From Karl Denninger - FedSpeak Translation - There Is No Recovery
So why is the stock market up so much?
More than happy to show 'ya.
Two charts should suffice:

That is an overlaid chart (as close as I can easily get them to register) on the dollar and The S&P 500 from the March lows to today.
Notice the near-perfect inverse correlation. The Dollar goes up, the market goes down. The Dollar goes down, the market goes up.
Now today, literally minute-by-minute:

Same correlation - near-perfect.
Folks, you don't have to engage in any sort of "conspiratorial" thinking on this whatsoever. You only need examine the facts.
The rally in the market has exactly nothing to do with the economy and the outlook for it. It is tied to one and only one thing - the decline in the dollar.
The stock market has responded not to forward economic prospects, as is often claimed, but rather to the "hot money" flows of foreign and domestic speculators and a dollar-based carry trade engendered by The Fed's zero-percent interest rates.
More than happy to show 'ya.
Two charts should suffice:

That is an overlaid chart (as close as I can easily get them to register) on the dollar and The S&P 500 from the March lows to today.
Notice the near-perfect inverse correlation. The Dollar goes up, the market goes down. The Dollar goes down, the market goes up.
Now today, literally minute-by-minute:

Same correlation - near-perfect.
Folks, you don't have to engage in any sort of "conspiratorial" thinking on this whatsoever. You only need examine the facts.
The rally in the market has exactly nothing to do with the economy and the outlook for it. It is tied to one and only one thing - the decline in the dollar.
The stock market has responded not to forward economic prospects, as is often claimed, but rather to the "hot money" flows of foreign and domestic speculators and a dollar-based carry trade engendered by The Fed's zero-percent interest rates.