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Sarah's Coming to Town

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  • #31
    Re: Sarah's Coming to Town

    Originally posted by Gnosis View Post
    You are kidding, right? She is unqualified because she is unread. She is dangerous because she does not know that she does not know, and is nauseatingly self interested, for America's sake, of course.
    Those thoughtful minds that came together to think this great country into existence, also warned of these future ignorant children of their republic springing forth from the wellspring of monied handlers, dubious regard and propelled by populist ignorance. These worthy gentleman are currently rotating at 30,000 RPM in the grave.
    And you know that she is unread how? And Clinton isn't nauseatingly self interested? Gore? Bush? And who are here monied handlers the Republican party is trying to destroyer her as much as the democrats.


    • #32
      Re: Sarah's Coming to Town

      Originally posted by Raz View Post

      And for my Liberal friends: fliped42 has just pointed it out for you: for all your dislike of and disagreement with Sarah Palin, how is it that you can't - or won't - see the nearly identical situation with Barry Obama?

      Call me a sucker for anyone who can string two coherent sentences together without a teleprompter.

      I wasn't crazy about anybody in the Democratic field. When Obama won, though, I was both hopeful and audacious. Now I am neither.


      • #33
        Re: Sarah's Coming to Town

        Originally posted by Raz View Post
        Obama is a mystery man and media sensation. Personally, I don't think he's all that smart,
        and I fail to see how he's any more qualified than Palin.

        Hillary Clinton is probably more qualified than Obama - but not by much;
        personally I don't believe either of them is qualified.

        Bill Clinton and "Jimmah" Carter were both qualified - executive experience, well read, very intelligent - but Carter was an arrogant, micromanaging, thick-head who was a disaster as chief executive, and since I've never had a penchant for amoral, pathological liars
        I didn't vote for "Bill".

        Reagan was far smarter than his detractors wanted people to know. He had executive experience, was an incredibly good communicator, and made a pretty good chief executive. His biggest failing was in listening to a total 'friggin idiot like Arthur Laffer. Some of his deregulation was needed, but his hadling of the S&Ls was a fiasco, to put it mildly.

        By Kennedy I suppose you meant "Teddy". The man was very intelligent and certainly had the necessary experience to handle the office. But alcoholics make lousy bartenders, and after watching his treatment of Robert Bork combined with his almost insufferable arrogance (he was, after all, Sir Teddy, Heir of Camelot) I didn't much care for him. Being a woman killer wasn't a plus either.

        Lastly we come to Bush II - George W. Dumbass. Executive experience, not much else. NeoCon nitwit, big spender who probably avoided reading anything heavier than Readers Digest; phony "conservative" who with the help of Trent Lott and Denny Hastert managed to discredit Conservatism by presenting a counterfeit to the American people.
        Didn't care for him back then - care even less for him now.

        Guess I'm just a Ron Paul kinda' guy.
        Seriously on-the-money on all those people, esp Reagan, who wrote extensively on his political philosophy way before being president. Too bad he believed in 'starve-the-beast', that was his ultimate mistake.


        • #34
          Re: Sarah's Coming to Town

          Originally posted by Andreuccio View Post
          I didn't during the election, but I'm sure starting to now.
          Even during the election, what were his "qualifications?"

          Never held an executive position, never had a job in the private sector. He was a creature of academia and government. I could not think of lesser qualifications to be President.
          Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. -Groucho


          • #35
            Re: Sarah's Coming to Town

            Originally posted by Master Shake View Post
            Even during the election, what were his "qualifications?"

            Never held an executive position, never had a job in the private sector. He was a creature of academia and government. I could not think of lesser qualifications to be President.
            As I've said in other posts on this thread, my problem with Palin wasn't her relevant experience of lack thereof. It was that she had difficulty stringing two coherent sentences together and she appeared to have been uninterested in many National issues up until the point she got the nod from McCain. After 8 years of success and the dawning of the New American Century under W, I hope my Republican friends will understand why I was put off by this.


