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Global Warming Scam Uncovered by Hacker

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  • #76
    Re: Global Warming Scam Uncovered by Hacker

    Mullet Man,

    You're first going to have to answer why $23M from Exxon somehow outweighs $70B+ from the US government alone - not to mention the $22M Phil Jones himself was granted.

    And thence to respond how it can be that such large sums of money do not inherently add potential conflict of interest.

    From there, you can now explain why Mann, Jones, and company were conspiring to 'fix' the peer review process by both stacking reviewers and by attacking/intimidating editors.

    Once you're finished with that, perhaps you might explain how objective scientists are able to put out good objective science while actively working with Greenpeace and sending lobbying letters to Congress.

    Once you're finished with all that, you can then answer the questions I keep putting out:

    1) Where is the proof of forcing? Past CO2 levels were higher yet runaway did not occur. Past temperature levels were higher yet the world wasn't destroyed. The Arctic has been ice free in the historical record, yet ice came back.

    2) Where are the temperature increases? According to the IPCC, temperatures should be much higher than they are now. Could the models perhaps be wrong?

    3) Where is the man-made CO2 smoking gun? CO2 levels have gone up, but so have temperatures. While certainly man has spit out a lot of CO2 into the atmosphere, the reality is that the man-made contribution is a small fraction of overall CO2.

    TABLE 1.

    The Important Greenhouse Gases (except water vapor)

    U.S. Department of Energy, (October, 2000) (1)
    (all concentrations expressed in parts per billion)Pre-industrial baselineNatural additionsMan-made additionsTotal (ppb) ConcentrationPercent of Total
    Carbon Dioxide (CO2)288,00068,520 11,880 368,400 99.438%
    Methane (CH4)848577 320 1,745 0.471%
    Nitrous Oxide (N2O)28512 15 312 0.084%
    Misc. gases ( CFC's, etc.)250 227 0.007%
    Total289,15869,109 12,217 370,484 100.00%
    Um, Man made additions to the existing CO2 in atmosphere is all of 3.2% - and CO2 overall in the atmosphere is only 0.38%

    So Man made CO2 is all of 0.012% of the atmosphere - yet is a major driver?

    Even the argument that the existing natural environment has a fixed CO2 absorption capability and that the man-made contribution is overwhelming that seems not to be true:

    Is the airborne fraction of anthropogenic CO2 emissions increasing?

    Wolfgang Knorr
    Department of Earth Sciences, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK

    Several recent studies have highlighted the possibility that the oceans and terrestrial ecosystems have started loosing part of their ability to sequester a large proportion of the anthropogenic CO2 emissions. This is an important claim, because so far only about 40% of those emissions have stayed in the atmosphere, which has prevented additional climate change. This study re-examines the available atmospheric CO2 and emissions data including their uncertainties. It is shown that with those uncertainties, the trend in the airborne fraction since 1850 has been 0.7 ± 1.4% per decade, i.e. close to and not significantly different from zero. The analysis further shows that the statistical model of a constant airborne fraction agrees best with the available data if emissions from land use change are scaled down to 82% or less of their original estimates. Despite the predictions of coupled climate-carbon cycle models, no trend in the airborne fraction can be found.
    Chop chop! Get to work!


    • #77
      Re: Global Warming Scam Uncovered by Hacker

      Originally posted by MulaMan View Post

      Being a retard and spreading ignorance is the greatest threat to democracy, freedom, and liberty and hence is 100% anti-American.

      Spreading this type ignorance onto your children is even worse.
      For once MulaMan, I tatally agree with you (but only with the first 2 sentences of your statement :rolleyes.

      Let the inquiries begin. Let this small elite group of scientists who peer review / cross polinate each others "work" answer to the facts found within this 160M of email and code. Let let the plethora of other scientists who call this GW religion rubbish also present their facts. I've got my popcorn ready, not every day you get to see a new multi-episode release where Al Gore gets roasted on a spit in the end!

      Conversely, MulaMan, I believe your beliefs are sincere ... it is hard to let go of long held beliefs ... but the facts supporting your beliefs are bogus - these emails prove that the data on which you base your opinion has been manipulated, tweaked, massaged, shifted, contorted, made to fit the promised vision of future disasters and doom in an effort to extract $TRILLIONS$ from the population ... as we non-GW-believers have always suspected.


