Well, either they smell the bond bubble or they can't believe they are missing out on all the Stock Market fun, Pimpco wants in:
pimpco Is Said to Consider Expansion Into Stock Funds (Update1)
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By Sree Vidya Bhaktavatsalam
Oct. 19 (Bloomberg) -- Pacific Investment Management Co., the world’s biggest manager of bond funds, is considering adding stocks for the first time as it expands its line-up of products to investors, a person familiar with the firm’s plans said.
Pimpco may hire an existing management team with a track record, said the person, who asked not to be identified because the plans have not been publicly disclosed. The Newport Beach, California-based company hasn’t decided yet on the candidates it is considering, the person said.
pimpco Is Said to Consider Expansion Into Stock Funds (Update1)
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By Sree Vidya Bhaktavatsalam
Oct. 19 (Bloomberg) -- Pacific Investment Management Co., the world’s biggest manager of bond funds, is considering adding stocks for the first time as it expands its line-up of products to investors, a person familiar with the firm’s plans said.
Pimpco may hire an existing management team with a track record, said the person, who asked not to be identified because the plans have not been publicly disclosed. The Newport Beach, California-based company hasn’t decided yet on the candidates it is considering, the person said.