The reality of Japan’s fiscal situation is as close to calamitous as any major economy has ever experienced, in peace time or during war. And it is set to become still more problematic. The on-balance sheet central government gross debt is set to touch 200% of GNP within a matter of a few quarters. With the economy contracting and deflating, economic policy, indeed large parts of the country’s current economic structure are hurtling ever deeper into a complete cul de sac.
We do not have a good picture of the off-balance sheet obligations of the Japanese state, but it is significant. Earlier this decade, estimates based on data released by the Ministry of Finance seemed to indicate that off balance sheet claims on the state were then well in excess of 300% of GNP. In the meantime, the on-balance sheet debt continued to soar.
We do not have a good picture of the off-balance sheet obligations of the Japanese state, but it is significant. Earlier this decade, estimates based on data released by the Ministry of Finance seemed to indicate that off balance sheet claims on the state were then well in excess of 300% of GNP. In the meantime, the on-balance sheet debt continued to soar.