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Global Warming Scam Uncovered by Hacker

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  • Global Warming Scam Uncovered by Hacker

    "If you own any shares in alternative energy companies I should start dumping them NOW. The conspiracy behind the Anthropogenic Global Warming myth (aka AGW; aka ManBearPig) has been suddenly, brutally and quite deliciously exposed after a hacker broke into the computers at the University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit (aka Hadley CRU) and released 61 megabites of confidential files onto the internet. (Hat tip: Watts Up With That)
    When you read some of those files – including 1079 emails and 72 documents – you realise just why the boffins at Hadley CRU might have preferred to keep them confidential. As Andrew Bolt puts it, this scandal could well be “the greatest in modern science”. These alleged emails – supposedly exchanged by some of the most prominent scientists pushing AGW theory – suggest:
    Conspiracy, collusion in exaggerating warming data, possibly illegal destruction of embarrassing information, organised resistance to disclosure, manipulation of data, private admissions of flaws in their public claims and much more.
    One of the alleged emails has a gentle gloat over the death in 2004 of John L Daly (one of the first climate change sceptics, founder of the Still Waiting For Greenhouse site), commenting:
    “In an odd way this is cheering news.”
    But perhaps the most damaging revelations – the scientific equivalent of the Telegraph’s MPs’ expenses scandal – are those concerning the way Warmist scientists may variously have manipulated or suppressed evidence in order to support their cause.
    Here are a few tasters. (So far, we can only refer to them as alleged emails because – though Hadley CRU’s director Phil Jones has confirmed the break-in to Ian Wishart at the Briefing Room – he has yet to fess up to any specific contents.) But if genuine, they suggest dubious practices such as:
    Manipulation of evidence:
    I’ve just completed Mike’s Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (ie from 1981 onwards) amd from 1961 for Keith’s to hide the decline.
    Private doubts about whether the world really is heating up:
    The fact is that we can’t account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can’t. The CERES data published in the August BAMS 09 supplement on 2008 shows there should be even more warming: but the data are surely wrong. Our observing system is inadequate.
    Suppression of evidence:
    Can you delete any emails you may have had with Keith re AR4?
    Keith will do likewise. He’s not in at the moment – minor family crisis.
    Can you also email Gene and get him to do the same? I don’t have his new email address.
    We will be getting Caspar to do likewise.".......

  • #2
    Re: Global Warming Scam Uncovered by Hacker

    Originally posted by skidder View Post

    "If you own any shares in alternative energy companies I should start dumping them NOW. The conspiracy behind the Anthropogenic Global Warming myth (aka AGW; aka ManBearPig) has been suddenly, brutally and quite deliciously exposed after a hacker broke into the computers at the University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit (aka Hadley CRU) and released 61 megabites of confidential files onto the internet. (Hat tip: Watts Up With That)
    When you read some of those files – including 1079 emails and 72 documents – you realise just why the boffins at Hadley CRU might have preferred to keep them confidential. As Andrew Bolt puts it, this scandal could well be “the greatest in modern science”. These alleged emails – supposedly exchanged by some of the most prominent scientists pushing AGW theory – suggest:
    Conspiracy, collusion in exaggerating warming data, possibly illegal destruction of embarrassing information, organised resistance to disclosure, manipulation of data, private admissions of flaws in their public claims and much more.
    One of the alleged emails has a gentle gloat over the death in 2004 of John L Daly (one of the first climate change sceptics, founder of the Still Waiting For Greenhouse site), commenting:
    “In an odd way this is cheering news.”
    But perhaps the most damaging revelations – the scientific equivalent of the Telegraph’s MPs’ expenses scandal – are those concerning the way Warmist scientists may variously have manipulated or suppressed evidence in order to support their cause.
    Here are a few tasters. (So far, we can only refer to them as alleged emails because – though Hadley CRU’s director Phil Jones has confirmed the break-in to Ian Wishart at the Briefing Room – he has yet to fess up to any specific contents.) But if genuine, they suggest dubious practices such as:
    Manipulation of evidence:
    I’ve just completed Mike’s Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (ie from 1981 onwards) amd from 1961 for Keith’s to hide the decline.
    Private doubts about whether the world really is heating up:
    The fact is that we can’t account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can’t. The CERES data published in the August BAMS 09 supplement on 2008 shows there should be even more warming: but the data are surely wrong. Our observing system is inadequate.
    Suppression of evidence:
    Can you delete any emails you may have had with Keith re AR4?
    Keith will do likewise. He’s not in at the moment – minor family crisis.
    Can you also email Gene and get him to do the same? I don’t have his new email address.
    We will be getting Caspar to do likewise.".......

