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Obama gets the Nobel prize

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  • #46
    Re: Obama gets the Nobel prize

    Originally posted by lsa420 View Post
    In that case Ka-Poom holds up really well...
    But if you defend dollar hegemony, then you get to keep printing.

    And you get a jobs program.

    Good thing they gave obama one of these.

    So no War to save the empire. Gonna have to wait for

    Or some other tool. Or not.


    • #47
      Re: Obama gets the Nobel prize

      Originally posted by goadam1 View Post
      But if you defend dollar hegemony, then you get to keep printing.

      And you get a jobs program.

      Good thing they gave obama one of these.

      So no War to save the empire. Gonna have to wait for

      Or some other tool. Or not.
      Nice. Let's give it five years and then we'll reconvene.


      • #48
        Re: Obama gets the Nobel prize

        Originally posted by lsa420 View Post
        Nice. Let's give it five years and then we'll reconvene.
        Superman also went to the UN to ban nukes.
        Superman, the quest for peace

        Maybe Obama is cooler


        • #49
          Re: Obama gets the Nobel prize

          Originally posted by lsa420 View Post
          Nice. Let's give it five years and then we'll reconvene.
          I'll tell you what. You can drop me a note in 3 and I'll vote for whoever you think is gonna make it better.


          • #50
            Re: Obama gets the Nobel prize

            Originally posted by fliped42
            I knew Rham was good but not this good. In one stroke he totally mobilized his base. Obama now has even more cred's on top of coming out of Harvard. In one award and in one very strong news cycle he pleases the anti-war supporters, the social liberals who want to end poverty and the green movement. This just before a hard showdown on healthcare and in the face of a stalling adgenda combined with waning international political clout after the Chicago bomb et al. He even gets to act humble like he never saw it coming. His base is going to eat this up and get fueled by the attacks by Steele and the to be expected Limbaugh ridicule so it will further unite his base. Brilliant simply brilliant. Carl Rove couldn't have even come close to this mastery. Bravo and I hope he can live up to the traditions set by Roosevelt and Wilson.
            Ha ha ha ha ha.


            For real. Here read this one.



            • #51
              Re: Obama gets the Nobel prize

              Hell, I have no idea why the Nobel people chose him but it isn't Obama's fault.

              And, let's see. Why did Bush win the PRESIDENCY? Oh, that's right because red-state America thought he had big balls and because Clinton (thus Gore) was a bad guy and he dropped is g from his "ings". You might convince me that Clinton was a bad guy and he did drop his g's from his "ings".
              Last edited by sunskyfan; October 10, 2009, 10:06 AM.


              • #52
                Re: Obama gets the Nobel prize

                Originally posted by goadam1 View Post
                But if you defend dollar hegemony, then you get to keep printing.

                And you get a jobs program.

                Good thing they gave obama one of these.

                So no War to save the empire. Gonna have to wait for

                Or some other tool. Or not.
                I think he also earned $1.3 million worth of Swedish currency.


                • #53
                  Re: Obama gets the Nobel prize

                  Originally posted by sunskyfan View Post
                  ...And, let's see. Why did Bush when the PRESIDENCY? Oh, that's right because red-state America thought he had big balls and because Clinton (this Gore) was a bad guy and he dropped is g from his "ings". You might convince me that Clinton was a bad guy and he did drop his g's from his "ings".
                  Bush won because the Supreme Court discovered hanging chads in Florida...probably while they were down there on a condo shopping trip...:rolleyes:


                  • #54
                    Re: Obama gets the Nobel prize

                    Originally posted by fliped42
                    I don't see the point of the article. We all know about the Big Banks and all know they are insolvent and should be broken up.

                    "Options under consideration in this area include requiring systemically important institutions to hold aggregate levels of capital above current regulatory norms or to maintain a greater share of capital in the form of common equity or instruments with similar loss-absorbing attributes, such as "contingent" capital that converts to common equity when necessary to mitigate systemic risk."


                    Nationalization is not the way to go. It would concentrate more power into the Government and thus not solve anything. The key to restructuring is to protect the deposits and sell off the deposits or sell the assets for enough to protect the deposits. You have to be able to orderly and legally liquidate assets and someone has to take the hit. It should be 1) Equity Holders 2) Prefered Holders 3) Bond Holders a) unsecures b) secured 4) Depositors on order of first loss. Also they have to break up the non liquidated super banks they could do this and I think they will by increased capital requirements, increase taxes, increase regulation and ban off balance sheet and dark transactions. They could make it so cumbersome and unprofitable to be a big bank that you would see major moves by shareholders and bondholders to spin off the divisions. Do not be fooled by the rash of profits at banks and the market rally. They are creating the framework to take down some big boys. They are learning from Lehman and they have already made TBTF non banks banks. This was done to a) help them raise capital in the form of deposits 2) Get them into the jurisdiction of the government so they could regulate them set capital requirements as well as seize. They couldn't seize GS or Morgan Stanley before but now they can. They are looking at the interconnectedness of these institutions for the first time. They are buying time to stabilize the markets strenghten the wounded and prepare to euthanize the terminally ill. They need to get the overview of who is linked to who, a framework to liquidate (preferably the FDIC model) , and pass the legislation to regulate the Investment Banks, Insurance Companies and Large Hedge funds as well distance from 2008 so they avoid a complete panic and meltdown they know the plane is going down they are just looking to do a controlled crash as opposed to a freefall IMHO.
                    it's nice to see some optimists posting. i think it's actually working the other way. it reminds me of what happened when barclay's bought lehman's equity operation. [i have a young relative who was working at barclay's] although it looked like barclay's was taking over a piece of lehman, the barclay's employees were all fired and the lehman guys kept going to work. so you may think the gov't now has more power over the banks, but i think it works the other way. did you read about [the recently released] phone logs of tim geithner from during the crisis? he was regularly speed dialing goldman, jpm and citi. want to guess who was giving whom marching orders?


