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US dollar will be finished in two years - brace for impact!

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  • US dollar will be finished in two years - brace for impact!

    article from leap2020:

    In the image of all the developments involved in the ongoing global systemic crisis, time is going through a process of contraction: events are happening a lot faster. On this subject, we are surprised to hear various « experts » describing Robert Fisk’s article entitled « The Demise of the Dollar » (7) - where the author suggests that the Russians, Chinese, French, Japanese and Gulf oil-producing countries would be discussing the idea of pricing oil in a currency other than the US Dollar within nine years - as eccentric. According to LEAP/E2020, the only surprising element in this analysis is in the nine year delay. In fact, this development will occur much earlier, within two years, under the pressure of events.

    In order to realize the extraordinary speeding up of History created by the crisis, let’s remember what kind of a place the world was nine years ago. Nine years ago, G. W. Bush had recently been elected; 9/11 would take place in two years from then; the US were neither stuck in Afghanistan nor in Iraq; Katrina had not yet destroyed New-Orleans; one Euro was worth 0.9 USD; Russia was a country adrift the EU was preparing a constitution meant to be popular; China was a poor international player; the US economy was shown to the world as an example and the United Kingdom was preaching ultra-liberalism throughout Europe; Wall Street’s investment banks seemed invincible,… the list could go on and on. What is highlighted is that each of these events seemed unthinkable to most “experts” just a few weeks before they happened. Therefore it is, in fact, very naïve to consider that it will take nine years until oil is priced other than in dollars, a currency utterly dependent on central banks’ will (increasingly a « bad » will, by the way) to buy, buy and buy more just for the sake of its survival.

    As early as the second quarter of 2009, central banks from all over the world undertook to stop accumulating US dollars (dollars accounted for 37 percent only of their currency purchases while they account for 63 percent of their reserves) (8). As early as July 2009, close to USD 100 billion worth of net capital fled the US (9), at the precise moment when the US was claiming to be able to attract more than USD 100 billion a month to help finance the federal deficit (not to mention the other deficits).


  • #2
    Re: US dollar will be finished in two years - brace for impact!

    Originally posted by skyson View Post
    FYI, these LEAP2020 guys have a track record (so far) of being early in their calls, and of predicting more dire consequences will occur sooner than has actually come to pass.


    • #3
      Re: US dollar will be finished in two years - brace for impact!

      Linsey Williams was on "Alex Jones" yesterday & said the same thing!


      • #4
        Re: US dollar will be finished in two years - brace for impact!

        Originally posted by ASH View Post
        FYI, these LEAP2020 guys have a track record (so far) of being early in their calls, and of predicting more dire consequences will occur sooner than has actually come to pass.
        They previously predicted a collapse by the end of the summer due to the "rogue waves," a simultaneous flight away from the dollar into gold and a collapse of the System due to credit failures coupled with high unemployment. And I agree with them that the dollar is crap but so are all the other currencies.

        But what these guys fail to take into consideration is that if we go down...they all go down.


        • #5
          Re: US dollar will be finished in two years - brace for impact!

          Originally posted by Mega View Post
          Linsey Williams was on "Alex Jones" yesterday & said the same thing!
          UUh-aaah, Linsey Williams, the world's foremost and most authoritative financial and economic analyst. The real monetary super-brain. The guy who backs up all his salive-drivel with real facts.


          Why do you listen to idiots like that, I cannot fathom.

          And yeah, LEAP has jumped the gun too many times. Their timing is way off, even if they eventually turn out to be right (the jury's out on the latter).


          • #6
            Re: US dollar will be finished in two years - brace for impact!

            I wouldn't jump the gun until we hear from on this one.


            • #7
              Re: US dollar will be finished in two years - brace for impact!

              Originally posted by Quincy K View Post
              But what these guys fail to take into consideration is that if we go down...they all go down.
              Or ... we all go up!