    Proving just as dubious a theory as "Global Cooling".

    Funny how those in power will "TILT" the science to support what ever agenda they are trying to advance at the time.

    Man, I guess they REALLY think we are THAT STUPID.

    (IMHO, Global Warming was chosen as a way to address the realities of Peak Cheap Oil and engender public support for the policies that that reality requires. Can't we just do the ******* RIGHT THING FOR THE RIGHT ******* REASON, Is that TOO DAMN MUCH TO ASK!)

    *******-A, don't treat people as adults when you can treat them as children, right? (Gee, wonder why people are pissed the fuck-off)


    • #3
      Re: Global Warming Scam Uncovered by Hacker

      there is already a thread on this.


      • #4
        Re: Global Warming Scam Uncovered by Hacker

        Sorry about the double post, Trying to figure out how to delete this one. Thanks for bringing that to my attention.


        • #5
          Re: Global Warming Scam Uncovered by Hacker

          Originally posted by skidder View Post
          Sorry about the double post, Trying to figure out how to delete this one. Thanks for bringing that to my attention.
          I have done the same thing and I think only FRED can delete a whole thread I now try to use search function now before I create a new thread.


          • #6
            Re: Global Warming Scam Uncovered by Hacker

            Fred, please delete this thread if you have time as it's a duplicate. Thanks, Skidder


            • #7
              Re: Global Warming Scam Uncovered by Hacker

              but the old thread is in Rant and Rave,


              • #8
                Re: Global Warming Scam Uncovered by Hacker

                Where it belongs.


                • #9
                  Re: Global Warming Scam Uncovered by Hacker

                  Not IF it's true.


                  • #10
                    Re: Global Warming Scam Uncovered by Hacker

                    hey quick look at the google ad, a polar bear



                    • #11
                      Re: Global Warming Scam Uncovered by Hacker

                      Interesting to see that iTulip condones the posting of stolen intellectual property on it's website, without even considering the misrepresentation, out of context, and outright lies about the content. I guess we won't be seeing any more complaints from FRED about other websites using iTulips content.


                      • #12
                        Re: Global Warming Scam Uncovered by Hacker

                        Originally posted by we_are_toast View Post
                        Interesting to see that iTulip condones the posting of stolen intellectual property on it's website, without even considering the misrepresentation, out of context, and outright lies about the content. I guess we won't be seeing any more complaints from FRED about other websites using iTulips content.
                        Umm, factual content about FRAUD even if leaked, is fair game in the service of the public interest. ESPECIALLY when it is a matter with huge public policy implications.

                        BTW, it's not just itulip or the blog cited above calling bullshit on the actions of the climate scientists at Britain's Climate Research Unit of the University of East Anglia.

                        WaPo has a story up now.


                        here is the bit that I find troubling, and worthy of discussion:

                        In one e-mail, the center's director, Phil Jones, writes Pennsylvania State University's Michael E. Mann and questions whether the work of academics that question the link between human activities and global warming deserve to make it into the prestigious IPCC report, which represents the global consensus view on climate science.
                        "I can't see either of these papers being in the next IPCC report," Jones writes. "Kevin and I will keep them out somehow -- even if we have to redefine what the peer-review literature is!"

                        In another, Jones and Mann discuss how they can pressure an academic journal not to accept the work of climate skeptics with whom they disagree. "Perhaps we should encourage our colleagues in the climate research community to no longer submit to, or cite papers in, this journal," Mann writes.

                        "I will be emailing the journal to tell them I'm having nothing more to do with it until they rid themselves of this troublesome editor," Jones replies.

