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Bubblevision Begins to Break Ranks...

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  • #16
    Re: Bubblevision Begins to Break Ranks...

    Originally posted by aaron View Post
    If he was shouting "Akbar" or whatever, it is likely that he is a religious nut.
    No need to use redundancies in expressing yourself.

    To GRG: that was a nice explanation in your last post above.

    People that are not Christian, Jews, or Islamic, I like to think are members are ole Flip Wilson's church: The Church of What's Happening Now.
    Jim 69 y/o

    "...Texans...the lowest form of white man there is." Robert Duvall, as Al Sieber, in "Geronimo." (see "Location" for examples.)

    Dedicated to the idea that all people deserve a chance for a healthy productive life. B&M Gates Fdn.

    Good judgement comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgement. Unknown.


    • #17
      Re: Bubblevision Begins to Break Ranks...

      Originally posted by GRG55 View Post
      Your statement is indicative of how easily too many Americans, like yourself, swallow a truly superficial assessment of these sorts of incidents.

      I am trying to encourage you people to apply some critical thinking and put some real context to what is happening in your nation.

      But if you feel more comfortable looking for terrorists under the bed, so be it.
      And your statement is indicative of how many people have their heads in the sand when it comes to Islam, a religion/political movement, that is about anything but peace.

      Fortunately, most Muslims seem to be of the secular variety and don't follow the psychopath Muhammad's (no PBUH from me) teachings in full.

      And I know what's happening to my nation; it's being attacked on many fronts, a lot from within. Read up on Antonio Gramsci and the long march through the institutions. We're seeing it all come to fruition in our lifetime.
      Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. -Groucho


      • #18
        Re: Bubblevision Begins to Break Ranks...

        Originally posted by Jim Nickerson View Post
        People that are not Christian, Jews, or Islamic, I like to think are members are ole Flip Wilson's church: The Church of What's Happening Now.
        Whatever happened to Flip?
        Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. -Groucho


        • #19
          Re: Bubblevision Begins to Break Ranks...

          Originally posted by Master Shake View Post
          Whatever happened to Flip?
          He died in 1998


          • #20
            Re: Bubblevision Begins to Break Ranks...

            Originally posted by Jim Nickerson View Post
            No need to use redundancies in expressing yourself.

            To GRG: that was a nice explanation in your last post above.

            People that are not Christian, Jews, or Islamic, I like to think are members are ole Flip Wilson's church: The Church of What's Happening Now.
            The devil made me do it...;)


            • #21
              Re: Bubblevision Begins to Break Ranks...

              Originally posted by jtabeb View Post
              He is someone who betrayed a sacred oath, and a bastard fuck to boot.

              Now what was that trick for entering whitespace to bring the character count up to 10?


              • #22
                Re: Bubblevision Begins to Break Ranks...

                Originally posted by GRG55 View Post
                First former CNBC broadcaster Dylan Ratigan, now CNBC editor and gadfly Charlie Gasparino.

                What next? Bartiromo blasting Blankfein [now that's something I'd tune in to watch...].

                But it's a bit late for them to be blowing the whistle now, methinks.
                They are in the business of attracting viewers, right? My impression is that the media echo and amplify public opinion about as much as they lead it... and there are viewers to be gained by channeling the "righteous wrath" of the disgruntled American.


                • #23
                  Re: Bubblevision Begins to Break Ranks...

                  Originally posted by ASH View Post
                  Now what was that trick for entering whitespace to bring the character count up to 10?
                  Dang - someone fixed it. The trick no longer works. The trick -was- to add ten spaces and a period '.' after your brief comment.
                  Most folks are good; a few aren't.


                  • #24
                    Re: Bubblevision Begins to Break Ranks...

                    Originally posted by GRG55 View Post
                    Your statement is indicative of how easily too many Americans, like yourself, swallow a truly superficial assessment of these sorts of incidents.

                    I am trying to encourage you people to apply some critical thinking and put some real context to what is happening in your nation.

