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Whirlpool plant in Evansville: Headin' for sunny Mexico

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  • Whirlpool plant in Evansville: Headin' for sunny Mexico

    Evansville's Whirlpool factory, which has employed several generations of Tri-Staters and once gave backing to the city's claim as "Refrigerator Capital of the World," will close next year, leaving at least 1,100 people unemployed as production moves to Mexico.

    It's not the first plant Whirlpool has closed in the U.S. in the last couple of years and not the last.

    What follows was the possible nail in the coffin for the company in 2005:

    Posted on: Tuesday, 23 August 2005, 00:00 CDT

    Aug. 23--Maytag Corp. directors, after waiting in vain for a rival suitor to raise its bid, agreed Monday to sell the company to longtime appliance-industry rival Whirlpool Corp. for $1.7 billion.

    The proposed acquisition is far from a sure thing, however: because a Whirlpool/Maytag combination will hold a nearly 50 percent share in certain segments of the household-appliance marketplace, the acquisition announced Monday is expected to face tough, protracted scrutiny from federal antitrust regulators.

    Monday's accord ends a lengthy bidding process that began in May. That's when an investor group led by the New York buyout firm of Ripplewood Holdings offered to buy financially struggling Maytag for $14 a share, or $1.12 billion. Under that plan, Maytag was granted thirty days to seek a higher offer.

    Their efforts to find another buyer went nowhere, however, until Whirlpool entered the bidding at the eleventh hour, offering $17, then $18 and finally earlier this month $21 a share.


    As part of the transaction, Whirlpool is also responsibility for $977 million in Maytag debt...
    It was amusing to reading the comments left by members of the politicized right whom were no doubt frothing at the mouth as they celebrated via keyboard the loss of more jobs by American workers....Because that's a good thing since they were union jobs. These are the true Patriots from Palin's real America on display:

    - Blame Obama because of cap and trade
    - Blame only the workers that voted for Bill Clinton because he passed NAFTA
    - Blame only the workers possibly for purchasing cars made by foreign companies
    - Blame only the union for causing all of Whirlpool's problems in Evansville
    - Workers earning $30k - $40k were being paid 50% too much
    - Blame Whirlpool for only making top mount style models (I checked, not true)
    Last edited by Slimprofits; October 29, 2009, 12:26 AM.

  • #2
    Re: Whirlpool plant in Evansville: Headin' for sunny Mexico

    Just in time for the appliance stimulus :p


    • #3
      Re: Whirlpool plant in Evansville: Headin' for sunny Mexico

      Originally posted by don View Post
      Just in time for the appliance stimulus :p
      I heard that Cash for Clunkers mostly helped the Japanese, so seems fair that Dough for Dishwashers should help the Mexicans. We Canadians are waiting for the Bucks for Barrels program, so we can dump more of our dirty oil on you folks...:p


      • #4
        Re: Whirlpool plant in Evansville: Headin' for sunny Mexico

        As Mexico becomes richer, Mexico will be able to buy American products. So, whatever jobs are lost now in the U.S, those jobs will be replaced elsewhere in the American economy--- simply because Mexico will become rich enough to be able to buy U.S. exports.

        One has to think this free trade issue through, over the long-run, not the short-run..... Free trade is a win-win-win for all three NAFTA nations: Canada, America, and Mexico, over the long-run. And borders need to be open, without walls, and with people coming and going, and moving wherever they want.

        Public schools in America should be abandoning English-only. Spanish and French should be taught in American public schools. In fact, all Americans should be learning other languages, not just English-only, and from kindergarten right thru college education.


        • #5
          Re: Whirlpool plant in Evansville: Headin' for sunny Mexico

          What exactly do we make or will make that the mexicans will buy from us?
          Would you be willing to pay $50-$100 more for an appliance you are going to buy once every 15 years if it provided a good paying job here. Oh wait the new ones made in mexico only last half as long so in the end you pay twice as much and someone is out of a job. It seems that the free trade fire economy has only created jobs in the bubble sectors. Finance,banking etc. Meanwhile the percentage of manufacturing jobs had dropped sharply. You allways here about people moving to new jobs as "low wage" manufacturing jobs are "outsourced" but where are these jobs?


