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5 Aussie MP's resign over Climategate!

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  • 5 Aussie MP's resign over Climategate!

    Australia is leading the revolt against Al Gore’s great big AGW conspiracy – just as the Aussie geologist and AGW sceptic Professor Ian Plimer predicted it would.
    ABC news reports that five frontbenchers from Australia’s opposition Liberal party have resigned their portfolios rather than follow their leader Malcolm Turnbull in voting with Kevin Rudd’s Government on a new Emissions Trading Scheme.
    The Liberal Party is in turmoil with the resignations of five frontbenchers from their portfolios this afternoon in protest against the emissions trading scheme.
    Tony Abbott, Sophie Mirabella, Tony Smith and Senators Nick Minchin and Eric Abetz have all quit their portfolios because they cannot vote for the legislation.
    Senate whip Stephen Parry has also relinquished his position.
    The ETS is Australia’s version of America’s proposed Cap and Trade and the EU’s various carbon reduction schemes: a way of taxing business on its CO2 output. As Professor Plimer pointed out when I interviewed him in the summer, this threatens to cause enormous economic damage in Australia’s industrial and mining heartlands, not least because both are massively dependent on Australia’s vast reserves of coal. It is correspondingly extremely unpopular with Aussie’s outside the pinko, libtard metropolitan fleshpots.
    Though the ETS squeaked narrowly through Australia’s House of Representatives, its Senate is proving more robust – thanks not least to the widespread disgust by the many Senators who have read Professor Plimer’s book Heaven And Earth at the dishonesty and corruption of the AGW industry. If the Senate keeps rejecting the scheme, then the Australian government will be forced to dissolve.
    For the rapidly increasing number of us who believe that AGW is little more than a scheme by bullying eco-fascists to deprive us of our liberty, by big government to spread its controlling tentacles into every aspect our lives, and scheming industrialists such as Al Gore to enrich themselves through carbon trading, this principled act by Australia’s Carbon Five is fantastic news.
    Where they lead, the rest of the world’s politicians will eventually be forced to follow: their appalled electorates will make sure of it."

  • #2
    Re: 5 Aussie MP's resign over Climategate!

    the security breach and leaked emails has not made one peep, one tiny squeak in the Canadian mainstream media I listen to (I listen to close to zero, so take that with a grain of salt or 2)

    how about down under?

    Originally posted by skidder View Post

    Australia is leading the revolt against Al Gore’s great big AGW conspiracy – just as the Aussie geologist and AGW sceptic Professor Ian Plimer predicted it would.
    Last edited by Spartacus; November 27, 2009, 06:17 PM.


    • #3
      Re: 5 Aussie MP's resign over Climategate!

      Never have so many resigned on such flimsy allegations.

      Sea levels are about to explode 200 feet, about to cover the whole earth in salty water, the earth is about to be turned into a frying pan by global warming (despite the sea), the polar bears are getting soaked in rain (instead of snow), Siberia is about to become hospitable for farming (through rising temperatures), people are likely to develop health problems because of heat (Europeans are likely to develop indigestion due to tropical bacteria flourishing in Europe), London and New York are about to disappear under the ocean and 90 percent of humanity is going to get wiped out because of global warming and these guys are resigning? wtf????:confused:

      Ok I made all that up but you can read this year's popular fiction on the BBC and in the Independent.


      • #4
        Re: 5 Aussie MP's resign over Climategate!

        When you look at how the AGW issue is being pushed, while peak oil is being hushed - I wonder whether these two issues are the flip side of the same coin. Or to put it plainly - that the global warming issue is the pretext for reducing the West dependency on oil, while keeping a hold on the worlds oil resources. Not a bad strategy since we haven't prepared for peak oil....except that a lie will never lead us down the path of truth....

        In any case - I hope the AGW corruption cases keep leaking out.



        • #5
          Re: 5 Aussie MP's resign over Climategate!

          Where does Goldman's Cap & Trade fit into all this?


          • #6
            Re: 5 Aussie MP's resign over Climategate!

            Originally posted by don View Post
            Where does Goldman's Cap & Trade fit into all this?
            Isn't it interesting that Goldman Sachs, a company which produces absolutely nothing for the world except hidden information and profits, supports Cap-'n-Trade? Why is that? Is it the spread between buying and selling carbon credits?

            So much key information about how Cap-'n-Trade works is missing now, so how could anyone be for it?

            Finally, what is liberal or progressive about Cap-'n-Trade; i.e, how does Cap-'n-Trade help people to survive? Why is this even a part of Obama's agenda? And what is this unholy marriage between the Democrats and the greens really all about?:confused:


            • #7
              Re: 5 Aussie MP's resign over Climategate!

              Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post

              So much key information about how Cap-'n-Trade works is missing now, so how could anyone be for it?
              Easy "asset" to get behind if you're fire. Let's see, create a cash flow generating commodity out of thing air, then, once enough performance history is accumulated, such will be leveraged via structured finance/derivatives. In the meantime, generate trading profits, agent business, and exchange flow.

              Actually, what's not to like if you're fire?