      • #78
        Re: Global Warming Scam Uncovered by Hacker

        Originally posted by gnk View Post
        If this is true, then I agree with the Peak Oil ulterior motive. Governments cannot discuss Peak Oil publicly. The consequences could be immediate - market corrections, rampant commodities speculation, and more importantly resource wars amongst the powers.

        But before we lambast the leftist environmentalists - let's not forget the right wing warhawks.

        Whereas the left wing tree huggers in the know about Peak Oil want to address oil consumption by possibly creating an environmental danger, the rightwing warhawks prefer a war on terror and chasing weapons of mass destruction - which coincidently takes place in the world's largest oil producing region. The rightwing warhawks focus on oil production, the left wing tree huggers focus on oil consumption.

        Just a theory - but the fact that oil is the underlying issue addressed by both AGW and WMDs makes me think it's not that far off.
        As someone who does not have a strong opinion on the AGW subject (formerly a believer, now more skeptical because of the opportunity it creates for further concentration of power and profit) I think this may the most sensible post on the subject that I have seen here.


        • #79
          Re: Global Warming Scam Uncovered by Hacker

          Originally posted by BigLandbaron View Post
          For once MulaMan, I tatally agree with you (but only with the first 2 sentences of your statement :rolleyes.

          Let the inquiries begin. Let this small elite group of scientists who peer review / cross polinate each others "work" answer to the facts found within this 160M of email and code. Let let the plethora of other scientists who call this GW religion rubbish also present their facts. I've got my popcorn ready, not every day you get to see a new multi-episode release where Al Gore gets roasted on a spit in the end!

          Conversely, MulaMan, I believe your beliefs are sincere ... it is hard to let go of long held beliefs ... but the facts supporting your beliefs are bogus - these emails prove that the data on which you base your opinion has been manipulated, tweaked, massaged, shifted, contorted, made to fit the promised vision of future disasters and doom in an effort to extract $TRILLIONS$ from the population ... as we non-GW-believers have always suspected.

          This thread should be retitled " Losing my Religion".


          • #80
            Re: Global Warming Scam Uncovered by Hacker

            Originally posted by c1ue View Post
            As always, a failure to provide context to statements.
            Now this is an interesting statement, coming from someone who supports stealing emails from mail servers then selectively publishing out of context segments of the stolen property.

            Given the above questions - I'd answer yes to the first two, and no to the third.
            But this is a VERY interesting statement. By publicly stating that you know Global Warming is happening and you know it's a serious problem, it must create many troubling situations for you, and puts you in the minority of your fellow deniers.

            You must view Starving Steve (still waiting for San Fransisco to warm up) and some others here, as being very irrational since there are libraries of data and overwhelming scientific consensus supporting the fact of Global Warming and yet they refuse to accept it. When asked about these fellow deniers it leaves you with very limited choices. You either deny the deniers as lacking the ability to understand even the most basic data proving Global Warming is real, or you just grin and say nothing while hoping that the Global Warming deniers would simply be quiet and go away. Should you try to educate them that Global Warming is real? But how can you do that when they deny the overwhelming evidence in front of them.

            And then there are those fellow deniers who accept the fact that Global Warming is happening but don't accept the fact that it's a serious problem. You must wonder how can they be so blind. It must bother you that these irrational deniers are putting your children and grand children at such great risk because they ignore the libraries of data and overwhelming scientific consensus that Global Warming is a serious problem.

            I sympathize for your difficult situation. Knowing that most of your fellow deniers are simply wrong in the statements they make, certainly must hinder your efforts to show that Global Warming is real and that it's a serious problem. But the holiday season is beginning and today is Thanksgiving, so I wish you and all your fellow deniers (at what ever level of denial) the happiest of Thanksgivings.


            • #81
              Re: Global Warming Scam Uncovered by Hacker

              Originally posted by we_are_toast View Post
              Now this is an interesting statement, coming from someone who supports stealing emails from mail servers then selectively publishing out of context segments of the stolen property.

              But this is a VERY interesting statement. By publicly stating that you know Global Warming is happening and you know it's a serious problem, it must create many troubling situations for you, and puts you in the minority of your fellow deniers.

              You must view Starving Steve (still waiting for San Fransisco to warm up) and some others here, as being very irrational since there are libraries of data and overwhelming scientific consensus supporting the fact of Global Warming and yet they refuse to accept it. When asked about these fellow deniers it leaves you with very limited choices. You either deny the deniers as lacking the ability to understand even the most basic data proving Global Warming is real, or you just grin and say nothing while hoping that the Global Warming deniers would simply be quiet and go away. Should you try to educate them that Global Warming is real? But how can you do that when they deny the overwhelming evidence in front of them.

              And then there are those fellow deniers who accept the fact that Global Warming is happening but don't accept the fact that it's a serious problem. You must wonder how can they be so blind. It must bother you that these irrational deniers are putting your children and grand children at such great risk because they ignore the libraries of data and overwhelming scientific consensus that Global Warming is a serious problem.

              I sympathize for your difficult situation. Knowing that most of your fellow deniers are simply wrong in the statements they make, certainly must hinder your efforts to show that Global Warming is real and that it's a serious problem. But the holiday season is beginning and today is Thanksgiving, so I wish you and all your fellow deniers (at what ever level of denial) the happiest of Thanksgivings.
              Toast, I have no scientific bent, and have little knowledge of this issue.

              I don't deny that GW is taking place, but based on what I've read I am among the unconvinced that it is mostly man-made.


              • #82
                Re: Global Warming Scam Uncovered by Hacker

                Originally posted by Raz View Post
                Toast, I have no scientific bent, and have little knowledge of this issue.

                I don't deny that GW is taking place, but based on what I've read I am among the unconvinced that it is mostly man-made.
                Fair enough Raz. Actually your opinion is fairly common for people who have little knowledge of the issue. As you expand your knowledge and become more informed of the facts in the issue, I'm sure you'll change from having an opinion, to drawing a conclusion based on factual data.

                Isn't deep frying a turkey a big thing in the south? Isn't it also a way many Thanksgiving house fires get started?;) How ever you cook your turkey, I hope you have a great and pleasant Thanksgiving!


                • #83
                  Re: Global Warming Scam Uncovered by Hacker

                  Originally posted by RC Sock Puppet
                  Now this is an interesting statement, coming from someone who supports stealing emails from mail servers then selectively publishing out of context segments of the stolen property.
                  Support? I have clearly stated that the act of stealing is improper. Furthermore I specifically did not assist those requesting access to the data.

                  As for context - I have always published sources as well as full emails in the archive in question.

                  Any conclusions to be drawn are purely in the mind of the reader. But then again, 'mind' is hardly what you are looking for isn't it? You just want compliant agreement with the AGW cardinalia.

                  Originally posted by RC Sock Puppet
                  But this is a VERY interesting statement. By publicly stating that you know Global Warming is happening and you know it's a serious problem, it must create many troubling situations for you, and puts you in the minority of your fellow deniers.
                  No, I do not say it is a serious problem. What I said was, IF it were a problem, then certainly action should be taken.

                  If the poll asked: "Should CO2 restrictions be undertaken on the basis of the body of scientific evidence presented thus far?" - my answer would be NO.

                  If the poll asked: "Should humans consume less in order to preserve the environment on a voluntary basis" - my answer would be YES.

                  That's the beauty of polls - the question asked often yields the answer.

                  As for the whys - since you can't seem to read the large volume of material I've posted, I'll summarize for you:

                  The record shows that there has been an increase in temperature since the Little Ice Age. There are questions about this record but it is unlikely that the fundamental behavior will change.

                  1) Is this temperature increase man-made?

                  Possibly, even probably in some portion. But the numbers of causes are very large ranging from surface albedo changes due to man and his buildings/farms/roads, to soot emissions, to warm water vapor added to the atmosphere via burning fossils fuels, to the changes in animal/plant population/representation due to farming, etc etc.

                  2) Is this man-made temperature increase due to man made CO2?

                  Not conclusive at all.

                  The bulk of the argument thus far has been that CO2 is going up and temperature is going up.

                  But past instances of CO2 lagging temperature increases have not been well explained.

                  Past instances of lower temperatures plus much higher CO2 levels have not been well explained.

                  The actual energy calculations showing net increase in heat in the ocean/atmosphere due to CO2 interaction are ludicrous at best.

                  The extra-atmospheric solar power in/out measurements are similarly not conclusive.

