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Obama's response to Janszen, Taibbi, et. al.

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  • #31
    Re: Mess created 2001-2008 during BUSH's presidency

    "There is none so blind as he who will not see..."

    Famous photo: Bush appointees to financial regualtory agencies demolish bank regulations in 2003.

    "Actually, there was plenty of coordination — a coordinated effort to destroy effective regulation:
    Consider the press conference held on June 3, 2003 — just about the time subprime lending was starting to go wild — to announce a new initiative aimed at reducing the regulatory burden on banks. Representatives of four of the five government agencies responsible for financial supervision used tree shears to attack a stack of paper representing bank regulations. The fifth representative, James Gilleran of the Office of Thrift Supervision, wielded a chainsaw."


    • #32
      Re: Obama's response to Janszen, Taibbi, et. al.

      Originally posted by c1ue View Post
      More moronic statements from the Mullet Man.

      Here's your 'high road':

      November 19, 2009

      Then less than 1 month later:

      December 10, 2009

      Go back 1 year - remember this?

      November 8, 2008

      There is a term for this.

      The general behavior is: politician

      Colloquially it is: being all things to all people

      In Rove-speak: a flip flopper

      The 'high road' is simply one of leading the moneylenders in the Temple.

      Why not try the "ignore" setting - it works for me.
      And it's a lot easier than typing rebuttals to a MulletMind that can't understand it anyway. Not to mention the peptic distress.

      Life is too short and there are too many people on this forum who are worth reading.
      Save your mental energy for them - they'll appreciate your thoughts.


      • #33
        Re: Obama's response to Janszen, Taibbi, et. al.

        Originally posted by Raz
        Why not try the "ignore" setting - it works for me.
        I've considered it, but my ignore list still remains empty.

        After all, it is at least theoretically possible that something of interest or note will be emitted.


        • #34
          Re: Mess created 2001-2008 during BUSH's presidency

          Originally posted by goodrich4bk View Post
          1. O didn't bailout the bankers; the bank bailout was last year (Bush and Co). O used TARP for GM, AIG and Chrysler.

          2. Geithner was a vote for "continuity". As EJ and others make clear, we are at the mercy of our creditors, most of whom are foreign and likely demanded no significant changes in the TBTF policy started by Bush. We can all speculate whether anything would be different with a different man in Treasury, but Geithner was not unqualified, even though I opposed his appointment and believe his policies are mistaken.

          3. "All of the data" on global warming has NOT been faked. Where do you get this stuff? I think the jury is out on the extent and causes of the problem and whether it is even a problem that needs immediate attention. But for god's sake, just look at the polar ice, Bolivia's glaciers, Mt. Kilamenjaro and the ice core studies, none of which is the subject of the emails. As for the emails, you're surprised that "group think" is prevalent on all sides of an issue? It's an embarrassment to that UK research team, but they are otherwise a red herring.

          4. O has given several speeches expressing the dangers of deficits and the need for austerity. Last time I checked, though, Congress has the power of the purse.

          5. He campaigned on the promise of a troop increase in Afghanistan. Or would you rather he break that promise so you could call him a liar?

          6. Why lack of progress on a health care bill? Do you really not know the answer? Hint: FIRE owns Congress. At least he is trying and he has not yet given up.

          7. What specific proposals do you have for "cleaning up" Congress? If, as you say, it's a problem that has gone on for decades, why is he now responsible for solving it? Isn't it more reasonable that he first address the problems he campaigned on, ie., Afghanistan, health care, the environment and winding down the Iraq war? You may not like his solutions, but from I can tell, he's just doing what the majority elected him to do.
          An Obama playing hard-ball with the Congress would be an Obama going to the Congress and threatening to read the names out into the public record of those who have taken money from the health insurance industry. An Obama playing hard-ball would threaten the Congress with a call for a clean-out, and a new election. An Obama playing hard-ball would be an Obama demanding the heads of those in the Democratic Party who have chosen to obstruct and water-down health reform. An Obama playing hard-ball with the Congress would be an Obama in the Congress every day, demanding accountability of every member of Congress to the public for their stand on health reform. And an Obama playing hard-ball would be an Obama demanding passage of legislation outlawing influence-pedalling and outlawing the taking of bribes by anyone in government, especially in the Congress.

          Drift and grid-lock are no longer an option for Congress. The entire system is corrupt, and the President has to get exactly this message out to the Congress and to the American people now. And Obama should be threatening the Congress every day, right on the floor of the Congress, right in front of the television cameras.........That would be leadership. That would be how to govern.
          Last edited by Starving Steve; December 15, 2009, 06:03 PM.

