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Martin Armstrong to be disposed of?

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  • #16
    Re: Martin Armstrong to be disposed of?

    Originally posted by jmaxey View Post

    It would appear that Martin Armstrong is in a lot of trouble the our rulers. He writes and comments on self evident things that drive the rulers bat shit. Should he manage to get out of prision, it would be to his benefit to get the hell out of this country post haste. The new system is beginning to come alive and should be fully operational in 2 -3 yrs. So to those who can leave, have the skill sets necesarry , good health, moderate amount of money and an overweeing desire to not walk around in a place where cameras are always on you, where you can feel free to talk to your seat mate on the bus or a friend about some politicial you I suggest that you come up with a plan. Perhaps another country, learn a foreign language etc. It is coming. Surely as day follows night it is
    What country would you choose?
    Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. -Groucho


    • #17
      Re: Martin Armstrong to be disposed of?

      Originally posted by ThePythonicCow View Post
      This is excessive punishment for that alleged crime. Something stinks here.
      I recall reading from one of Martin's earlier explanations of what happened to him, that this evidence self-destructed when the FEDs attempted to gather the data from the files (Martin rigged it to do so). I thought that was pretty clever but it obviously backfired on him.


      • #18
        Re: Martin Armstrong to be disposed of?

        All of his papers are posted here:


        • #19
          Re: Martin Armstrong to be disposed of?



          • #20
            Re: Martin Armstrong to be disposed of?

            Originally posted by babbittd View Post
            Cool - thanks!
            Most folks are good; a few aren't.


            • #21
              Re: Martin Armstrong to be disposed of?

              Originally posted by jmaxey View Post

              Galt's valley?


              • #22
                Re: Martin Armstrong to be disposed of?

                Originally posted by jmaxey View Post

                Great choice.

                Regarding the topic at hand, I am just now learning about Armstrong situation and papers (I quite enjoyed the one on Gold which was posted by TPC earlier).

                As an Armstrong neophyte, what do you guys think of his work? Is he the real deal or just an eccentric individual with a knack for pissing off the FED with a gold store?


                • #23
                  Re: Martin Armstrong to be disposed of?

                  Originally posted by LargoWinch View Post
                  Great choice.

                  Regarding the topic at hand, I am just now learning about Armstrong situation and papers (I quite enjoyed the one on Gold which was posted by TPC earlier).

                  As an Armstrong neophyte, what do you guys think of his work? Is he the real deal or just an eccentric individual with a knack for pissing off the FED with a gold store?

                  Have you read through Barts (remember him) thread?

                  Good stuff there - worth a re-read at this juncture.
                  Last edited by strittmatter; November 29, 2009, 11:56 AM. Reason: can't spell for shit


                  • #24
                    Re: Martin Armstrong to be disposed of?

                    Originally posted by LargoWinch View Post
                    As an Armstrong neophyte, what do you guys think of his work? Is he the real deal or just an eccentric individual with a knack for pissing off the FED with a gold store?
                    My impression is that Armstrong is very intelligent, very perceptive and has much experience in world-wide financial matters.

                    He's an odd duck, as if his radio were tuned to a different frequency. Thus he will see things others would miss, miss things others notice, and tune into things that those of us with more orthodox views will scoff at (perhaps rightly so, perhaps in error, perhaps just because we don't "get it".)

                    He's one of those I have to read leaning back in my chair, unlike say reading my bank statement which is done hunched over my desk.

                    My sense is that the depth and subtlety of what he understands is one of the two or three finest I've found writing of the current economic conditions. That doesn't mean he's right; sometimes the great ones just get to be wrong on a more grand scale.

                    I wish him well.
                    Most folks are good; a few aren't.


                    • #25
                      Information about Armstrong's situation, and ways to help.

                      Originally posted by ThePythonicCow View Post
                      Was this the link you had in mind:

                      Martin Armstong – Forced to Move to a High Security Prison to Silence Him?
                      I could not make this link work either -- it seems that the itulip forum software kept changing it from to
                      Yes, that was it- thank you. I don't know why it kept getting changed, and I couldn't delete it, either.

                      The article is at "Nathan's Economic Edge" blog. Nathan publishes (and archives) all of Martin Armstron's papers and has been writing about his situation for a long time. Here is an except of the article. Contact information is at the end, if you want to help. Nathan has asked that people post links to this article. Since I couldn't do that, I hope he will forgive the copy and paste.

                      Excerpt begins:

                      First let’s review the facts… whatever you believe about his innocence or guilt or innocence of any crime, the facts are that he was never put on trial for any crime. He was held in contempt of court for not producing what the judge ordered him to produce, something which he claims he didn’t have. He was placed in MDC Manhattan and was basically TORTURED. According to Nancy, he was locked in solitary confinement for almost the entire duration, suffering days on end and at times was intentionally awaken every hour or so all night long, night after night, in an attempt to get him to sign a confession. He was repeatedly told that he would not get the chance to see his 91 year old mother alive again if he did not sign the confession. This took place off and on for SEVEN YEARS. Then one day a huge convict, “a known homicidal maniac” named George, was locked in his cell with him where he proceeded to beat and strangle him until he thought he was dead. Later, according to Armstrong, a fellow inmate stated that the guards watched the beating and refused to open the door to stop it. He lost most of his teeth, and now, over two years later is still missing them because the prison system only has one dentist for over 5,000 inmates. He suffered a detached retina, broken ribs and other internal injuries that left him in intensive care.

