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Even the Bankers Don't Want to be Bankers...

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  • Even the Bankers Don't Want to be Bankers...

    ...any more.

    Unless they can work at Goldman?
    BofA CEO candidates shy away from tough job

    Tue Nov 10, 2009 11:57am EST

    CHARLOTTE, North Carolina (Reuters) - It is the most prestigious job that nobody wants.

    Bank of America (BAC.N) is searching for a new chief executive, and by all accounts, it is having a tough time finding someone for the job.

    Heading up Bank of America, an appealing task in better times, has become unpalatable to potential candidates from outside the bank amid a bevy of operational, regulatory and political challenges...

  • #2
    Re: Even the Bankers Don't Want to be Bankers...

    And the Insurers don't want to be Insurers any more either...:eek:
    AIG CEO Robert Benmosche Told Board He Wants to Quit, WSJ Says

    Nov. 10 (Bloomberg) -- American International Group’s Chief Executive Officer Robert Benmosche told the company’s board of directors that he’s considering resigning from the job he’s held only three months, the Wall Street Journal reported, citing people familiar with the situation.
    Last Updated: November 10, 2009 23:00 EST


    • #3
      Re: Even the Bankers Don't Want to be Bankers...

      Yeah because the JOINT has been busted The mafia done sucked em dry and moved on.

      That fella comparing it to the scene in Goodfellas deserves some sort of blogger award.

