The space rock exploded in the atmosphere with an energy equivalent to 0.5 - 1 kilotons of TNT.
Approximately 6 hours later, observers in Utah and Colorado witnessed a twisting iridescent-blue cloud in the dawn sky.
Debris from the fireball should have dissipated by that time, but the cloud remains unexplained; we cannot yet rule out a connection to the fireball event. Stay tuned for further analysis.

Scientists were quick to discount a rip or tear in the Earth's plausibility membrane had caused the explosion and blinding light.
An unnamed scientific source added that the effects of a terminal stage having been reached by the FIRE controlled media and central government's nonstop misdirection, obfuscation and denial of reality efforts, a so-called bullshit nova, could have caused the event was still only a theory at this point in time. :rolleyes: