’s commercial restrictions in the eighteenth century.

    During England’s Corn Law debates some years later, Malthus opposed Ricardo on value and rent theory and its implications for the theory of comparative advantage in international trade. Later, the American protectionists of the 19th century opposed the Ricardians, urging that engineering coefficients and productivity theory become the nexus of economic thought rather than the theory of exchange, value and distribution. Still later, the Austrian School and Alfred Marshall emerged to oppose classical political economy (particularly. Marx) from yet another vantage point, making consumption and utility the nexus of their theorizing.

    In the 1920s, Keynes opposed Bertil Ohlin and Jacques Rueff (among others) as to the existence of structural limits to the ability of the traditional price and income adjustment mechanisms to maintain “equilibrium,” or even economic and social stability. The setting of this debate was the German reparations problem. Today, a parallel debate is raging between the Structuralist School * which flourishes mainly in Latin America and opposes austerity programs as a viable plan for economic improvement of their countries, and the monetarist and post-Keynesian schools defending the IMF's austerity programs of balance-of-payments adjustment. Finally, in yet another debate, Milton Friedman and his monetarist school are opposing what is left of the Keynesians (including Paul Samuelson) over whether monetary aggregates or interest rates and fiscal policy are the decisive factors in economic activity.

    In none of these debates do (or did) members of one school accept the theories or even the underlying assumptions and postulates of the other. In this respect the history of economic thought has not resembled that of physics, medicine, or other natural sciences, in which a discovery is fairly rapidly and universally acknowledged to be a contribution of new objective knowledge, and in which political repercussions and its associated national self-interest are almost entirely absent. In economics alone the irony is posed that two contradictory theories may both qualify for prizeworthy preeminence, and that the prize may please one group of nations and displease another on theoretical grounds.

    Thus, if the Nobel prize could be awarded posthumously, both Ricardo and Malthus, Marx and Marshall would no doubt qualify, just as both Paul Samuelson and Milton Friedman were leading contenders for the 1970 prize. [Friedman got his Nobel in 1976.] Who, on the other hand, can imagine the recipient of the physics or chemistry prize holding a view not almost universally shared by his colleagues? (Within the profession, of course, there may exist different schools of thought. But they do not usually dispute the recognized positive contribution of their profession’s Nobel prizewinner.) Who could review the history of these prizes and pick out a great number of recipients whose contributions proved to be false trails or stumbling blocks to theoretical progress rather than (in their day) breakthroughs?

    The Swedish Royal Academy has therefore involved itself in a number of inconsistencies in choosing Mr. Samuelson to receive the 1970 Economics Prize. For one thing, last year’s prize was awarded to two mathematical economists (Jan Tinbergen of Holland and Ragnar Frisch of Norway) for their translation of other men's economic theories into mathematical language, and in their statistical testing of existing economic theory. This year’s prize, by contrast, was awarded to a man whose theoretical contribution is essentially untestable by the very nature of its “pure” assumptions, which are far too static ever to have the world stop its dynamic evolution so that they may be “tested.” (This prompted one of my colleagues to suggest that the next Economics Prize be awarded to anyone capable of empirically testing any of Mr. Samuelson’s theorems.)

    And precisely because economic “science” seems to be more akin to “political science” than to natural science, the Economics Prize seems closer to the Peace Prize than to the prize in chemistry. Deliberately or not, it represents the Royal Swedish Academy’s endorsement or recognition of the political influence of some economist in helping to defend some (presumptively) laudable government policy. Could the prize therefore be given just as readily to a U.S. president, central banker or some other non-academician as to a “pure” theorist (if such exists)? Could it just as well be granted to David Rockefeller for taking the lead in lowering the prime rate, or President Nixon for his acknowledged role in guiding the world’s largest economy, or to Arthur Burns as chairman of the Federal Reserve Board? If the issue is ultimately one of government policy, the answer would seem to be affirmative.

    Or is popularity perhaps to become the major criterion for winning the prize? This year’s award must have been granted at least partially in recognition of Mr. Samuelson’s Economics textbook, which has sold over two million copies since 1947 and thereby influenced the minds of a whole generation of -- let us say it, for it is certainly not all Mr. Samuelson’s fault -- old fogeys. The book’s orientation itself has impelled students away from further study of the subject rather than attracting them to it. And yet if popularity and success in the marketplace of economic fads (among those who have chosen to remain in the discipline rather than seeking richer intellectual pastures elsewhere) is to become a consideration, then the prize committee has done an injustice to Jacqueline Susann in not awarding her this year’s literary prize.