                    But if you feel more comfortable looking for terrorists under the bed, so be it.
                    Hasan's relatives are making him out to be a disgruntled and abused employee that finally went "postal."

                    on the other hand

                    We are being told by the govt. that he spoke out against their wars at every opportunity. And someone in the Army or the FBI leaked to the press last night that he had allegedly authored a blog post that glorified suicide bombings.


                    • #25
                      Re: Bubblevision Begins to Break Ranks...

                      Liberals always have a reason why, when a muslim commits an atrocity, it's no reflection on Islam.

                      First, they argue that there's no evidence the perpetrator's religion had anything to do with it.

                      Then, when the evidence comes out the perpetrator shouted "allahu akhbar", was dressed in traditional muslim dress just hours before the massacre (even though he was born and raised in an environment where that was not done), prayed daily at the local mosque, and was known to make emphatic religious statements, the liberals change their approach and argue that he was just an emotionally disturbed person - and strongly suggest that the reason for his rampage was that Americans weren't nice enough to him, that they hurt his feelings with insults.

                      There's always an excuse. With the 9/11 hijackers it was that they were the products of poverty or resentment of past U.S. "wrongs". It's never, ever, because Islam commands its believers to conquer the world by any means necessary. It's never, ever about Islam - which, by the way, literally means "submission".

                      You can by definition say that anyone who commits a murder is "mentally disturbed". Then, by that definition, Islam is always innocent. Those who murder in the name of their religion and prophet are always excused because they were "disturbed", and, oh, by the way, it's our fault they're disturbed. We didn't erase our identity thoroughly enough and it made them uncomfortable.

                      So, liberals, tell me: what would have to happen for you to agree that Islam is the cause of the problem? You tend to have no problem blaming Christianity and capitalism for things you don't like about the West. But Islam seems to be off-limits for you. Koranic teaching opposes almost everything you believe in: they stone homosexuals to death, enslave women in the kitchen and bedroom, prohibit free sexuality, strictly censor art and literature and speech, and yet you can't bring yourself to condemn Islam and its followers. How many of us are going to have to die before you recognize the problem?


                      • #26
                        Re: Bubblevision Begins to Break Ranks...

                        Originally posted by GRG55 View Post
                        This isn't a forum to conduct religious studies, but if you [and some of your fellow Americans] had even the most modest understanding of Islam, and the enormous differences in the role that religion plays in the daily lives of Muslims compared to our Christian societies, you may not have come so quickly to this conclusion.

                        In ancient Rome Caesar was God. The founding of Christianity, which refused to recognize this, placed its followers in the unenviable position of chosing between Caesar and God.
                        Matthew 22:21
                        ...Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.
                        Above is a passage from the Christian bible [King James version]. And therein lies one of the most important differences between Christianity and Islam. As this passage attests, the dichotomy between the State and sacerdotium [the Church] dates back to the earliest days of Christianity. Our present day secular Western societies, which still operate on a significant remnant of Christian values [by which we judge the behaviour of Muslims and others, by the way] derive from this crucial historical separation of the State [Caesar] and the Church.

                        No such separation exists in Islam. In the polity that is Islam, God is the sole source of law...there is no Caesar. The Prophet Mohammed [PBUH] was both head of the "Church" and the head of State, and to this day Islam makes no distinction between the political community and the religious contains no separate hierarchical institution for religious matters...and this is a circumstance that is the complete antithesis of Christianity and Christian teaching through the ages. The purpose of establishing the great Muslim caliphate, to spread God's revelation after the Prophet's death, was the embodiment of this critical difference between Islam and Christianity...a difference that both Islamic and Christian societies are still grappling with today. This is at the very heart of the conflict between modernity and Islam, in those Muslim nations that are attempting "progress" as measured by our secular Western standards.

                        So, if a belief that the only law is God's Holy Law, and one is obligated to govern one's life in accordance with that Law, makes one a "religious nut" then the whole of the Muslim world are religious nuts by that definition.

