First a definition:
Now some commentary.
Our public "servitude" is through asset price fixing, where price floors are set at astronomical levels not unlike a mob running a neighborhood racket. The difference is they [Oligarchs] where perfect suits and have our congress and the administration as their accomplices instead of the local police department.
Emphasis now in particular on "power". In the last year, contract law, accounting principles, bankruptcy law do not apply to the Oligarchs, they are EXEMPT. Usury rules supreme above everything. Where the few privileged now through the use of fear have leveraged not their own risks, but the entire fate of the United States which WAS (note past tense) a country where no man was above the law.
Leonardo da Vinci said "simplicity is the ultimate sophistication" And in that context, Gary North rounds up the catastrophic problem with simplicity:
Now the usual suspects. These are not Ayn Rand capitalists any more than Alan Greenspan was. No matter how much he writes of his fetish for her throughout his scribblings.
Then what are they?
Socialists? NO.
Communists? NO.
Capitalists? NO. LOL!
Oligarchs? YES!
Yes, I know there are folks listed here who didn't make the cut, but it was the best line-up photo I could find without spending 3 hours in photoshop.
It's interesting, when spending time on google, the hardest person to find pictured with other government officials or other heads of banks? Lloyd Blankfein. I'm willing to bet that most of the PR groups of all of these Banksters never want to be photographed with other banksters or government types. For obvious reasons.
You really have to love this photo. They truly do give that look of "are you f'ing for real? do I really have to answer to you?"
The chief executives of banks that have received federal-government aid testified Wednesday before the House Financial Services Committee, including, from left: Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs, James Dimon of J.P. Morgan Chase, Robert Kelly of Bank of New York Mellon, Kenneth Lewis of Bank of America, Ronald Logue of State Street, John Mack of Morgan Stanley, Vikram Pandit of Citigroup and John Stumpf of Wells Fargo.
And the three Amigos - Hank Paulson, Ben Bernanke and Timothy Geithner.
Today you can thank them for all your creature comforts. Enjoy them while they last, you traded your liberty and short term happiness for their success.
Tomorrow as the nationalized debt of everything Oligarch approved cripples us ALL, especially those who played by the "old rules" and forces socialism and likely a dictatorship upon us, we'll remember who to thank.
Again, I quote Gary_North regarding Banksters aka Oligarchs,
I don't think it's an accident that one of the most popular blogs that represent the counter-oligarch movement is based on Tyler Durden. The character from the movie Fight Club who reminds everyone that in the end all this consumption and material hubris is meaningless. We are all animals searching for a purpose in life, for meaning.
America had meaning, it had a purpose that inspired millions to rally behind perspectives worth fighting for and ultimately worth dying for. Freedom and liberty through the rule of law that nobody was above.
The Oligarchs said NO MORE.
Now, we the animals in base form, are looking around at each other and saying "what the F*ck are we doing? Is this really what it's all about?"
Oligarchies have been tyrannical throughout history, being completely reliant on public servitude to exist.
Our public "servitude" is through asset price fixing, where price floors are set at astronomical levels not unlike a mob running a neighborhood racket. The difference is they [Oligarchs] where perfect suits and have our congress and the administration as their accomplices instead of the local police department.
Emphasis now in particular on "power". In the last year, contract law, accounting principles, bankruptcy law do not apply to the Oligarchs, they are EXEMPT. Usury rules supreme above everything. Where the few privileged now through the use of fear have leveraged not their own risks, but the entire fate of the United States which WAS (note past tense) a country where no man was above the law.
Leonardo da Vinci said "simplicity is the ultimate sophistication" And in that context, Gary North rounds up the catastrophic problem with simplicity:
Bait and switch is the heart of all fractional reserve banking. Bankers knowingly promise more than they can deliver to every depositor. The history of commercial banking has been the history of bankers' attempts to transfer liability for bank failures to the government, while maximizing income from making loans.
Then what are they?
Socialists? NO.
Communists? NO.
Capitalists? NO. LOL!
Oligarchs? YES!
Yes, I know there are folks listed here who didn't make the cut, but it was the best line-up photo I could find without spending 3 hours in photoshop.
It's interesting, when spending time on google, the hardest person to find pictured with other government officials or other heads of banks? Lloyd Blankfein. I'm willing to bet that most of the PR groups of all of these Banksters never want to be photographed with other banksters or government types. For obvious reasons.
You really have to love this photo. They truly do give that look of "are you f'ing for real? do I really have to answer to you?"
The chief executives of banks that have received federal-government aid testified Wednesday before the House Financial Services Committee, including, from left: Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs, James Dimon of J.P. Morgan Chase, Robert Kelly of Bank of New York Mellon, Kenneth Lewis of Bank of America, Ronald Logue of State Street, John Mack of Morgan Stanley, Vikram Pandit of Citigroup and John Stumpf of Wells Fargo.
And the three Amigos - Hank Paulson, Ben Bernanke and Timothy Geithner.
Today you can thank them for all your creature comforts. Enjoy them while they last, you traded your liberty and short term happiness for their success.
Tomorrow as the nationalized debt of everything Oligarch approved cripples us ALL, especially those who played by the "old rules" and forces socialism and likely a dictatorship upon us, we'll remember who to thank.
Again, I quote Gary_North regarding Banksters aka Oligarchs,
Lenin said that in order to make an omelet, you must break a few eggs. What is the omelet? The desire of Congressmen and Senators to be re-elected. What are the eggs? Your plans for the future.
I don't think it's an accident that one of the most popular blogs that represent the counter-oligarch movement is based on Tyler Durden. The character from the movie Fight Club who reminds everyone that in the end all this consumption and material hubris is meaningless. We are all animals searching for a purpose in life, for meaning.
America had meaning, it had a purpose that inspired millions to rally behind perspectives worth fighting for and ultimately worth dying for. Freedom and liberty through the rule of law that nobody was above.
The Oligarchs said NO MORE.
Now, we the animals in base form, are looking around at each other and saying "what the F*ck are we doing? Is this really what it's all about?"