            • #36
              Re: Sarah's Coming to Town

              Originally posted by KGW View Post
              Anyone who remotely believes that a single individual called the "president" changes the tenor of the PTB, gets my vote for "rube of the year."

              Kabuki for the masses, since they never get off their asses.
              Well said, spot on!


              • #37
                Re: Sarah's Coming to Town

                Originally posted by Andreuccio View Post
                ... It was that she had difficulty stringing two coherent sentences together and ...
                ... didn't seem to stop George Bush...


                • #38
                  Re: Sarah's Coming to Town

                  Originally posted by flintlock View Post
                  I think that is what first put me off with Palin. Now she claims its all about saving America. I think its all about Sarah. But she's no different than any of them. We could do worse..... I guess?
                  As happens very often, your common sense views and concise articulation of them hit the nail on the head for me.


                  • #39
                    Re: Sarah's Coming to Town

                    Originally posted by fliped42
                    And how is this different from Obama? Audacity of Hope and Dreams of my Father?
                    Not necessarily any different, although I suspect without having read any of those three books that Obama's is a far cut above Palin's, no matter how skillful her ghost writer was.

                    Unlike Raz, I would never accuse Obama of being identical to Palin. Wish I could take the time to read his book and compare notes with you.

                    The disappointment in Obama, so prevalent in this thread and elsewhere, should never allow people to excuse Palin from being a simple-minded yahoo of the most dangerous sort--something Obama clearly isn't. True enough he is caving to the right wing militarists and the banksters, but he is capable of seeing and understanding the causes and plight of the working class and addressing the concerns of other nations, something Palin is oblivious to. She is the most ordinary and banal of her class, ripely deserving our contempt. Another poster quite rightly differentiated her from Huckabee, a man with soul, wit, and mind, but still not someone I'd like to see as president

                    Disappointment with a brilliant but somewhat hollow man like Obama is no excuse to trumpet a Know-nothing as the easy solution to our ills. That disappointment may be inevitable given political realities not so easily addressed in a mere presidential election. If Obama can't stand against those forces, imagine the disaster of putting a Palin in office. No, she won't take a stand for America like she did for Alaska against the oil companies. She would be crushed into puppet-hood, and we would see the political reincarnation of a female GWBush, only with far less worldly experience.

                    I fear that we're going to have to wait for a further descent into the maelstrom before Big O starts fighting, and only then, somewhat like FDR, because he has to after his initial attempts have clearly failed. He'll be put in a position like LBJ was with civil rights when he told MLK that he agreed with him, but asked MLK to go out and make him do it, because he couldn't bring the change about on his own. Obama will have to be shown that serious change is necessary, not cosmetic rearrangements of the current players. But unlike LBJ's civil rights showdown, the situation is much more all-compassing and dire. Hopefully Obama will go out fighting, and enough citizens will be behind him before he goes to keep America from making further huge mistakes.

                    (FYI, Big O was my third or fourth choice of Democrats for president)


                    • #40
                      Re: Sarah's Coming to Town

                      Originally posted by Mango View Post
                      Not necessarily any different, although I suspect without having read any of those three books that Obama's is a far cut above Palin's, no matter how skillful her ghost writer was.

                      Unlike Raz, I would never accuse Obama of being identical to Palin. Wish I could take the time to read his book and compare notes with you.
                      Mango, let's not put words into another persons mouth. I did not say that Obama was identical to Palin; I said the situation with Obama is nearly identical to Palin. I stand by that.

                      I also stand by my description of the Audacity of Hope. It is a useless, say-nothing, self-serving pile of crapola.
                      It insults the intelligence of any politically informed reader.