                      They offered him a plea agreement to TIME SERVED if he would plea guilty and after 7 years, he could take no more and agreed, obviously under heavy duress. However, after pleading guilty, the judge instead of living up to the plea agreement sentenced him to the maximum amount allowable and he is now not scheduled for release until September of 2011, first eligible for parole in March 2011. His current location is at Ft. Dix, New Jersey where he is only 20 minutes from his mother and sister, a relatively safe facility. His sister takes his infirmed mother to visit him once a week, but she will not be able to make the journey into Manhattan. He is now under great stress as he believes he may not survive while inside the new location.

                      Inside this facility, I am told, he will be basically strip searched with nearly every movement, and he is not granted some of the “privileges” that he currently has access to, thus producing his work will be impaired, if not eliminated all together.

                      The question is WHY would they break their own rules and the law to move him now?

                      For a refresher, Habeas Corpus is defined as follows: “Habeas corpus (Latin: You (shall) have the body) is a legal action, or writ, through which a person can seek relief from their unlawful detention or that of another person. It protects individuals from harming themselves or from being harmed by the judicial system.”

                      Below is Federal Bureau of Prisons document number p5100.08 that spells out exactly what must be considered before moving an inmate. Preceding the document is the pertinent paragraph for those who have active Habeas cases. This paragraph recites the LAW as it applies here as Armstrong has not one, but TWO Habeas cases at the Supreme Court in his current jurisdiction:

                      "Under Rule 23(a) of the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedures, an inmate may not be transferred, pending review of a Habeas Corpus proceeding commenced before a court, without the approval of the court. Approval for transfer should be sought through the U.S. Attorney or Regional Counsel in cases where a Habeas Corpus petition is pending."

                      THESE ARE THE PEOPLE TO CONTACT:

                      Warden Donna Zikefoose
                      FCI Fort Dix
                      609-723-1100 Office Extension 5100
                      FAX 609-724-7557 ATTN. Warden Donna Zikefoose

                      Please note that we are not 100% sure that this is the right email (95%) they don't publish their email addresses but it follows the exact naming convention for emails for the BOP.


                      Kevin Byrd (Marty's Case Manager)
                      Phone: 609-723-1100
                      FAX: 609-724-7557 ATTN. Kevin Byrd

                      David Steele (the guy who handles the transfer):
                      Phone: 609-723-1100
                      FAX: 609-724-7557 ATTN. David Steele

                      ZIKEFOOSE SUPERIORS

                      Traci Billingsley, chief public information officer for the entire BOP. Tell this woman we are involving the press and she has a mess on her hands, thanks to the Warden at Fort Dix.


                      Public Information Office of Prisons
                      U.S. Department of Justice
                      320 First St NW, Rm 654
                      Washington DC 20534

                      Phone: 202-307-3250
                      FAX: 202-514-6878


                      Regional Director Joe Norwood- complain to this guy

                      200 Chestnut St
                      Philadelphia, PA 19106-2979
                      (215) 521-7300

                      Email: NERO/EXECASSISTANT@BOP.GOV

                      Please do what you can. Send faxes, send emails, and call their phones on Monday and ask to talk to them! Ask them why the rule of law is not being followed in Martin’s case! Also please provide a link to this post on other blogs you follow, thank you.

                      Excerpt ends.

                      Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.


                      • #26
                        Re: Martin Armstrong to be disposed of?

                        This story needs to get out in the mainstream.....Pipe Dream I suppose....


                        • #27
                          Important Update on Martin Armstrong's Situation

                          If you're interested in helping Martin Armstrong, possibly saving his life, here is an update from Nathan's Economic Edge:

                          "As of the time of this post, thankfully, Martin has not yet been moved. But we are learning a little bit more where this attempt to move him is coming from. Here is some information sent to me from a supporters of Armstrong who have knowledgeable on the inner working of Ft. Dix, and also are familiar with all of Martin’s legal cases and are in contact with an attorney who is going to start legal proceedings on the subject of this move on Monday. We have now consolidated all the contact information and proceedures onto the following three pages:"

                          I can't get the hyperlink feature to work here, and it's too much to type (me being a slow typist) so copy and paste the following URL into a new tab or window to learn how you can help:


                          Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.


                          • #28
                            Re: Martin Armstrong to be disposed of?

                            Originally posted by ThePythonicCow View Post
                            I could not make this link work either -- it seems that the itulip forum software kept changing it from to
                            It seems that nowhere is free of censorship in order to protect economic interests?


                            • #29
                              Re: Martin Armstrong to be disposed of?

                              Could we maybe keep the thread on topic? One conspiracy at a time... Let's just write letters, folks!

                              Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.


                              • #30
                                Re: Martin Armstrong to be disposed of?

                                Originally posted by shiny! View Post
                                Could we maybe keep the thread on topic? One conspiracy at a time... Let's just write letters, folks!
                                As you have not included any quote in your post, it is difficult to know to what you are referring; but I hope I am not incorrect in inferring that your post was in response to mine a few minutes earlier?

                                This thread appears to be about censorship in order to protect financial gain. The Armstrong stuff is theory. Try putting in a link to and you will see censorship in action. [I have used HTML special characters for the [:] to get around the itulip censorship filters]. I don't know why iTulip imposes this censorship, there could be a valid reason outside the usual economic vested interest that people do these things (as in trying to get rid of people like Armstrong)?