                        I am by no means trying to condone, excuse or rationalize what Major Hasan did. As I tried to describe in an earlier post on this thread, I don't really think his religion was the primary reason why this happened. I am merely trying to put in context his apparent declaration that "God is Great" ["Allahu Akbar"], and why such a declaration coming from a Muslim should not surprise, or be interpreted as making one either a "terrorist" or a "religious nut", as opposed to a very troubled soul.

                        Just for the record, I am neither Muslim nor Christian.
                        You have it exactly: "No separation of Church and State exists in Islam," and "In the polity that is Islam, whatever God says is the Law."


                        • #27
                          Re: Bubblevision Begins to Break Ranks...

                          Originally posted by Mn_Mark View Post
                          Liberals always have a reason why, when a muslim commits an atrocity, it's no reflection on Islam.

                          First, they argue that there's no evidence the perpetrator's religion had anything to do with it.

                          Then, when the evidence comes out the perpetrator shouted "allahu akhbar", was dressed in traditional muslim dress just hours before the massacre (even though he was born and raised in an environment where that was not done), prayed daily at the local mosque, and was known to make emphatic religious statements, the liberals change their approach and argue that he was just an emotionally disturbed person - and strongly suggest that the reason for his rampage was that Americans weren't nice enough to him, that they hurt his feelings with insults.

                          There's always an excuse. With the 9/11 hijackers it was that they were the products of poverty or resentment of past U.S. "wrongs". It's never, ever, because Islam commands its believers to conquer the world by any means necessary. It's never, ever about Islam - which, by the way, literally means "submission".

                          You can by definition say that anyone who commits a murder is "mentally disturbed". Then, by that definition, Islam is always innocent. Those who murder in the name of their religion and prophet are always excused because they were "disturbed", and, oh, by the way, it's our fault they're disturbed. We didn't erase our identity thoroughly enough and it made them uncomfortable.

                          So, liberals, tell me: what would have to happen for you to agree that Islam is the cause of the problem? You tend to have no problem blaming Christianity and capitalism for things you don't like about the West. But Islam seems to be off-limits for you. Koranic teaching opposes almost everything you believe in: they stone homosexuals to death, enslave women in the kitchen and bedroom, prohibit free sexuality, strictly censor art and literature and speech, and yet you can't bring yourself to condemn Islam and its followers. How many of us are going to have to die before you recognize the problem?
                          You have nailed it exactly: Any criticism of Islam is politically-incorrect now, especially for liberals and the BBC-News.

                          Protesters in Tehran held-up signs (this past June) condemning the BBC and its support for the Islamo-fascist regime in Iran, and those protesters were soon executed by Arminishod and his gang in Tehran.


                          • #28
                            Re: Bubblevision Begins to Break Ranks...

                            Originally posted by Mn_Mark View Post
                            Liberals always have a reason why, when a muslim commits an atrocity, it's no reflection on Islam.
                            Your post would be more valuable if you grep'ed "liberals" for something more specific and appropriate, such as "Islam's apologists," "multicultural zealots," "Gramscian socialists."

                            For example, I don't see Alan Dershowitz or Elisabeth Warren defending this sort of thing.

                            Using "liberal" that way implies blindness by group identity, ideology, and a irrational desire to destroy "other," much like a mujahadeen.
                            Last edited by AlexPKeaton; November 06, 2009, 05:50 PM.


                            • #29
                              Re: Bubblevision Begins to Break Ranks...

                              Originally posted by GRG55 View Post
                              I am trying to encourage you people to apply some critical thinking and put some real context to what is happening in your nation.
                              Remember you are talking to Master Shake here ...


                              • #30
                                Re: Bubblevision Begins to Break Ranks...

                                Thousands of people around the country have already decided this was a terrorist attack. That despite the guy was apparantly not trying to fit in and fought against being deployed up until the very end. Sounds more like a Muslim that snapped than a Muslim that infiltrated the U.S. Army for the purposes of pulling off an attack against fellow soldiers from within, but that's just an opinion from one armchair. I'll probably be accused of being a soft liberal that hates America.