    To summarize, reality and relevance rather than “purity” and elegance are the burning issues in economics today, political implications rather than antiquarian geometrics. The fault therefore lies not with Mr. Samuelson but with his discipline. Until it is agreed what economics is, or should be, it is as fruitless to award a prize for “good economics” as to award an engineer who designed a marvelous machine that either could not be built or whose purpose was unexplained. The prize must thus fall to those still lost in the ivory corridors of the past, reinforcing general equilibrium economics just as it is being pressed out of favor by those striving to restore the discipline to its long-lost pedestal of political economy.

    *At the time I wrote this critique I was teaching international trade theory at the Graduate Faculty of the New School for Social Research. Subsequently, I criticized Mr. Samuelson’s methodology in “The Use and Abuse of Mathematical Economics,” Journal of Economic Studies 27 (2000):292-315. Most important of all is Mr. Samuelson’s factor-price equalization theorem. I finally have republished my Trade, Development and Foreign Debt: A History of Theories of Polarization v. Convergence in the World Economy.

    Michael Hudson is a former Wall Street economist. A Distinguished Research Professor at University of Missouri, Kansas City

  • #2
    Re: Vintage Hudson

    Nice find thanks: H at his most lucid. I've been reading and watching some of the material from his Australia trip and it seemed a bit confusing or uneven. Ditto the stuff on the Renegade Economist. Was almost wondering whether he was OK. (After all, it couldn't be that he's just fed up with explaining - mostly - the same things to people like me over and over again...)

    FWIW I ran across an interview with him from 2003 that touched upon some stuff not dealt with much elsewhere - gold versus fiat for instance and the question of currency reform:

    Thanks for the post.


    • #3
      Re: Vintage Hudson

      Originally posted by oddlots View Post
      Nice find thanks: H at his most lucid. I've been reading and watching some of the material from his Australia trip and it seemed a bit confusing or uneven. Ditto the stuff on the Renegade Economist. Was almost wondering whether he was OK. (After all, it couldn't be that he's just fed up with explaining - mostly - the same things to people like me over and over again...)

      FWIW I ran across an interview with him from 2003 that touched upon some stuff not dealt with much elsewhere - gold versus fiat for instance and the question of currency reform:

      Thanks for the post.

      That was a great read. Thank you for posting.

      When I read the first piece Don posted it made me think that when economists talk about the proper roles for government and money. Trade, employement levels, or whatever. They are about as usefull as preseason college football polls. Sure they may be right for a while, but the games are decided on the field.


      • #4
        Re: Vintage Hudson

        maybe it sounded confusing and uneven because all politics and social organisation is in large part arbitrary and subject to evolution and dynamics of many moving parts that can't be understod in their entirety. Maybe he was just being honest, a rare commodity indeed. We sure need more open democratic debate though and he's still a top bloke in my mind.


        • #5
          Re: Vintage Hudson

          Originally posted by marvenger View Post
          maybe it sounded confusing and uneven because all politics and social organisation is in large part arbitrary and subject to evolution and dynamics of many moving parts that can't be understod in their entirety. Maybe he was just being honest, a rare commodity indeed. We sure need more open democratic debate though and he's still a top bloke in my mind.
          I meant only compared to his own best. I meant him no disrespect.


          • #6
            Re: Vintage Hudson

            yeah i'm just saying that as i get older and hopefully a bit wiser i'm less impressed by someone sprouting what sounds like a water tight story, i'm much more impressed when i'm getting the sense from someone that they have a deep appreciation of the complexity and contradictions in the world and they have a degree of comfortableness with this. I run a mile from neat stories designed to sell, like samuelson's internally consistent static models in dynamic world.


            • #7
              Re: Vintage Hudson

              Originally posted by oddlots View Post
              Nice find thanks: H at his most lucid. I've been reading and watching some of the material from his Australia trip and it seemed a bit confusing or uneven. Ditto the stuff on the Renegade Economist. Was almost wondering whether he was OK. (After all, it couldn't be that he's just fed up with explaining - mostly - the same things to people like me over and over again...)

              FWIW I ran across an interview with him from 2003 that touched upon some stuff not dealt with much elsewhere - gold versus fiat for instance and the question of currency reform:

              Mr. Hudson is a typical marxist - very smart and very delusional. Here is an example from the interview referenced above: “ … public-sector fiat money has a much better record than privately created fiat money”.

              Gee, of course, there is nothing wrong with fiat money per se. In general, anything controlled by the gov’t is wonderful. He really liked the Soviet way of solving economic problems (except, maybe, for a few small glitches – nothing serious :rolleyes: ).