                      Originally posted by Mango View Post
                      The disappointment in Obama, so prevalent in this thread and elsewhere, should never allow people to excuse Palin from being a simple-minded yahoo of the most dangerous sort--something Obama clearly isn't. True enough he is caving to the right wing militarists and the banksters, but he is capable of seeing and understanding the causes and plight of the working class and addressing the concerns of other nations, something Palin is oblivious to. She is the most ordinary and banal of her class, ripely deserving our contempt. Another poster quite rightly differentiated her from Huckabee, a man with soul, wit, and mind, but still not someone I'd like to see as president.
                      I don't think Palin has any "fans" on this forum. "Deserving of our contempt?" How about a narcissistic liar who expects me to believe that he sat in a "church" for TWENTY YEARS listening to a man who baptized his daughters and wrote the preface to the aforementioned book, but NEVER heard any of the vulgar, hate-filled, malicious tripe that spewed forth from the mouth of the "Reverend" Wright?
                      Obama's handling of that subject reeks of mendacity, and for expecting me to swallow such a monumental lie Barack Obama is richly deserving of my contempt.

                      Don't be so consumed with hate for George W. Dumbass that you think anyone is better. Anyone is not.

                      Originally posted by Mango View Post
                      Disappointment with a brilliant but somewhat hollow man like Obama is no excuse to trumpet a Know-nothing as the easy solution to our ills. That disappointment may be inevitable given political realities not so easily addressed in a mere presidential election. If Obama can't stand against those forces, imagine the disaster of putting a Palin in office. No, she won't take a stand for America like she did for Alaska against the oil companies. She would be crushed into puppet-hood, and we would see the political reincarnation of a female GWBush, only with far less worldly experience.)
                      Brilliant? Are you kidding me? Brilliant based on what? His books? Beating Hillary Clinton and John McCrazy? Being articulate doesn't make one brilliant. Not having to answer tough questions because the media drools and fawns and slobbers all over you doesn't make one brilliant.

                      Originally posted by Mango View Post
                      I fear that we're going to have to wait for a further descent into the maelstrom before Big O starts fighting, and only then, somewhat like FDR, because he has to after his initial attempts have clearly failed. He'll be put in a position like LBJ was with civil rights when he told MLK that he agreed with him, but asked MLK to go out and make him do it, because he couldn't bring the change about on his own. Obama will have to be shown that serious change is necessary, not cosmetic rearrangements of the current players. But unlike LBJ's civil rights showdown, the situation is much more all-compassing and dire. Hopefully Obama will go out fighting, and enough citizens will be behind him before he goes to keep America from making further huge mistakes.

                      (FYI, Big O was my third or fourth choice of Democrats for president)
                      "Big O" is probably going to hand this country back to the NeoCon Repukelicans because he's so "brilliant" in (a) allowing Pelosi the Idiot to craft and draft his healthcare legislation, and (b) he's surrounded himself with Wall Street criminals and Lunatic Leftists.
                      (Like a woman who looks to Chairman Mao for "inspiration". :eek

                      He ain't looking too good in the polls and I don't see anything about this guy or his team that shows me they're smart enough to figure it out, let alone pull it out. The attacks on Fox News were about as dumb as a sack of rocks.


                      • #41
                        Re: Sarah's Coming to Town

                        I don't think Palin has any "fans" on this forum.
                        I'm a Palin fan. I voted for her and what's his name. I'd vote for her again, unless someone with serious abilities, serious cajones, a serious intention to major change, and an extra thick bullet proof vest were running.

                        Granted, I don't expect much out of the President these days. It's a hopeless job. Might as vote for the one I'd most enjoy watching. Fred Thompson could get my vote as well. Ron Paul is up and coming on my popularity poll of one.

                        I'll make no attempt to defend or promote Palin here. That, like the Presidency itself, would be a hopeless task. Can't say that I really care anyway, and it's best for my calm if I don't look too closely at the anti-Palin venom that is common here and elsewhere.
                        Most folks are good; a few aren't.


                        • #42
                          Re: Sarah's Coming to Town

                          None of the above.


                          • #43
                            Re: Sarah's Coming to Town

                            Originally posted by ThePythonicCow View Post
                            I'm a Palin fan. I voted for her and what's his name. I'd vote for her again, unless someone with serious abilities, serious cajones, a serious intention to major change, and an extra thick bullet proof vest were running.

