Re: Goodbye to US HealthCare?
Lets say you are a young person not insured. Under penalty of fines and jail you are forced to buy insurance. Who are you going to buy insurance from? The cheapest source which will be a government subsidized plan. The government wants their money because they are healthy and will not use services so they can provide insurance to others.
I do agree the insurance companies are lobbying hard to stay in the game. But the true socialists like Obama and Pelosi see health care as a government entitlement. The reason the government option is crucial is that over time they know that everyone will be forced to migrate to their system. In fact one provision in the house bill reportedly made the issuance of private insurance cease after a certain period of time.Canada in fact made private insurance illegal when they passed their system.
The democrats have already stated they will use the senate rule for budget provisions to bypass a filibuster if necessary.The so called nuclear option.
One should also not under estimate what government control of health care means to true socialists. It is an avenue for them to control every aspect of your life including life itself by deciding what treatment,care you are entitled too.
IMHO the government is NOT taking over healthcare, they are actually privatizing the whole damn thing!
I do agree the insurance companies are lobbying hard to stay in the game. But the true socialists like Obama and Pelosi see health care as a government entitlement. The reason the government option is crucial is that over time they know that everyone will be forced to migrate to their system. In fact one provision in the house bill reportedly made the issuance of private insurance cease after a certain period of time.Canada in fact made private insurance illegal when they passed their system.
The democrats have already stated they will use the senate rule for budget provisions to bypass a filibuster if necessary.The so called nuclear option.
One should also not under estimate what government control of health care means to true socialists. It is an avenue for them to control every aspect of your life including life itself by deciding what treatment,care you are entitled too.