Last night Charlie Rose had an interesting interview with Kenneth Rogoff. The video is here for now, maybe someone more familiar with embedding videos can embed it.
Mr. Rogoff along with Carmen Reinhart have written a book about the history of financial crises going back to the 14th century. Here's a comment about the book;
In the interview, Mr. Rogoff strongly hints that inflation will be our way out, and taxes might need to be raised 30-40% to pay off the gov. debt. One of his points is that very few financial crises don't result in a long period of very slow growth after the crises.
His answers were rather limited due to the broader audiance of Charlie Rose. He might be a good interview prospect for EJ since there seems to be some similarity in their conclusions.
Speaking of interviews, weren't we promised an interview awhile back that never appeared?
Mr. Rogoff along with Carmen Reinhart have written a book about the history of financial crises going back to the 14th century. Here's a comment about the book;
The authors dug through mountains of data on every financial crisis they could uncover back to the 1300s, hoping to uncover common elements. Two major recurring themes they found: Arrogance and ignorance.
Kenneth Rogoff: Ignorance that this has happened before in other places, in other countries and arrogance thinking we're special, this time is different, we have financial globalization, we're running our economy better.
Kenneth Rogoff: Ignorance that this has happened before in other places, in other countries and arrogance thinking we're special, this time is different, we have financial globalization, we're running our economy better.
His answers were rather limited due to the broader audiance of Charlie Rose. He might be a good interview prospect for EJ since there seems to be some similarity in their conclusions.
Speaking of interviews, weren't we promised an interview awhile back that never appeared?