              Of course, fiat money controlled by a gov’t agency is great (e.g. UK, Japan, Spain etc.) These countries don’t have any financial problems… :rolleyes:

              For that matter, the economy controlled by the gov’t is much better than the private sector. He definitely thinks so but is still afraid to state it openly. No problem, Mr. Kucinich already said it. Whatever Mr. Hudson thinks, Mr. Kucinich speaks.

              Indeed, you have to be an intellectual to believe in this nonsense.


              • #8
                Re: Vintage Hudson

                Originally posted by medved View Post
                Mr. Hudson is a typical marxist - very smart and very delusional. Here is an example from the interview referenced above: “ … public-sector fiat money has a much better record than privately created fiat money”.

                Gee, of course, there is nothing wrong with fiat money per se. In general, anything controlled by the gov’t is wonderful. He really liked the Soviet way of solving economic problems (except, maybe, for a few small glitches – nothing serious :rolleyes: ).

                Of course, fiat money controlled by a gov’t agency is great (e.g. UK, Japan, Spain etc.) These countries don’t have any financial problems… :rolleyes:

                For that matter, the economy controlled by the gov’t is much better than the private sector. He definitely thinks so but is still afraid to state it openly. No problem, Mr. Kucinich already said it. Whatever Mr. Hudson thinks, Mr. Kucinich speaks.

                Indeed, you have to be an intellectual to believe in this nonsense.
                Somebody has to be in control . . . .

                I'd rather it be a representational government -- however flawed -- than greedy, self-serving businessmen.

                Right now, it seems we have the greedy, self-serving businessmen controlling the supposedly representational government. But that may be about to change . . . .
                Boycott Big Banks • Vote Out Incumbents


                • #9
                  Re: Vintage Hudson

                  Here are two quotes; one from the article above and one from Wikipedia.
                  From Michael Hudson (bold is mine) Nowhere is the sterility of this equilibrium preconception more apparent than in Mr. Samuelson's famous factor-price equalization theorem, which states that the natural tendency of the international economy is for wages and profits among nations to converge over time. As an empirical historical generality this obviously is invalid. International wage levels and living standards are diverging, not converging, so that the rich creditor nations are becoming richer while poor debtor countries are becoming poorer -- at an accelerating pace, to boot. Capital transfers (international investment and “aid”) have, if anything, aggravated the problem, largely because they have tended to buttress the structural defects that impede progress in the poorer countries: obsolete systems of land tenure, inadequate educational and labor-training institutions, pre-capitalist aristocratic social structures, and so forth. Unfortunately, it is just such political-economic factors that have been overlooked by Mr. Samuelson’s theorizing (as they have been overlooked by the mainstream of academic economists since political economy gave way to “economics” a century ago).
                  from Wikipedia
                  Factor price equalization is an economic theory, which states that the relative prices for two identical factors of production in the same market will eventually equal each other because of competition. The price for each single factor need not become equal, but relative factors will. Whichever factor receives the lowest price before two countries integrate economically and effectively become one market will therefore tend to become more expensive relative to other factors in the economy, while those with the highest price will tend to become cheaper.
                  An often-cited example of factor price equalization is wages. When two countries enter a free trade agreement, wages for identical jobs in both countries tend to approach each other. After the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was signed, for instance, unskilled labor wages gradually fell in the United States, at the same time as they gradually rose in Mexico.[citation needed] The same force has applied more recently to the various countries of the European Union.
                  The result was first proven mathematically as an outcome of the Heckscher-Ohlin model assumptions.
                  Simply stated the theorem says that when the prices of the output goods are equalized between countries as they move to free trade, then the prices of the factors (capital and labor) will also be equalized between countries.
                  Now, to my question: Hudson's article was 1970, and Wiki is now, so is the discrepancy between the two a result of:
                  1. The interpretation of the theory changed between 1970 and now
                  2. The theory was proposed too broadly and did not apply in the macro sense, which Hudson points out, but is now shown to work in the micro (yours and my wages) sense.
                  3. The theory awaited its predecessor conditions, i.e. true globalization/free trade, to be shown true
                  4. Wiki is off base and misinterpreting the theory
                  5 Something else



                  • #10
                    Re: Vintage Hudson

                    Originally posted by raja View Post
                    Somebody has to be in control . . . .

                    I'd rather it be a representational government -- however flawed -- than greedy, self-serving businessmen.

                    Right now, it seems we have the greedy, self-serving businessmen controlling the supposedly representational government. But that may be about to change . . . .
                    People keep forgetting, this control should be *limited*. Fiat currency is one of the ways to make it *UN*limited (fractional reserve banking is another). Mr. Hudson does not want limited power, he's just unhappy that the other side has control, so he wants unlimited control for his party.