                    • #55
                      Re: Obama gets the Nobel prize

                      Originally posted by jk View Post
                      it's nice to see some optimists posting. i think it's actually working the other way. it reminds me of what happened when barclay's bought lehman's equity operation. [i have a young relative who was working at barclay's] although it looked like barclay's was taking over a piece of lehman, the barclay's employees were all fired and the lehman guys kept going to work...
                      My experience with a takeover in the oil patch worked much the same way. The financially strong Company A appeared to be buying the distressed Company B. In reality Company B was using Company A's money to save itself, and the jobs of most of its employees...:p

                      I have a standing rule I apply to my personal investment account...if I hold stock in a company that is being acquired I sell into the takeover announcement. If I have the misfortune of holding stock in a company doing the buying then I sell out after it recovers from the usual post-annoucement drop. I never, ever continue to hold the stock of any company involved in a significant merger.


                      • #56
                        Re: Obama gets the Nobel prize

                        Originally posted by jneal3 View Post
                        I have to believe Obama himself wishes he hadn't won this (at least not yet), he knows better than anyone he hasn't accomplished much and this will just de-legitimize him; this can't help him.
                        Sounds like you're at least partly right about that:
                        I am both surprised and deeply humbled by the decision of the Nobel Committee. Let me be clear: I do not view it as a recognition of my own accomplishments, but rather as an affirmation of American leadership on behalf of aspirations held by people in all nations.

                        To be honest, I do not feel that I deserve to be in the company of so many of the transformative figures who've been honored by this prize -- men and women who've inspired me and inspired the entire world through their courageous pursuit of peace.

                        But I also know that this prize reflects the kind of world that those men and women, and all Americans, want to build -- a world that gives life to the promise of our founding documents. And I know that throughout history, the Nobel Peace Prize has not just been used to honor specific achievement; it's also been used as a means to give momentum to a set of causes. And that is why I will accept this award as a call to action -- a call for all nations to confront the common challenges of the 21st century.


                        • #57
                          Re: Obama gets the Nobel prize

                          Originally posted by fliped42
                          I knew Rham was good but not this good. In one stroke he totally mobilized his base. Obama now has even more cred's on top of coming out of Harvard. In one award and in one very strong news cycle he pleases the anti-war supporters, the social liberals who want to end poverty and the green movement. This just before a hard showdown on healthcare and in the face of a stalling adgenda combined with waning international political clout after the Chicago bomb et al. He even gets to act humble like he never saw it coming. His base is going to eat this up and get fueled by the attacks by Steele and the to be expected Limbaugh ridicule so it will further unite his base. Brilliant simply brilliant. Carl Rove couldn't have even come close to this mastery.
                          Astute analysis - I think Rove may well have had a wet dream about something like this.. and so it begins...again.. hope springs eternal.

                          Saw this great recipe in the clip below.

                          1. Ensure bowl is completely scrubbed clean of any Republician / Libertarian residue. N.B.
                          2. add a dash of patriotism
                          3. a sprinkle of nationalism
                          4. two large table spoons of the benefit of doubt
                          5. mix in well, add soldiers "defending" their country and "liberty" (please feel free to choose your own no. here)
                          6. add one large, high profile priest
                          7. top off with some injustice in far flung corners
                          8. bake for approx 10 min.

                          Enjoy your Nobel prize winning hope cake

                          Your hostess at tonights dining will be Rachel Maddow

                          Bravo and I hope he can live up to the traditions set by Roosevelt and Wilson
                          I wont be holding my breath on that one.

                          Seems I had too much cake, please excuse me while I go out back and get violently sick.
                          Last edited by Diarmuid; October 10, 2009, 07:24 PM.
                          "that each simple substance has relations which express all the others"


                          • #58
                            Re: Obama gets the Nobel prize


                            • #59
                              Re: Obama gets the Nobel prize

                              When war becomes peace,

                              When concepts and realities are turned upside down,

                              When fiction becomes truth and truth becomes fiction.

                              When a global military agenda is heralded as a humanitarian endeavor,

                              When the killing of civilians is upheld as "collateral damage",

                              When those who resist the US-NATO led invasion of their homeland are categorized as "insurgents" or "terrorists".

                              When preemptive nuclear war is upheld as self defense.

                              When advanced torture and "interrogation" techniques are routinely used to "protect peacekeeping operations",

                              When tactical nuclear weapons are heralded by the Pentagon as "harmless to the surrounding civilian population"

                              When three quarters of US personal federal income tax revenues are allocated to financing what is euphemistically referred to as "national defense"

                              When the Commander in Chief of the largest military force on planet earth is presented as a global peace-maker,

                              When the Lie becomes the Truth.
                              We are the crossroads of the most serious crisis in modern history. The US in partnership with NATO and Israel has launched a global military adventure which, in a very real sense, threatens the future of humanity.
                              At this critical juncture in our history, the Norwegian Nobel Committee's decision to award the Nobel Peace Prize to President and Commander in Chief Barack Obama constitutes an unmitigated tool of propaganda and distortion, which unreservedly supports the Pentagon's "Long War": "A War without Borders" in the true sense of the word, characterised by the Worlwide deployment of US military might.


                              • #60
                                Re: Obama gets the Nobel prize

