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The 0.53% Solution

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  • #16
    Re: The 0.53% Solution

    Originally posted by GRG55 View Post
    If I recall correctly Maxine Waters and Barney Frank are both Democrats. Which would seem to suggest that you agree with C1ue's closing sentence...

    ...although one wouldn't infer that from the tone of your post?

    As for the Community Reinvestment Act, where in the legislation does it state that any lender was obligated to lend on the basis of:
    • zero down payment;
    • negative amortization mortgages;
    • self-declaration combined with no verification of income [or assets., or credit history either];
    • loan to value of 120% [Fannie is now doing 125% fercrissake];
    • appraisers gaming the valuations;
    • the ratings agencies giving securitized toxic paper AAA ratings;
    Given my head is still in the sand, thus making me somewhat hard of hearing, perhaps you might clarify how you came to your position?
    Or is the CRA just another convenient scapegoat?
    Why wouldn't one infer that I was agreeing with C1ue's post? It's quite obvious that I was.

    CRA is most certainly part of the problem. The CRA was a cudgel for the government to use to increase mortgage loans to government-certified victim groups who otherwise wouldn't didn't have the means to afford a mortgage. The banksters and their allies took this concept and ran with it, knowing they would have coverage from both Pubs and Dems. Lots of blame to go around everywhere, although there are some morons here who think that the Dems are blameless and that CRA was irrelevent to the housing blow-up. Likewise, there are some on the right who think that the CRA was the only reason for the housing blow-up. The truth, like it usually does, lies somewhere in between.
    Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. -Groucho


    • #17
      Re: The 0.53% Solution

      Originally posted by K Carlson View Post
      Jay, I agree. When putting forth your viewpoint in a political discussion, I normally hear, "yes, but....." (fill in the blank with the appropriate parroted-party response).

      Why are there seemingly few people who see the "debate" on Red vs. Blue as a distraction? The growing number of Independents should keep hammering out this point.
      Jay, provocative questions or interesting issues are often posed in the initial few posts of a thread on this forum. Nearly just as often, it goes off-topic; and, much of the time, it goes off-topic because an argument arises over American party politics. Thanks to both of you for discouraging this tendency!


      • #18
        Re: The 0.53% Solution

        Originally posted by Jay View Post
        When are you guys going to get it that your arguing is exactly what the powers that be want? Republicans and Democrats are a joke, they both fellate finance and finance is the only game that means squat in this epic devolution of our economy. Both sides serve the same master and both sides need to be expunged from office. Social issues are a side show, the blame for this mess is clear; it lies squarely on both parties. It was willingly enacted by both also. The "debate" on Red vs. Blue is the distraction, and always has been. As you debate, everyone except a few chosen elite are getting hammered.
        I voted for Perot in '92, Constitution in '96 and 2004, Ron Paul in 2008 (Primary) and Constitution again in Nov. '08.
        I'm not wasting another 'friggin dime or moment of my time on the Republicans.

        I posted this not long ago:

        Short and to the point: it is my opinion that the only route left for a true patriot is to give ones money and vote to a Third political party in order to at least begin the process of exposing the RepubliCrats for the whores they have become to their bankster owners.

        I also posted this:

        Since 1996 I've been telling anyone who would listen that there is only 1 major political party: the RepubliCrat Party.

        While they appeal to different voter blocks and special interest groups, they are both owned by the same group of banksters.
        And while there are real differences in the idealogical outlook of their respective judicial appointees, the other differences are mostly smoke and mirrors.

        Without a viable Third Party [of the Ron Paul persuasion] the ship of state will crash on the rocks - probably in less than a decade.


        • #19
          Re: The 0.53% Solution

          I have to agree. Although I voted Republican or Perot most of my life I was truely a Bush hater, maybe because the lies were so obvious. But other than being a shade "greener" and more eloquent Obama is no different than Bush.

          The problem with this thread is that most see something to defend/attack regarding theirs' and the other party. They are puppets!


          • #20
            Re: The 0.53% Solution

            So, back to the initial topic, if the US government is in the process of nationalizing housing, I'd like to see some discussion of the implications for housing prices, for homebuilders' stocks, for the finance sector, for the retiree who is depending on home equity to partially fund retirement. Your thoughts?

            (BTW, Fred, isn't a post on this forum that "GOP are complete scumbags" a clear sign that the poster is a troll? Not sure why you tolerate this.)


            • #21
              Re: The 0.53% Solution

              I've been a Libertarian all my adult life. Problem is, the way the Republocrats made the rules, no third party has a chance in the U.S. at the national level. Nor do intelligent, honest candidates in the major party, such as Ron Paul.

              What we need is an option to vote for "None Of The Above". If "None Of The Above" gets the most votes, the parties fielding candidates have to field new ones and another election be held within 60 days. Lather, rinse and repeat until decent candidates are elected. If no candidate ever gets elected, we could eventually have no national government, which would probably be an improvement over the status quo ("Because the status is NOT quo!" - Dr. Horrible).

              Alternatively, I could legally change my name to "None Of The Above" and get myself put on the ballot in all 50 states.

              Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.


              • #22
                Re: The 0.53% Solution

                Originally posted by shiny! View Post
                I've been a Libertarian all my adult life. Problem is, the way the Republocrats made the rules, no third party has a chance in the U.S. at the national level. Nor do intelligent, honest candidates in the major party, such as Ron Paul.

                What we need is an option to vote for "None Of The Above". If "None Of The Above" gets the most votes, the parties fielding candidates have to field new ones and another election be held within 60 days. Lather, rinse and repeat until decent candidates are elected. If no candidate ever gets elected, we could eventually have no national government, which would probably be an improvement over the status quo ("Because the status is NOT quo!" - Dr. Horrible).

                Alternatively, I could legally change my name to "None Of The Above" and get myself put on the ballot in all 50 states.
                I'm voting for this guy too:


                • #23
                  Re: The 0.53% Solution

                  Originally posted by fliped42
                  The Taxpayers have now funded $1 Billion in Debt to continue funding construction and $800 million in equity for this great collateral.

                  only $1billion? sounds like we got off easy.


                  • #24
                    Re: The 0.53% Solution

                    That one seems downright tame compared to this one the other day ...

                    Last edited by BDAdmin; November 15, 2009, 10:19 AM.


                    • #25
                      Re: The 0.53% Solution

                      Originally posted by Fiat Currency View Post
                      That one seems downright tame compared to this one the other day ...


                      Thank you Fiat Currency for bringing these posts to the light of day. Since Fred has chosen not to respond to your post, I will email him directly. His lack of a response is disappointing, a rather "tame" term for his behavior in this particular situation.


                      • #26
                        Re: The 0.53% Solution

                        FIRE Sale- Our Cash for more and more and more... of their Clunkers


                        • #27
                          Re: The 0.53% Solution

                          Originally posted by Jay View Post
                          When are you guys going to get it that your arguing is exactly what the powers that be want? Republicans and Democrats are a joke, they both fellate finance and finance is the only game that means squat in this epic devolution of our economy. Both sides serve the same master and both sides need to be expunged from office. Social issues are a side show, the blame for this mess is clear; it lies squarely on both parties. It was willingly enacted by both also. The "debate" on Red vs. Blue is the distraction, and always has been. As you debate, everyone except a few chosen elite are getting hammered.
                          That was my point Jay - after 8 years of Bush no need to point out the crap from the Repukes - the whole political side show is just bread and circuses as far as I am concerned.
                          "that each simple substance has relations which express all the others"