                  The portion of CO2 in the atmosphere which is man made is extremely small compared to what is already there as well as CO2 generated by natural sources.

                  3) Is the existing trend a problem?


                  The warming thus far is on a 1.5 degree increase per 100 years.

                  This is a FAR cry from the IPCC catastrophe scenarios of 4 degrees/100 years, 7 degrees/100 years, or whatever the panic number of the week is.

                  Whether the documented warming is due to CO2 or normal LIA recovery/solar/whatever would actually be irrelevant if it were not for the AGW cardinalia's CO2 restriction goal.

                  4) Is there any evidence of the IPCC temperature increase acceleration?


                  The 'forcing' has yet to be either empirically or experimentally demonstrated.

                  In fact the recent years are showing a levelling of temperatures in direct opposition to the acceleration which IPCC had 'projected'.

                  The AGW cardinalia assumes that all/most of the warming is manmade, furthermore that the warming is all/mostly due to CO2, and furthermore that the warming trend will accelerate.

                  None of these 3 assumptions has been proven so far.

                  Yet radical actions are being actively pushed by the AGW cardinalia as can be seen by the latest IPCC interim report replete with the usual polar bears, dead trees standing in a desert, and other pictures normally associated with Al Gore.


                  • #84
                    Re: Global Warming Scam Uncovered by Hacker

                    Originally posted by MulaMan View Post
                    Yes, Inhofe is a very scary, anti-American scumbag - one of the most corrupt scumbags in congress. And you wonder why America is in decline.

                    "The contributions Inhofe has received from the energy and natural resource sector since taking office have exceeded one million dollars."

                    The scumbag needs to go in the next mid-terms.

                    Here is a great article that exposes his lies:

                    I think SOMEONE needs to look at the 'scumbags' the banksters contribute to like Dodd, Franks, and the former Senator Obama...


                    • #85
                      Re: Global Warming Scam Uncovered by Hacker

                      Originally posted by c1ue View Post

                      No, I do not say it is a serious problem. What I said was, IF it were a problem, then certainly action should be taken.

                      If the poll asked: "Should CO2 restrictions be undertaken on the basis of the body of scientific evidence presented thus far?" - my answer would be NO.

                      If the poll asked: "Should humans consume less in order to preserve the environment on a voluntary basis" - my answer would be YES.

                      That's the beauty of polls - the question asked often yields the answer.

                      As for the whys - since you can't seem to read the large volume of material I've posted, I'll summarize for you:

                      The record shows that there has been an increase in temperature since the Little Ice Age. There are questions about this record but it is unlikely that the fundamental behavior will change.

                      1) Is this temperature increase man-made?

                      Possibly, even probably in some portion. But the numbers of causes are very large ranging from surface albedo changes due to man and his buildings/farms/roads, to soot emissions, to warm water vapor added to the atmosphere via burning fossils fuels, to the changes in animal/plant population/representation due to farming, etc etc.

                      2) Is this man-made temperature increase due to man made CO2?

                      Not conclusive at all.

                      The bulk of the argument thus far has been that CO2 is going up and temperature is going up.

                      But past instances of CO2 lagging temperature increases have not been well explained.

                      Past instances of lower temperatures plus much higher CO2 levels have not been well explained.

                      The actual energy calculations showing net increase in heat in the ocean/atmosphere due to CO2 interaction are ludicrous at best.

                      The extra-atmospheric solar power in/out measurements are similarly not conclusive.

                      The portion of CO2 in the atmosphere which is man made is extremely small compared to what is already there as well as CO2 generated by natural sources.

                      3) Is the existing trend a problem?


                      The warming thus far is on a 1.5 degree increase per 100 years.

                      This is a FAR cry from the IPCC catastrophe scenarios of 4 degrees/100 years, 7 degrees/100 years, or whatever the panic number of the week is.

                      Whether the documented warming is due to CO2 or normal LIA recovery/solar/whatever would actually be irrelevant if it were not for the AGW cardinalia's CO2 restriction goal.

                      4) Is there any evidence of the IPCC temperature increase acceleration?


                      The 'forcing' has yet to be either empirically or experimentally demonstrated.

                      In fact the recent years are showing a levelling of temperatures in direct opposition to the acceleration which IPCC had 'projected'.

