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US robbers target Indian homes for gold

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  • US robbers target Indian homes for gold

    Police in United States have found a disturbing trend of Indian-American homes being targeted by burglars for gold, which guarantees the robbers of assured money rather than traditional electronic items.

    Since high quality gold jewellery -- at least of 22 carats in general and 24 carats in particular -- is mostly found in homes of Indians in particular and South Asians in general due to cultural values, police say the robbers have increasingly started identifying and targeting such homes, a media report said.


  • #2
    Re: US robbers target Indian homes for gold

    Originally posted by vdhulla View Post
    Police in United States have found a disturbing trend of Indian-American homes being targeted by burglars for gold, which guarantees the robbers of assured money rather than traditional electronic items.

    Since high quality gold jewellery -- at least of 22 carats in general and 24 carats in particular -- is mostly found in homes of Indians in particular and South Asians in general due to cultural values, police say the robbers have increasingly started identifying and targeting such homes, a media report said.

    In unrelated news - Walmart /Kmart/Sears/Saks/and Nordstrom's introduce their new line of 10 carat gold to inspire confidence in the consumer. An un-named source from a prominent retail lobbyist replied:
    " Well it's all about psychology- we feel that the consumer will continue to get themselves in debt once we introduce value -like buying 10 carat gold'.


    • #3
      Re: US robbers target Indian homes for gold

      Originally posted by vdhulla View Post
      Police in United States have found a disturbing trend of Indian-American homes being targeted by burglars for gold, which guarantees the robbers of assured money rather than traditional electronic items.

      Since high quality gold jewellery -- at least of 22 carats in general and 24 carats in particular -- is mostly found in homes of Indians in particular and South Asians in general due to cultural values, police say the robbers have increasingly started identifying and targeting such homes, a media report said.


      I expect to see a lot of this type of behavior(robberies) in the near future. Many educated, displaced, white-collar workers are going to become very bitter and some are just not going to give a fu_k and will ultimately take matters into their own hands.


      • #4
        Re: US robbers target Indian homes for gold

        Originally posted by Quincy K View Post
        I expect to see a lot of this type of behavior(robberies) in the near future. Many educated, displaced, white-collar workers are going to become very bitter and some are just not going to give a fu_k and will ultimately take matters into their own hands.

        Do you really expect an increase in robbery from educated, displaced, white-collar workers?


        • #5
          Re: US robbers target Indian homes for gold

          Originally posted by cjppjc View Post
          Do you really expect an increase in robbery from educated, displaced, white-collar workers?

          Many types of robberies can be "white-collar" as well.


          • #6
            Re: US robbers target Indian homes for gold

            Originally posted by iyamwutiam View Post
            " Well it's all about psychology- we feel that the consumer will continue to get themselves in debt once we introduce value -like buying 10 carat gold'.
            EJ has made this point several times. As we wind down, everything gets crappier...even gold?! Where does it end? 2 carat gold on the shopping channel?


            • #7
              Re: US robbers target Indian homes for gold


              This thread deserves front page news. Wake up people! This is what you get for investing in a non recognized currency. Store it at home - you're screwed. Store it where the government can get at it .. you're screwed.

              Don't you get it? Buying gold is basically an act of sedition. Unless you're plans are to over throw the government, it's not going to work out..

              The house is rigged and betting on gold is betting against the house.


              • #8
                Re: US robbers target Indian homes for gold

                Originally posted by blazespinnaker View Post

                This thread deserves front page news. Wake up people! This is what you get for investing in a non recognized currency. Store it at home - you're screwed. Store it where the government can get at it .. you're screwed.

                Don't you get it? Buying gold is basically an act of sedition. Unless you're plans are to over throw the government, it's not going to work out..

                The house is rigged and betting on gold is betting against the house.
                You forgot to add, "Keep your wealth in dollars and, YOU'RE SCREWED!" Don't you get it, dude? You're screwed ANYWAY! Might as well do you're best to NOT ENABLE the people doing the SCREWING!