          • #6
            Re: Whirlpool plant in Evansville: Headin' for sunny Mexico

            Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!


            • #7
              Re: Whirlpool plant in Evansville: Headin' for sunny Mexico

              Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post

              As Mexico becomes richer, Mexico will be able to buy American products. So, whatever jobs are lost now in the U.S, those jobs will be replaced elsewhere in the American economy--- simply because Mexico will become rich enough to be able to buy U.S. exports.


              Rank country GDP - per capita (PPP) Date of Information
              10 United States $ 46,900 2008 est.
              22 Canada $ 39,100 2008 est.
              81 Mexico $ 14,200 2008 est.

              Originally posted by

              Mexico in Facts and Figures

              Updated: May 2009

              Minimum Daily Wage:

              The official daily minimum wage in Mexico is currently MX$53 pesos per day, although the IMSS (Mexican Social Security Institute) showed that the average wage in June 2007 among its 14.5 million registered workers was MX$209 per day.

              So the minimum daily wage may be between:

              worst case scenario is less than $05.00/day
              other case scenario is less than $20.00/day

              I think it may take more than one appliance manufacturing facility to make what you suggest happen.

              It also may take a few hundred years for that to happen too.


              • #8
                Re: Whirlpool plant in Evansville: Headin' for sunny Mexico

                Originally posted by Roughneck View Post
                Would you be willing to pay $50-$100 more for an appliance you are going to buy once every 15 years
                What appliances are you buying? 15 years? That's a don't-we-wish fantasy.


                • #9
                  Re: Whirlpool plant in Evansville: Headin' for sunny Mexico

                  They should’ve held out, we taxpayers in South Carolina are paying $450 million, with zero tax on aviation fuel, construction materials and computer equipment plus at least ten years of zero income tax, to Boeing for +/- 3,800 jobs so Whirlpool’s 1,100 are worth at least, what, $130 million?

                  High fives all around down here, we sure did show that machinists union what’s what and we’ll gladly bankrupt ourselves to stick it to the United Washer and Dryer Builders of America, local whatever, in Evansville Indiana as well!


                  • #10
                    Re: Whirlpool plant in Evansville: Headin' for sunny Mexico

                    What appliances are you buying? 15 years? That's a don't-we-wish fantasy
                    I had a Kenmore ( Whirlpool) washer and dryer that the spouse and I bought when we first married(26 years ago) that lasted 15 years. Of course we replaced a few minor parts along the way. The fridge lasted about as long. I just got rid of a kenmore fridge my parents left me that was about 18 years old. If you read further in the post you will see that nowadays with appliances either made in Mexico or assembled here with cheap parts made in china and elsewhere that ain't happening. Finny though the prices haven't come down much.


                    • #11
                      Re: Whirlpool plant in Evansville: Headin' for sunny Mexico

                      Originally posted by Roughneck View Post
                      I had a Kenmore ( Whirlpool) washer and dryer that the spouse and I bought when we first married(26 years ago) that lasted 15 years. Of course we replaced a few minor parts along the way. The fridge lasted about as long. I just got rid of a kenmore fridge my parents left me that was about 18 years old. If you read further in the post you will see that nowadays with appliances either made in Mexico or assembled here with cheap parts made in china and elsewhere that ain't happening. Finny though the prices haven't come down much.
                      I had all of those experiences as well. The replacements are another story entirely.


                      • #12
                        Re: Whirlpool plant in Evansville: Headin' for sunny Mexico

                        Originally posted by Crazyfingers View Post
                        Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!
                        First I think: when will people wake-up? Then I realize: what difference would it make?


                        • #13
                          Re: Whirlpool plant in Evansville: Headin' for sunny Mexico


                          something weird going on with post #9