                      The AGW cardinalia assumes that all/most of the warming is manmade, furthermore that the warming is all/mostly due to CO2, and furthermore that the warming trend will accelerate.

                      None of these 3 assumptions has been proven so far.

                      Yet radical actions are being actively pushed by the AGW cardinalia as can be seen by the latest IPCC interim report replete with the usual polar bears, dead trees standing in a desert, and other pictures normally associated with Al Gore.
                      I think you are actually shedding some new light about your understanding of this issue. You appear not to be near the denier that most of the posters here are.

                      If I may summarize;
                      You accept the science (published papers), the data, and the scientific consensus that Global Warming is really happening.

                      You also accept that Global Warming is "probably" man made.

                      You think the problem is serious enough that you would answer yes to a poll question about how serious the problem is and you think humans should "consume less in order to preserve the environment on a voluntary basis".

                      You simply don't accept the temperature acceleration rate or the CO2 explanation that the science supports.

                      We seem to have more points of agreement than I thought.

                      We both agree with the science in that Global Warming is happening.

                      You think it is "probably" man made, I agree with the published science which states a greater degree of certainty.

                      I agree strongly with you that humans should "consume less in order to preserve the environment", you believe it should be voluntary, I would seek incentives and some disincentives to achieve our common goal.

                      Hmmm, the canyon is not as wide as I once thought.


                      • #86
                        Re: Global Warming Scam Uncovered by Hacker

                        Originally posted by jtabeb View Post
                        Proving just as dubious a theory as "Global Cooling".

                        Funny how those in power will "TILT" the science to support what ever agenda they are trying to advance at the time.

                        Man, I guess they REALLY think we are THAT STUPID.

                        (IMHO, Global Warming was chosen as a way to address the realities of Peak Cheap Oil and engender public support for the policies that that reality requires. Can't we just do the ******* RIGHT THING FOR THE RIGHT ******* REASON, Is that TOO DAMN MUCH TO ASK!)

                        *******-A, don't treat people as adults when you can treat them as children, right? (Gee, wonder why people are pissed the fuck-off)
                        Here's a little ditty submitted to the WSJ OP-ED section that exposes this affair nicely.
                        It's becoming main stream thinking that Cap & Trade, Et Al, is nothing more than a gimmick to 1). Get the "Camel's nose under the tent" of a world-wide tax scheme that eliminates the "sovereignty" issue of having a foreign (domestically unelected) official/entity taxing american citizens.
                        2). Centrally control and tax the energy production and utilization of every industrialized nation in the world (which sounds like a step towards "world gov't")while skimming off billions to fund this gov't and the elites on the inside like Al Gore ( the energy co's pass along these higher costs to end users which are all of US).

                        There should be massive grass-roots protests in Copenhagen against this effort to further enslave the masses and enrich the elites who are setting up this system. This Global Warming issue is a gigantic fraud foisted upon the world to consolidate power. Call and write to your representatives about this fraud and demand action!!! (I'm sure they are all bought off, unfortunately, but do it anyway).


                        ".......But the furor over these documents is not about tone, colloquialisms or even whether climatologists are nice people in private. The real issue is what the messages say about the way the much-ballyhooed scientific consensus on global warming was arrived at in the first place, and how even now a single view is being enforced. In short, the impression left by the correspondence among Messrs. Mann and Jones and others is that the climate-tracking game has been rigged from the start.

