I just thought this article was simply precious. How else does a large insurer like AIG bail itself out of billions and billions of bad derivatives bets? Stick it to the little guy through the take over of your local utilities. Interestingly enough, the local utility in the article would be mostly owned by the U.S. government since their takeover of AIG. Expect to hear more stories like this one as the pin heads on city councils across our great land sell off local utilities to private investors in really stupid attempts to plug ongoing budget shortfalls.
Of course, all of this won't stop until they tax the very air you exhale all under the guise of controlling CO2 emissions. Be sure to wish Mr. Obama well during his trip to Copenhagen on the 6th of December as the leaders of the Western world put the finishing touches on a treaty to sell their populations up the river to the great Vampire Squid.
Of course, all of this won't stop until they tax the very air you exhale all under the guise of controlling CO2 emissions. Be sure to wish Mr. Obama well during his trip to Copenhagen on the 6th of December as the leaders of the Western world put the finishing touches on a treaty to sell their populations up the river to the great Vampire Squid.