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Food Stamps Loosing Stigma in USA?

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  • Food Stamps Loosing Stigma in USA?

  • #2
    Re: Food Stamps Loosing Stigma in USA?

    There are 239 counties in the United States where at least a quarter of the population receives food stamps, according to an analysis of local data collected by The New York Times.
    That is 7.6% of all counties in the U.S.


    • #3
      Re: Food Stamps Loosing Stigma in USA?

      NYT article includes an interactive map


      • #4
        Re: Food Stamps Loosing Stigma in USA?

        Originally posted by babbittd View Post
        NYT article includes an interactive map
        in 2007...

        in 2008...


        • #5
          Re: Food Stamps Loosing Stigma in USA?

          Originally posted by metalman View Post
          in 2007...
          Footnote: The map for 2007 shows percentage of eligible poor receiving food stamps, whereas the interactive map at the NY Times link shows percentage of total people.


          • #6
            Re: Food Stamps Loosing Stigma in USA?

            Originally posted by ASH View Post
            Footnote: The map for 2007 shows percentage of eligible poor receiving food stamps, whereas the interactive map at the NY Times link shows percentage of total people.
            here it is apples vs apples...


            gotta love the 'new economy'.


            • #7
              Re: Food Stamps Loosing Stigma in USA?

              Charts We'd Like to See: National Food Stamp Distribution merged with National Housing Crash


              • #8
                Re: Food Stamps Loosing Stigma in USA?

                One quick chart comparison:


                • #9
                  Re: Food Stamps Loosing Stigma in USA?

                  My grandmother worked in a public school in a rust belt town in Ohio. Food stamps had lost their stigma there 30 years ago.

                  I'd bet if you look up Crawford County they have been near the top of the list for a long time. They're up to 32% of children right now according to the interactive link.


                  • #10
                    Re: Food Stamps Loosing Stigma in USA?

                    I live in Licking County Ohio, and when I say it's pretty good here, what I mean is I thank God I don't live in Crawford, Meigs, Cuyahoga(Cleveland), or any of the other counties by the river. Because life would really, really suck and I wouldn't be hunting deer this month for fun and my love of venison.

                    If you want to see what I think the US will look like after this fiasco runs it course. Take a look at Meigs County Ohio. The state had to take over the court system there not too long ago, because the county couldn't come up with the $1 million annually budget to run the court system and yes they laid off almost all the sheriffs long ago. America is already a third world county, just look at large sections of the Midwest. Most people just don't want to see it or acknowledge it.

                    I was in Chicago recently, I'm pretty sure I know why Chicago lost the bid for the Olympics. It because their infrastructure absolutely sucks!!! I from Ohio and we have better roads than Chicago, for Christ sake. Hell I've been to 3rd world countries,10 years ago, that had/have infrastructure in better shape than Chicago's. I was uncomfortable riding the train, Their idea of rust remediation is to cover it in more paint, There was so much paint cover so much rust it was about 3/16th of an inch think. Paint is a preservative, but once it fail, you have to grind out the rust and prime it and THEN paint it again.

                    I am not for massive government infrastructure expenditures, It is a sign on how the FIRE economy as sucked the life of of America, more and more money going to interest equals less and less going to maintenance.
                    We are all little cockroaches running around guessing when the FED will turn OFF the Lights.

