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Dylan Radigan (MSNBC) Continues Attacks on Banks

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  • Dylan Radigan (MSNBC) Continues Attacks on Banks

    The jig is up for the Big Banks . . . the anti-bank movement has reached critical mass!

    IMO, there are four ways for the "little guy" to strike back at the financial parasites who are bleeding us dry:
    1) Close all accounts with Big Banks and give your business to small, local banks.
    If we are stupid enough to continue supporting the Big Banks who are ripping us off, then we deserve to suffer . . . .

    2) Get rid of all credit cards with Big Banks. Instead, use debit or credit cards from small, local banks.

    3) Write, call and email your Congresspeople. Tell them you will vote out any incumbent who doesn't take strong, effective action to end the Too-Big-To-Fail banks. Let them know you are following the economic crisis closely, and now understand how the politicians -- either through stupidity or corruption -- have enabled the banks to steal from the American people.

    4) Encourage all your friends, relatives and acquaintances to act NOW on 1, 2 and 3 above.
    By dumping my Chase Visa and American Express cards, I will be giving up over $500 a year in cash rewards . . . but it's worth it to strike back at the Big Banks who are screwing me and everyone else
    Last edited by raja; November 01, 2009, 08:45 AM.
    Boycott Big Banks • Vote Out Incumbents

  • #2
    Re: Dylan Radigan (MSNBC) Continues Attacks on Banks

    raja, you and Karl Denninger are the only two I know who continuously appear to think that voters can effect changing the system. I think it is possible by highly improbable.

    Here is a nice piece that explains "whores" and "pimps" as it relates to our congress.

    I don't disagree with any of your post, except a better outcome would be not to reelect about 95% of the current congress people.
    Last edited by Jim Nickerson; November 01, 2009, 03:42 PM.
    Jim 69 y/o

    "...Texans...the lowest form of white man there is." Robert Duvall, as Al Sieber, in "Geronimo." (see "Location" for examples.)

    Dedicated to the idea that all people deserve a chance for a healthy productive life. B&M Gates Fdn.

    Good judgement comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgement. Unknown.


    • #3
      Re: Dylan Radigan (MSNBC) Continues Attacks on Banks

      Originally posted by Jim Nickerson View Post
      raja, you and Karl Denninger are the only two I know who continuously appear to think that voters can effect changing the system. I think it is possible by highly improbable.

      Here is a nice piece that explains "whores" and "pimps" as it relates to our congress.

      I don't disagree with any of your post, except a better outcome would be not to reelect about 95% of the current congress people.
      don't forget janet tavakoli... she thinks 'we' can vote the bums out.

      but 'we' are regularly rallied to vote against our interests... aka 'death panels' in the health care debate.

      heck, 'we' can be sent off to fight a fake war and die in it 'for the good of our country'.

      as long as the 'bums' can frame the debate, 'we' will always lose.

      i'm with you. it's f&cking hopeless. buy gold, grab a beer and popcorn and watch the train wreck go.


      • #4
        Re: Dylan Radigan (MSNBC) Continues Attacks on Banks

        Originally posted by Jim Nickerson View Post
        raja, you and Karl Denninger are the only two I know who continuously appear to think that voters can effect changing the system. I think it is possible by highly improbable.

        Here is a nice piece that explains "whores" and "pimps" as it relates to our congress.

        I don't disagree with any of your post, except a better outcome would be not to reelect about 95% of the current congress people.

        Hi Jim!


        • #5
          Re: Dylan Radigan (MSNBC) Continues Attacks on Banks

          Originally posted by metalman View Post
          don't forget janet tavakoli... she thinks 'we' can vote the bums out.

          but 'we' are regularly rallied to vote against our interests... aka 'death panels' in the health care debate.

          heck, 'we' can be sent off to fight a fake war and die in it 'for the good of our country'.

          as long as the 'bums' can frame the debate, 'we' will always lose.

          i'm with you. it's f&cking hopeless. buy gold, grab a beer and popcorn and watch the train wreck go.
          I concur, amigo.


          • #6
            Re: Dylan Radigan (MSNBC) Continues Attacks on Banks

            Originally posted by Jim Nickerson View Post
            raja, you and Karl Denninger are the only two I know who continuously appear to think that voters can effect changing the system. I think it is possible by highly improbable.

            Here is a nice piece that explains "whores" and "pimps" as it relates to our congress.


            I don't disagree with any of your post, except a better outcome would be not to reelect about 95% of the current congress people.