                        Patrick Michaels, a senior fellow at the libertarian Cato Institute who comes under fire in the e-mails, said these same academics repeatedly criticized him for not having published more peer-reviewed papers.

                        "There's an egregious problem here, their intimidation of journal editors," he said. "They're saying, 'If you print anything by this group, we won't send you any papers.' "


                        • #13
                          Re: Global Warming Scam Uncovered by Hacker

                          Originally posted by jtabeb View Post
                          Umm, factual content about FRAUD even if leaked, is fair game in the service of the public interest. ESPECIALLY when it is a matter with huge public policy implications.
                          The information was not leaked, it was stolen. The factual content is highly suspect, and at best, it is taken out of context and is being misrepresented here on iTulip.

                          It's one thing for iTulip to provide a forum for the bullhorns of unreason, but to sit back and not even question the ethics of posting stolen material is in itself ethically questionable (and possibly legally also), and may reflect poorly on the image of reasoned, thorough analysis, that it wishes to portray.

                          Sometimes running a website where open discussions are encouraged can lead to some difficult dilemmas. How one handles those dilemmas certainly reflects on the type of site you are trying to promote. How would the proprietor of a neighborhood bar handle a situation where a customer walked in, layed down a bunch of stolen mail on the table and started reading selective portions of them?


                          • #14
                            Re: Global Warming Scam Uncovered by Hacker

                            The religion of western leftists(Envnmt) is being attacked.
                            This is like poking in a bees nest. Whereas in poor countries
                            it is their counterparts(tribals) who worship nature.

                            I am surprised how a lot of people can be fooled by this Global
                            warming by false data.


                            • #15
                              Re: Global Warming Scam Uncovered by Hacker

                              Originally posted by we_are_toast View Post
                              The information was not leaked, it was stolen. The factual content is highly suspect, and at best, it is taken out of context and is being misrepresented here on iTulip.

                              It's one thing for iTulip to provide a forum for the bullhorns of unreason, but to sit back and not even question the ethics of posting stolen material is in itself ethically questionable (and possibly legally also), and may reflect poorly on the image of reasoned, thorough analysis, that it wishes to portray.

                              Sometimes running a website where open discussions are encouraged can lead to some difficult dilemmas. How one handles those dilemmas certainly reflects on the type of site you are trying to promote. How would the proprietor of a neighborhood bar handle a situation where a customer walked in, layed down a bunch of stolen mail on the table and started reading selective portions of them?
                              Why is the "factual content highly suspect"? Because it was stolen? What is taken out of context and mis-represented and how do you know that?

                              I don't know whether any of this information is accurate or not. I don't have an opinion on global warming because I don't know the actual facts and am not scientifically inclined. However,
                              I'm highly offended at the POSSIBILITY that a bunch of scientists conspired with politicians and other trade organizations to mis-represent global warming in order to pilfer yet more tax dollars out of my wallet through Cap & Trade and/or some sort of tax on the world's citizens levied by the idiots at the U.N./WTO. I am a bit surprised that some Itulipers are more concerned about the "theft" than they are about what was uncovered. My guess is that those who are focused on deflecting the actual fraud implications must somehow be emotionally attached to the global warming debate?

                              If this conspiracy is true, how would you think this information or any information like this would become publically available? The people involved with this aren't going to offer it up for public consumption?
                              I'm with the folks who say that stolen property which uncovers a crime is fair game. I'm not sure why anyone is so concerned about the theft part of the story when it very posssibly uncovers a major attempt to steal money from citizens to disperse amongst the various organizations that are behind this? It indicates a HUGH multi-billion dollar theft of the peoples money! I'd like to see a major investigation along with criminal prosecution of these so called scientists, should fraud be indicated.
                              The attempt to squash peer review articles speaks for itself. There is absolutely no way someone can spin that into something less sinister than what it is,imo.

                              I have an open mind on the whole affair because I'm not emotionally involved with this climate stuff either way. I am tired of constantly fending off gov't intrusion into my life and wallet, so I guess in that regard I'm not totally unbiased as to how I hope this turns out.