                    Speaking about change, I agree, it is coming. So, be careful what you wish for, you might get it. Remember, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.


                    • #11
                      Re: Vintage Hudson

                      Originally posted by medved View Post
                      Mr. Hudson is a typical marxist - very smart and very delusional. Here is an example from the interview referenced above: “ … public-sector fiat money has a much better record than privately created fiat money”.

                      Gee, of course, there is nothing wrong with fiat money per se. In general, anything controlled by the gov’t is wonderful. He really liked the Soviet way of solving economic problems (except, maybe, for a few small glitches – nothing serious :rolleyes: ).

                      Of course, fiat money controlled by a gov’t agency is great (e.g. UK, Japan, Spain etc.) These countries don’t have any financial problems… :rolleyes:

                      For that matter, the economy controlled by the gov’t is much better than the private sector. He definitely thinks so but is still afraid to state it openly. No problem, Mr. Kucinich already said it. Whatever Mr. Hudson thinks, Mr. Kucinich speaks.

                      Indeed, you have to be an intellectual to believe in this nonsense.

                      Hey Medved,

                      I'd really like to unpack what the charge of being a Marxist means here.

                      One of the really insightful comments he made to my ear went something like:

                      "The choice you are never given is between lower house prices, higher taxes, and better services and higher house prices, lower taxes, less services and the money paid to support services going instead to financial services as an economic rent."

                      In illustrating this he pointed to the German economy as a model: a stagnant real estate market, higher taxes, but better services, and a more balanced economy with a healthy manufacturing base and better distribution of income.

                      I fail to see how that makes him a Marxist unless we've got it wrong and it was the GDR that swallowed up the DDR rather than the reverse. Certainly it is a revival of the classical notion of economic rent, which makes him a Ricardian, no?

                      I think he hasn't said that an "economy controlled by the government is much better" because he doesn't believe it, not because he's dishonest. I think he's much more libertarian than you give him credit for.

                      His attack on private enterprise is targeted at the financial sector and is, in fact, equally a critique of public sector complicity in a system that is long term untenable.

                      You could spin the argument out in many ways but this would be my interpretation: I would start with the fact that we have a debt-based money system (putting aside the question of whether this is good, bad, or inevitable for a second.) For a loan to be paid back it must support an economic activity that produces a revenue stream in excess of principle payments (interest.) In industrial capitalism this stream is generated (in aggregate and when it works) by productivity gains that increase or support profits that can be used to pay the interest. In this case debt money seems relatively benign and sustainable.

                      In financial capitalism (of the Ponzi sort we seem to have devolved into) the revenue stream is dependent on increases in asset prices beyond a point that can be justified by revenue streams. (Think of cap rates on real estate or P/E ratios.) In this case there is a problem for debt based money: the debt load will increase exponentially while the debt carrying capacity of the underlying economy will only, at best, support arithmetic growth. In this case the system is long-term untenable, especially if the door to reset the system via either liquidation (market clearing) or debt forgiveness is barred.

                      Hudson's complaint is that, through bad economics in the service of a wealthy elite, over time the state has been used (through tax policy) to disadvantage industrial capitalism and promote financial capitalism. Since financial capitalism, especially in its ponzi phase, is unable to generate the revenue streams through productivity gains it can only do so by increasing the economy's debt overhead so increasingly concentrating wealth at the expense of - really - what I would call the private sector proper. (Since the financial sector is, in fact, dependent on government tax policy and deregulation for its dominance.)

                      If the above rises above caricature, I think your charge that Hudson is simply some throwback to Soviet planning does not. Granted his one-dimensional (in my view) analysis of what happened after the fall of the Soviet Union gives me pause, but only because it doesn't seem sympathetic to how difficult the situation was to negotiate from a political viewpoint. But then maybe I'm naive. But you've got to admit that the economic analysis of the results and why they've been so disastrous for Latvia, for example, seems spot on. I'm thinking of Hungary here, but how could anyone allow the majority of their mortgage loans to be denominated in foreign currencies is beyond me. That's not capitalism but simply madness.

                      Basically, I think it's more complicated than government (boo) private sector (yay.) Surely.

                      As to the question of fiat currency, I share your pessimism regarding a government's ability to stave off inflationary demands from the populace. But this is a practical question more than a conceptual one and I'm more interested in understanding how government issued fiat currency could work at all (as it apparently did with Colonial scrip and the original greenbacks) because I suspect I don't understand money at this level. (I've been reading about the bank wars of the 19th century. So far as I can tell, in order to have a stable currency you have to invite Sylvester McMonkey McBean to run the press, but I don't understand why.) If you have any suggestions regarding stuff to read about this I'm all ears.