            Voting out incumbents was only one of the suggestions.
            What did you think about suggestions 1 and 2?
            (Radigan is also telling people to pull out of the Big Banks.)
            Boycott Big Banks • Vote Out Incumbents


            • #7
              Re: Dylan Radigan (MSNBC) Continues Attacks on Banks

              Originally posted by raja View Post

              Voting out incumbents was only one of the suggestions.
              What did you think about suggestions 1 and 2?
              (Radigan is also telling people to pull out of the Big Banks.)
              raja, I wrote I didn't disagree with anything in your post, so that would include no.s 2 & 3.

              Personally, I think it has been a decade since I had a bank account; I use a brokerage account with checking privileges.

              I have a Citicard Mastercard through which I buy most things except those that don't accept the card. I have a big (big for me) credit limit on that card, and I am not sure that if I gave up the card, I could get another with same limit, which incidentally I have never come close to exercising and generally do not plan on ever having to come close to that limit, but who knows? Citibank only makes money from whatever it bleeds the merchants from my use of its card.

              I think you should keep telling your congressional reps you won't vote for them if they don't change their ways, but a better way is to reelect none of them. If that happened someone should get the message, but it won't happen and things will basically stay the same or nearly so. Shit, there are dumbass dyed-in-the-wool Democrats or Republicans who are going to vote party tickets come hell or high water. Anybody who is wed to a political party these days is an idiot in my opinion. They are all liars, crooks and thieves, or nearly all are. Just as big a problem as the individual congress people is the parties themselves. Order of importance to elected officials: self, getting reelected, party, major donors, dumbass voters.
              Jim 69 y/o

              "...Texans...the lowest form of white man there is." Robert Duvall, as Al Sieber, in "Geronimo." (see "Location" for examples.)

              Dedicated to the idea that all people deserve a chance for a healthy productive life. B&M Gates Fdn.

              Good judgement comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgement. Unknown.


              • #8
                Re: Dylan Radigan (MSNBC) Continues Attacks on Banks

                Ratigan deserves kudos for his work, although he may lose a bit of his credibility by being so passionate. So be it.

                I also wonder why people in the USA thinks they have no hope of voting people out of power.

                Do you really think that if 80% of the population voted for a single party X (e.g. new party, green party, democrats, ultra-conservatives, whoever) in all elections, then the results would be rigged, all the polls would be forged and the false votes would then be just divided between lobbies dems and conservatives?

                If that would happen, wouldn't it call for a revolution.

                Just bitching from a sofa ain't going to make things change.

                In general people in democracy deserve what they get.


                • #9
                  Re: Dylan Radigan (MSNBC) Continues Attacks on Banks

                  Originally posted by Jim Nickerson View Post

                  I think you should keep telling your congressional reps you won't vote for them if they don't change their ways, but a better way is to reelect none of them. If that happened someone should get the message, but it won't happen and things will basically stay the same or nearly so. Shit, there are dumbass dyed-in-the-wool Democrats or Republicans who are going to vote party tickets come hell or high water. Anybody who is wed to a political party these days is an idiot in my opinion. They are all liars, crooks and thieves, or nearly all are. Just as big a problem as the individual congress people is the parties themselves. Order of importance to elected officials: self, getting reelected, party, major donors, dumbass voters.
                  What's "different this time" is that the internet provides a popular source for news and analysis that is not controlled by the MSM, and enables grassroots communication and organizing possibilities for the People. As a result, the public is wising up.

                  I don't watch Fox News, but someone posted a Glenn Beck segment here in which Beck went after Goldman Sachs. There will always be political slant . . . but I don't think the Big Banks will escape attack.

                  Also, lots of the people that are going to get seriously hurt are college-educated, intelligent people who will have lost their retirement money or pensions. I don't believe they will just sit back and stand for it. (Maybe a lot of them will be old hippies-at-heart who want to relive the glory days of the 60s protests )
                  Boycott Big Banks • Vote Out Incumbents


                  • #10
                    Re: Dylan Radigan (MSNBC) Continues Attacks on Banks

                    This is what happens when you have a congressman fighting against the entrenched interests. The media tries to label you as a "wing nut". Bear in mind, this is the NY Times - the supposedly liberal mouthpiece.