                            Granted, I don't expect much out of the President these days. It's a hopeless job. Might as vote for the one I'd most enjoy watching. Fred Thompson could get my vote as well. Ron Paul is up and coming on my popularity poll of one.

                            I'll make no attempt to defend or promote Palin here. That, like the Presidency itself, would be a hopeless task. Can't say that I really care anyway, and it's best for my calm if I don't look too closely at the anti-Palin venom that is common here and elsewhere.
                            I like Sarah Palin but I couldn't vote for her. I don't think she reads nor does she have a grasp of the BIGGER picture of America's present place and predicament in the world. She was clearly "in over her head" as a vice-candidate for the Chief Executive of the United States. Not only do I believe her to be a [nearly] empty vessel for most "conservatives" to pour in their hopes and dreams, but what I fear most is that vessel being filled with extremely dangerous NeoCon delusions in foreign affairs and swayed by criminal banksters in domestic economic affairs. Perhaps I'm wrong about the domestic issue, but I don't believe I'm wrong concerning the foreign issue.

                            As for McCain: when given a careful look into his past (The Keating Five, dumping his first wife after she's severely injured in an auto crash, his two faces on Judicial appointments, etc.) I don't trust him. And on foreign affairs he would almost certainly have been worse than Bush! I don't just reject the NeoCon swill - I'm in mortal fear of it.
                            (By the way, I wonder why we weren't treated to a microscopic examination of Obama's past by the major networks the way Palin, and to a slightly lesser degree, McCain was? Leftist bias by the likes of John Gibson? Naah, only Fox news is biased. :rolleyes

                            That being said, it angers me to see the way Palin has been treated, and it especially fries my rectum to constantly hear how stupid she is - and how "brilliant" Barry is. Palin is woefully ignorant in at least one critical area, perhaps more. Obama hasn't shown me any brilliance whatsoever except in crafting a vague but hopeful message of "change" and using it to best one of the sleaziest politicians to come out of the Democratic Party in decades.

                            Beating McCain was no feat at all - with the economy in freefall and our nation stuck in an idiotic and unpopular war in Iraq, the real feat was pulled off by McCain: he only lost 53% to 47%. I expected the kind of route that Reagan gave to Carter.

                            Those numbers alone tell me that the Democrats are setting themselves up for the same trouncing that the Republicans got in 2006.
                            Last edited by Raz; December 10, 2009, 08:17 AM.


                            • #44
                              Re: Sarah's Coming to Town

                              but what I fear most is that vessel being filled with extremely dangerous NeoCon delusions in foreign affairs and swayed by criminal banksters in domestic economic affairs. Perhaps I'm wrong about the domestic issue, but I don't believe I'm wrong concerning the foreign issue.
                              McCain's views on American Imperialism/foreign affairs is the biggest reason I did not vote for him. ( though there were plenty other reasons:eek.

                              Any of you out there with young sons( like me) or grandsons need to remember that they CAN reinstate the draft at some point to fill the ranks for these wars. Don't think it can't happen.


                              A perpetual war in Afghanistan or other country in that region combined with a serious threat elsewhere will almost certainly require a draft. Its one thing to volunteer for it, its another to be dragged kicking and screaming to war so that some corporation can sell more crap to "emerging nations".


                              • #45
                                Re: Sarah's Coming to Town

                                Originally posted by ThePythonicCow View Post
                                I'm a Palin fan. I voted for her and what's his name. I'd vote for her again, unless someone with serious abilities, serious cajones, a serious intention to major change, and an extra thick bullet proof vest were running.

                                Granted, I don't expect much out of the President these days. It's a hopeless job. Might as vote for the one I'd most enjoy watching. Fred Thompson could get my vote as well. Ron Paul is up and coming on my popularity poll of one.

                                I'll make no attempt to defend or promote Palin here. That, like the Presidency itself, would be a hopeless task. Can't say that I really care anyway, and it's best for my calm if I don't look too closely at the anti-Palin venom that is common here and elsewhere.
                                I feel the same way on all accounts