                      I have to stop now as its getting kind of hot under this beret. I'd really appreciate any thoughts on what I'm missing here.
                      Last edited by oddlots; December 15, 2009, 02:52 PM. Reason: typo


                      • #12
                        Re: Vintage Hudson

                        Indeed, you have to be an intellectual to believe in this nonsense.
                        The Dumbing Of America

                        Call Me a Snob, but Really, We're a Nation of Dunces

                        By Susan Jacoby
                        Sunday, February 17, 2008

                        "The mind of this country, taught to aim at low objects, eats upon itself." Ralph Waldo Emerson offered that observation in 1837, but his words echo with painful prescience in today's very different United States. Americans are in serious intellectual trouble -- in danger of losing our hard-won cultural capital to a virulent mixture of anti-intellectualism, anti-rationalism and low expectations.

                        The classic work on this subject by Columbia University historian Richard Hofstadter, "Anti-Intellectualism in American Life," was published in early 1963, between the anti-communist crusades of the McCarthy era and the social convulsions of the late 1960s. Hofstadter saw American anti-intellectualism as a basically cyclical phenomenon that often manifested itself as the dark side of the country's democratic impulses in religion and education. But today's brand of anti-intellectualism is less a cycle than a flood.

                        Dumbness, to paraphrase the late senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, has been steadily defined downward for several decades, by a combination of heretofore irresistible forces. These include the triumph of video culture over print culture (and by video, I mean every form of digital media, as well as older electronic ones); a disjunction between Americans' rising level of formal education and their shaky grasp of basic geography, science and history; and the fusion of anti-rationalism with anti-intellectualism.



                        • #13
                          Re: Vintage Hudson

                          Originally posted by raja View Post
                          Somebody has to be in control . . . .

                          I'd rather it be a representational government -- however flawed -- than greedy, self-serving businessmen.
                          Who's in control on a football field - the players, the coaches, the referee's or the sports association that set the rules?

                          It's not one or the other. It's all of them, in diverse ways. The association sets the rules, the referee's enforce the rules, the coaches call the plays and the players run the plays.

                          We need legislators to make the rules, government administrations to enforce the rules, corporate directors to call the shots and corporate employees to run the plays.

                          If your favorite football team had to play a game where the other team bought and paid for the referee's, you'd be outraged, right? Unfortunately our governments (legislatures and administrations) have been in large part captured by corporations.

                          If the sports association dictated that all players get equal playing time and that all games end in a tie (wouldn't want to hurt anyone's feelings would we?) then you'd again be outraged and then soon ignore those games entirely. The tyranny justified in the name of providing "fair results" destroys the freedom essential to humans.

                          It is not an either-or question! It's both, in their proper rule, each having some control.
                          Most folks are good; a few aren't.


                          • #14
                            Re: Vintage Hudson

                            Originally posted by don View Post
                            The Dumbing Of America

                            Call Me a Snob, but Really, We're a Nation of Dunces

                            By Susan Jacoby
                            Sunday, February 17, 2008

                            "The mind of this country, taught to aim at low objects, eats upon itself." Ralph Waldo Emerson offered that observation in 1837, but his words echo with painful prescience in today's very different United States. Americans are in serious intellectual trouble -- in danger of losing our hard-won cultural capital to a virulent mixture of anti-intellectualism, anti-rationalism and low expectations.

                            The classic work on this subject by Columbia University historian Richard Hofstadter, "Anti-Intellectualism in American Life," was published in early 1963, between the anti-communist crusades of the McCarthy era and the social convulsions of the late 1960s. Hofstadter saw American anti-intellectualism as a basically cyclical phenomenon that often manifested itself as the dark side of the country's democratic impulses in religion and education. But today's brand of anti-intellectualism is less a cycle than a flood.

                            Dumbness, to paraphrase the late senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, has been steadily defined downward for several decades, by a combination of heretofore irresistible forces. These include the triumph of video culture over print culture (and by video, I mean every form of digital media, as well as older electronic ones); a disjunction between Americans' rising level of formal education and their shaky grasp of basic geography, science and history; and the fusion of anti-rationalism with anti-intellectualism.

                            1. Indeed, she is a snob.
                            2. Food for thought: it was the intellectual elite that lead Russia down the road to serfdom. The same can happen here.


                            • #15
                              Re: Vintage Hudson

                              Originally posted by medved View Post
                              1. Indeed, she is a snob.
                              2. Food for thought: it was the intellectual elite that lead Russia down the road to serfdom. The same can happen here.
                              god save us from the intellectuals. it's pragmatists like truman, fdr, & reagan who lead a lost usa out of the woods.