                    But in recent weeks, Mr. Grayson has catapulted himself to national renown for outlandish rhetoric and a pugilistic political style that makes him seem less staid lawmaker than a character on the lam from one of his Orlando district’s theme parks.
                    First it was his comment, “If you get sick, America, the Republicans’ health care plan is this: Die quickly.” Then, appearing on MSNBC, he said of former Vice President Dick Cheney: “I have trouble listening to what he says sometimes because of the blood that drips from his teeth while he’s talking.” Finally, a radio interview surfaced in which he had called a female adviser to the Federal Reserve chairman “a K Street whore” — a reference to her former job as a Washington lobbyist. That one forced him to make a formal apology.
                    Mr. Grayson could be the latest incarnation of what in the American political idiom is known as a wing nut — a loud darling of cable television and talk radio whose remarks are outrageous but often serious enough not to be dismissed entirely. Mr. Grayson is the more notable because he hurls his nuts from the left in a winger world long associated with the right.


                    • #11
                      Re: Dylan Radigan (MSNBC) Continues Attacks on Banks

                      Originally posted by ViC78 View Post
                      This is what happens when you have a congressman fighting against the entrenched interests. The media tries to label you as a "wing nut". Bear in mind, this is the NY Times - the supposedly liberal mouthpiece.

                      ... 'hurls his nuts'... :confused:

                      the nytimes needs to get its metaphors straight.

                      the term 'wing nut' refers to this...

                      and not the other kind of nut that i shall not post an image of here lest i be banned.

                      grayson is a populist.


                      • #12
                        Re: Dylan Radigan (MSNBC) Continues Attacks on Banks

                        populist 1 : a member of a political party claiming to represent the common people; 2 : a believer in the rights, wisdom, or virtues of the common people

                        I think I don't tend to label individuals so much, so when MM puts up a "label" I have to look it up (though I do think there are a tremendous number of idiots in the US).

                        Assuming, and for myself hoping, Grayson is a populist, in my opinion what we need is about 500 or so more in congress rather than the 500 or so oligarch suck-uppers that currently infest the place.
                        Jim 69 y/o

                        "...Texans...the lowest form of white man there is." Robert Duvall, as Al Sieber, in "Geronimo." (see "Location" for examples.)

                        Dedicated to the idea that all people deserve a chance for a healthy productive life. B&M Gates Fdn.

                        Good judgement comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgement. Unknown.


                        • #13
                          Re: Dylan Radigan (MSNBC) Continues Attacks on Banks

                          Originally posted by Jim Nickerson View Post
                          I think you should keep telling your congressional reps you won't vote for them if they don't change their ways, but a better way is to reelect none of them.
                          That's the way to do it - tell those SOB's that nope, there is nothing they can do to earn your vote. You will vote, every single time, against the incumbent, even if the incumbent is Jesus H. Christ and the challenger is Lucifer himself, and tell everyone you can to do the same.

                          Perhaps, after a generation or so of this, we will finally achieve eradication of the "career politician" AKA irredeemable parasite.

                          STARVE THE BEASTS.


                          • #14
                            Re: Dylan Radigan (MSNBC) Continues Attacks on Banks

                            Originally posted by Jim Nickerson View Post
                            I have a Citicard Mastercard through which I buy most things except those that don't accept the card. I have a big (big for me) credit limit on that card, and I am not sure that if I gave up the card, I could get another with same limit, which incidentally I have never come close to exercising and generally do not plan on ever having to come close to that limit, but who knows? Citibank only makes money from whatever it bleeds the merchants from my use of its card.

                            It is a big hassle for me to replace my credit card with a debit card. I have to go to the many companies that have my card on file and switch over.

                            However, it is also inconvenient to have the Big Banks ruin the economy and make me poorer. I'm mad as hell and not going to bend over and take it anymore. The satisfaction of screwing the Big Banks by taking away my business -- even in this tiny way -- far outweighs any inconvenience I might experience.

                            I understand that people may have reasons for not giving up their credit cards. But don't let inconvenience or other small hardships lead you to inaction and blind you to the fact that these assholes are taking money out of your pockets . . . and having a good laugh at you at the same time. Imagine them at the country club playing golf, and saying, "We're robbing their sorry asses year after year, and they never catch on. What retarded idiots!" Well, I, for one, am going to be an idiot no longer !!!!!

                            Why don't you keep your existing credit card for emergency big withdrawals, but just don't use it . . . and get a small-bank debit card for regular use? I haven't been using my AmEx card much for several months, and they haven't downgraded my credit limit. If you ever need to go back to your old card, it will be there.
                            Boycott Big Banks • Vote Out Incumbents


                            • #15
                              Re: Dylan Radigan (MSNBC) Continues Attacks on Banks

                              Bank at a small home-town bank or credit union? How about we just start using cash again. That will force some competition to these jerks. Talk about bringing the system to account.