                No, Blaze, it is the last, BEST act of NON-VIOLENT civil disobedience left for many of us. You like the system or are scared of it fine, don't fight it. For the rest of us though, we are not happy and WE INTEND to voice our dissatisfaction of it.

                PhD Economists and Economic Professors Call For Protests

                You know that the government and the giant banks are not being responsive to the needs of the economy and the American people when even PhD economists and economics professors are calling for protests.
                Indeed, many top experts and even politicians say that the American political system has suffered almost total regulatory capture, where Wall Street calls the shots. See this, this, this, this, and this.
                As respected financial commentator Yves Smith points out, PhD economist Dean Baker, economics professor William K. Black and others are helping to organize peaceful protests outside of the annual meeting of the American Association of Bankers.
                Smith notes:
                If you saw Michael Moore’s Capitalism: A Love Story, a disconcerting bit was his discussion of a series of research reports put out by Citigroup for some of its asset management client in 2005 on “Plutonomy”. It argued that a world ordered to suit the whims of the top 1% was well underway. The only thing that might get in the way was that the other 99% had the force of numbers on its side.
                Sometimes it takes a show of numbers to change the dynamic. As Baker pointed out:
                The elites hate to acknowledge it, but when large numbers of ordinary people are moved to action, it changes the narrow political world where the elites call the shots. Inside accounts reveal the extent to which Johnson and Nixon’s conduct of the Vietnam War was constrained by the huge anti-war movement. It was the civil rights movement, not compelling arguments, that convinced members of Congress to end legal racial discrimination. More recently, the townhall meetings, dominated by people opposed to health care reform, have been a serious roadblock for those pushing reform….
                A big turnout at this event can make a real difference.

                Baker is correct about Vietnam.
                Specifically, in a little known fact, Nixon was considering using nuclear weapons in Vietnam (and see this).

                Please don't go the apologist route in your discourse, And ESPECIALLY do not spit that filth in my direction.

                To be fearful is one thing, but to advocate that we all just bend over and allow ourselves to continually be ass-raped is, well, UNACCEPTABLE!

                It's amazing what civil disobedience can accomplish.

                Why don't you wake-up and educate yourself a bit.


                Civil disobedience

                From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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                For other uses, see Civil disobedience (disambiguation).

                Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi A figure known worldwide for advocating non-violent civil disobedience

                Civil disobedience is the active refusal to obey certain laws, demands and commands of a government, or of an occupying power, without resorting to physical violence. It is one of the primary methods of nonviolent resistance. In its most nonviolent form (in India, known as ahimsa or satyagraha) it could be said that it is compassion in the form of respectful disagreement.
                One of its earliest massive implementations was brought about by Egyptians against the British occupation in the nonviolent 1919 Revolution[1]. Civil disobedience is one of the many ways people have rebelled against unfair laws. It has been used in many well-documented nonviolent resistance movements in India (Gandhi's campaigns for independence from the British Empire), in Czechoslovakia's Velvet Revolution and in East Germany to oust their communist dictatorships,[2][3] in South Africa in the fight against apartheid, in the American Civil Rights Movement, in the Singing Revolution to bring independence to the Baltic countries from the Soviet Union, and recently in the 2004 Orange Revolution[4] and 2005 Rose Revolution, among other various movements worldwide.
                The American author Henry David Thoreau pioneered the modern theory behind this practice in his 1849 essay Civil Disobedience, originally titled "Resistance to Civil Government". The driving idea behind the essay was that of self-reliance, and also how one is in morally good standing as long as one can "get off another man's back"; so one does not necessarily have to physically fight the government, but one must not support it or have it support one (if one is against it). This essay has had a wide influence on many later practitioners of civil disobedience. In the essay, Thoreau explained his reasons for having refused to pay taxes as an act of protest against slavery and against the Mexican-American War.
                Last edited by jtabeb; October 19, 2009, 08:01 AM.