                        According to this privileged group, only those whose work has been published in select scientific journals, after having gone through the "peer-review" process, can be relied on to critique the science. And sure enough, any challenges that critics have lobbed at climatologists from outside this clique are routinely dismissed and disparaged.
                        This past September, Mr. Mann told a New York Times reporter in one of the leaked emails that: "Those such as [Stephen] McIntyre who operate almost entirely outside of this system are not to be trusted." Mr. McIntyre is a retired Canadian businessman who fact-checks the findings of climate scientists and often publishes the mistakes he finds—including some in Mr. Mann's work—on his Web site, He holds the rare distinction of having forced Mr. Mann to publish a correction to one of his more-famous papers.
                        As anonymous reviewers of choice for certain journals, Mr. Mann & Co. had considerable power to enforce the consensus, but it was not absolute, as they discovered in 2003. Mr. Mann noted to several colleagues in an email from March 2003, when the journal "Climate Research" published a paper not to Mr. Mann's liking, that "This was the danger of always criticising the skeptics for not publishing in the 'peer-reviewed literature'. Obviously, they found a solution to that—take over a journal!"
                        The scare quotes around "peer-reviewed literature," by the way, are Mr. Mann's. He went on in the email to suggest that the journal itself be blackballed: "Perhaps we should encourage our colleagues in the climate research community to no longer submit to, or cite papers in, this journal. We would also need to consider what we tell or request of our more reasonable colleagues who currently sit on the editorial board." In other words, keep dissent out of the respected journals. When that fails, re-define what constitutes a respected journal to exclude any that publish inconvenient views. It's easy to manufacture a scientific consensus when you get to decide what counts as science.
                        The response to this among the defenders of Mr. Mann and his circle has been that even if they did disparage doubters and exclude contrary points of view, theirs is still the best climate science we've got. The proof for this is circular. It's the best, we're told, because it's the most-published and most-cited—in that same peer-reviewed literature.
                        Even so, by rigging the rules, they've made it impossible to know how good it really is. And then, one is left to wonder why they felt the need to rig the game in the first place, if their science is as robust as they claim. If there's an innocent explanation for that, we'd love to hear it."


                        • #87
                          Re: Global Warming Scam Uncovered by Hacker

                          Originally posted by RC Sock Puppet
                          We both agree with the science in that Global Warming is happening.

                          You think it is "probably" man made, I agree with the published science which states a greater degree of certainty.
                          Again, you fail to differentiate a generic Global Warming with the very specific (and being acted on) AGW due to man made CO2.

                          Global Warming in this generic sense can describe both man made as well as natural causes.

                          The temperature changes seen thus far can be due to LIA recovery, CO2, surface albedo, etc etc - and is most likely due to some combination of the above.

                          I ascribe more to the Pielke/Spencer views on the world in this respect.

                          However to be very clear: carbon cap and trade is a farce.

                          CO2 emissions reductions in the order of what IPCC is apparently lobbying for is equally a farce. The latest IPCC interim report is ludicrously biased - on par with papal bulls - and I've already posted examples of how this report is biased.

                          The so called underlying science continues to be extremely inconclusive.

                          Were it more conclusive - given that fully conclusive is impossible - then I would be more inclined to agree to such radical and damaging schemes.

                          In normal science, it is possible to stipulate specific conditions where the hypothesis can be considered to be broken. In climate science - this has not happened.

                          From the CRU trove it is now clear that one reason for this is that the discussion is not scientific - it is personal and political.

                          Quite honestly Jones and Mann have much to answer for: their tactics seen in the light of their internal communications show a mindset and behavior much more in line with radical organizations like Greenpeace or an American legal trial than objective science.

                          As I've said before: the combination of the previous vituperation plus revelations of the fundamental hypocrisy of the attackers is going to set back climate science a long way.

                          If Jones and Mann had any integrity whatsoever, they would at a minimum open the vaults for full disclosure. More optimally they would step out of the discussion for several years - trusting in the science to come out with the truth.

                          In the meantime the rationale for radical action is even less than it was before.


                          • #88
                            Re: Global Warming Scam Uncovered by Hacker

                            Originally posted by we_are_toast View Post
                            I think you are actually shedding some new light about your understanding of this issue. You appear not to be near the denier that most of the posters here are.

                            If I may summarize;
                            You accept the science (published papers), the data, and the scientific consensus that Global Warming is really happening.

                            You also accept that Global Warming is "probably" man made.

                            You think the problem is serious enough that you would answer yes to a poll question about how serious the problem is and you think humans should "consume less in order to preserve the environment on a voluntary basis".

                            You simply don't accept the temperature acceleration rate or the CO2 explanation that the science supports.

                            We seem to have more points of agreement than I thought.

                            We both agree with the science in that Global Warming is happening.

                            You think it is "probably" man made, I agree with the published science which states a greater degree of certainty.

                            I agree strongly with you that humans should "consume less in order to preserve the environment", you believe it should be voluntary, I would seek incentives and some disincentives to achieve our common goal.

                            Hmmm, the canyon is not as wide as I once thought.
                            You befriend a heretic?! How dare you? ;)

                            Since you are surprised by this recent revelation about c1ue, you might find yourself surprised by other revelations about other people you would close off discourse with.