              In other words, less crypically, perhaps the "fall of the dollar" does not mean that fiat currency fails world wide. Rather perhaps it means that the dollar loses its reserve status and a good proportion (perhaps half) of its purchasing power. Perhaps the dollar loses its global reserve status not to other national fiat currencies, but rather to some World Bank/IMF/BIS SDR concoction.

              That is, all the major currencies we know today become based on a "higher level" meta-fiat currency.
              Most folks are good; a few aren't.


              • #8
                Re: US dollar will be finished in two years - brace for impact!

                What does loss of global reserve status really mean? Does it mean the world will no longer price their goods in US dollars? If that is the case, what can dollars then buy? Goods manufactured in the US? What are goods manufactured in the US? Over-priced weapon systems, Boeing jets, homes with poor construction, energy intensive agriculture? What happens to the trillions in dollar denominated bonds and cash sitting abroad able to purchase real estate, goods, and services from almost every corner of the world as of right now? What happens when it is all repatriated back to the US? When the US doesn't manufacture a lick of what the world wants? What happens when the dollar can no longer buy more than 90% of the world's assets? This isn't simply a supply of dollars. Its also the supply of goods that can be purchased with dollars plus the fragile psychology of 7 billion people worldwide.


                • #9
                  Re: US dollar will be finished in two years - brace for impact!

                  Originally posted by kartius919 View Post
                  What does loss of global reserve status really mean?
                  I think you are underestimating the U.S. economy; however, the gist of what you are saying is true.


                  • #10
                    Re: US dollar will be finished in two years - brace for impact!

                    I assure you I'm not.


                    • #11
                      Re: US dollar will be finished in two years - brace for impact!

                      Originally posted by kartius919 View Post
                      I assure you I'm not.
                      For instance, that energy intensive agriculture supplies over 60% of the world's grains. Not exactly something to be mocked.


                      • #12
                        Re: US dollar will be finished in two years - brace for impact!

                        They will buy our houses and rent them to us. They will buy our companies and take the profits back to their home countries. They will buy our mines and agricultural lands and send the resources home. They will open factories because U.S. workers will be cheap.

                        I picture the U.S. as a truly international country... in that foreigners will own and enjoy it. U.S. citizens will get to watch.


                        • #13
                          Re: US dollar will be finished in two years - brace for impact!

                          So an agricultural industry that employs 2-3% of America is the jewel of America. Moreover, what is now around 1% of GDP will be our saving grace and compensate for any decline in the 70% service sector GDP. You're right it won't be so bad. We will just return to feudalism. Reminds me of the poor peasant skit from Monty Python Quest for the Holy Grail.


                          • #14
                            Re: US dollar will be finished in two years - brace for impact!

                            Originally posted by kartius919 View Post
                            So an agricultural industry that employs 2-3% of America is the jewel of America. Moreover, what is now around 1% of GDP will be our saving grace and compensate for any decline in the 70% service sector GDP. You're right it won't be so bad. We will just return to feudalism. Reminds me of the poor peasant skit from Monty Python Quest for the Holy Grail.
                            The point I was illustrating is that the economy of the United States should not be so casually dismissed. When a small sector, like agriculture, provides over 60% of the world's grains, which is the leading food for consumption, it is hardly trivial. Despite the decline of the economy, the US is still the leading manufacturer of the world. And it is far more robust than how you would portray it.


                            • #15
                              Re: US dollar will be finished in two years - brace for impact!

                              Leading because of the US dollar is inflated and the Yuan is kept undervalued. Leading because the US is a large nation with a heavy military industrial complex. Take that out and move the currencies to fair market and i highly doubt the US will still lead the world in manufacturing.

                              US agriculture is heavily subsidized. Foreign domestic growers can't compete with US prices. The industry is dependent on a foreign import. The true export gain must factor in the cost of energy imports, which it does not. Finally, exporting grains is not a sign of strength. Egypt exported its crops to Rome, but we all know who was the bitch in that relationship.