                • #9
                  Re: US robbers target Indian homes for gold

                  Originally posted by Quincy K View Post
                  Many types of robberies can be "white-collar" as well.
                  Only the most successful ones!


                  • #10
                    Re: US robbers target Indian homes for gold

                    Originally posted by cjppjc View Post
                    Do you really expect an increase in robbery from educated, displaced, white-collar workers?
                    One could argue that educated white-collar workers just pulled of a string of robberies, starting with a $700 billion inside job.:rolleyes:


                    • #11
                      Re: US robbers target Indian homes for gold

                      The article was about criminals breaking into homes. Quincy K wrote:

                      I expect to see a lot of this type of behavior(robberies) in the near future. Many educated, displaced, white-collar workers are going to become very bitter and some are just not going to give a fu_k and will ultimately take matters into their own hands.

                      Does anyone here really think that will happen? I don't.


                      • #12
                        Re: US robbers target Indian homes for gold

                        Originally posted by cjppjc View Post
                        The article was about criminals breaking into homes. Quincy K wrote:

                        I expect to see a lot of this type of behavior(robberies) in the near future. Many educated, displaced, white-collar workers are going to become very bitter and some are just not going to give a fu_k and will ultimately take matters into their own hands.

                        Does anyone here really think that will happen? I don't.
                        Me neither.


                        • #13
                          Re: US robbers target Indian homes for gold

                          Originally posted by cjppjc View Post
                          The article was about criminals breaking into homes. Quincy K wrote:

                          I expect to see a lot of this type of behavior(robberies) in the near future. Many educated, displaced, white-collar workers are going to become very bitter and some are just not going to give a fu_k and will ultimately take matters into their own hands.

                          Does anyone here really think that will happen? I don't.

                          I knew of a person's home that recently burned down because of "vandalism" in which said home had an additional 100k coverage for antique valuables.

                          House was worth less than build cost(presumably $100/sq.foot).

                          One year later, no house was rebuilt, land was sold off by owner on an "arms-length" transaction.

                          My calculations, probably a 200k swing here not including realtor fees.

                          Just saw a failing restaurant conveniently burn down(3:00 AM on a Monday) before I left the states in April. Fire Marshall had deemed it arson through vandalism.

                          Get a clue.


                          • #14
                            Re: US robbers target Indian homes for gold

                            Originally posted by Quincy K View Post
                            I knew of a person's home that recently burned down because of "vandalism" in which said home had an additional 100k coverage for antique valuables.

                            House was worth less than build cost(presumably $100/sq.foot).

                            One year later, no house was rebuilt, land was sold off by owner on an "arms-length" transaction.

                            My calculations, probably a 200k swing here not including realtor fees.

                            Just saw a failing restaurant conveniently burn down(3:00 AM on a Monday) before I left the states in April. Fire Marshall had deemed it arson through vandalism.

                            Get a clue.

                            That's me clueless. The article was about home invasions not arson. Which even though I am clueless, I have heard of arson before. I would imagine incidents of arson rise during bad economic times. I'm not sure because I am clueless.:rolleyes:
                            Last edited by cjppjc; October 19, 2009, 05:11 PM.


                            • #15
                              Re: US robbers target Indian homes for gold

                              Originally posted by vdhulla View Post
                              Police in United States have found a disturbing trend of Indian-American homes being targeted by burglars for gold, which guarantees the robbers of assured money rather than traditional electronic items.

                              Since high quality gold jewellery -- at least of 22 carats in general and 24 carats in particular -- is mostly found in homes of Indians in particular and South Asians in general due to cultural values, police say the robbers have increasingly started identifying and targeting such homes, a media report said.


                              I know someone at work who happens to be Indian who mentioned that he was heavily invested in physical gold.... As in has stacks of bricks. His and his wife's life savings are in gold at home....

                              He said it was an indian thing, you just get used to having your savings in gold over paper....

