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Obama gets the Nobel prize

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  • #16
    Re: Obama gets the Nobel prize

    Obamadoration. Nothing more, nothing less.


    • #17
      Re: Obama gets the Nobel prize

      Originally posted by doom&gloom View Post

      Obamadoration. Nothing more, nothing less.

      my 2 cents:

      Matthew 16:26


      • #18
        Re: Obama gets the Nobel prize


        • #19
          Re: Obama gets the Nobel prize

          Sometimes a raspberry is enough

          Originally posted by halcyon View Post
          First analytical post in this thread. Everything else was just emotional reaction from personal dogma.

          Of course it was a calculated tactical move from the Nobel committee.

          We also all know that it hasn't been a 'peace prize' for many decades anymore. It's just a play token on the grand chessboard.

          Naturally Obama hasn't deserved an iota of this award.

          But now his hands are ever so slightly more tied on options for some unforeseeable future.

          My take is that O' administraion will try to downplay this (at least domestically) as much as possible.

          On the other hand, the Nobel committee will try to publicize it as as possible.

          Such is the nature of the beast in politics - impressions and public appraisal do matter.

          My hat is off to the Nobel committee. At least they try to influence things this time, and not just give accolade later when the dust has settled and bodies have been counted.

          Then again, it didn't work so much w/ Henry 'I wasn't complicit in mass murder' Kissinger. He did it anyway, before and after. No conscience, no emotion - pure rational realpolitik game theory. Gotta admire the guy for that, even though his deeds and apparent lack of moral backbone are despisable.


          • #20
            Re: Obama gets the Nobel prize

            Originally posted by halcyon View Post
            First analytical post in this thread. Everything else was just emotional reaction from personal dogma.
            Not all of them, some us just decided to make fun of this embarrasing, and rather tansparent, situation after thinking about it. No need to intellectualize something as transparent.

            Of course it was a calculated tactical move from the Nobel committee.

            We also all know that it hasn't been a 'peace prize' for many decades anymore. It's just a play token on the grand chessboard.
            This is a bit contradictory, even if we all know that it isn't really about "peace". One would think that if "they" wanted to have some sort of prize or honor to be used tactically or strategically in politics, "they" wouldn't constantly debase it. It certainly had more "value" in the past, and it didn't do much good in affecting the outcome (as you later point out).

            Naturally Obama hasn't deserved an iota of this award.
            Of course not, and the debasement continues.

            But now his hands are ever so slightly more tied on options for some unforeseeable future.
            Doubt it, but I hope so given the direction that things seem to be moving in. That said, I would hope that our leaders act with integrity, and are not so easily influenced by the whim of public opinion. If we're holding out on the nobel peace prize to effect real change, then we're lost.

            My take is that O' administraion will try to downplay this (at least domestically) as much as possible.

            On the other hand, the Nobel committee will try to publicize it as as possible.

            Such is the nature of the beast in politics - impressions and public appraisal do matter.

            My hat is off to the Nobel committee. At least they try to influence things this time, and not just give accolade later when the dust has settled and bodies have been counted.
            If "influencing things", as in politics, is their job, then they're doing a terrible job at it IMO. Perhaps if they stop rewarding mediocrity, people would actually have something to aspire to. When everybody is special, especially those that haven't accomplished anything yet or in some cases [per the quote below] represent the opposite, then nobody is. They have a fiat award, and they're debasing it even further.

            Then again, it didn't work so much w/ Henry 'I wasn't complicit in mass murder' Kissinger. He did it anyway, before and after. No conscience, no emotion - pure rational realpolitik game theory. Gotta admire the guy for that, even though his deeds and apparent lack of moral backbone are despisable.


            • #21
              Re: Obama gets the Nobel prize

              Originally posted by halcyon View Post
              First analytical post in this thread. Everything else was just emotional reaction from personal dogma.

              Of course it was a calculated tactical move from the Nobel committee.

              We also all know that it hasn't been a 'peace prize' for many decades anymore. It's just a play token on the grand chessboard.

              Naturally Obama hasn't deserved an iota of this award.

              But now his hands are ever so slightly more tied on options for some unforeseeable future.

              My take is that O' administraion will try to downplay this (at least domestically) as much as possible.

              On the other hand, the Nobel committee will try to publicize it as as possible.

              Such is the nature of the beast in politics - impressions and public appraisal do matter.

              My hat is off to the Nobel committee. At least they try to influence things this time, and not just give accolade later when the dust has settled and bodies have been counted.

              Then again, it didn't work so much w/ Henry 'I wasn't complicit in mass murder' Kissinger. He did it anyway, before and after. No conscience, no emotion - pure rational realpolitik game theory. Gotta admire the guy for that, even though his deeds and apparent lack of moral backbone are despisable.
              Get a grip man, If Obama or his administration did not want this nomination it would not have been submitted nor would it have been accepted, the idea of Obama being the reluctant nominee is a joke.

              Obama nor his administration has anything to do with creating substantative policy, he is a front man, point guy at best, the man who reads the teleprompt, willing or unwilling hostage and dupe to the vested interests already entrenched in the system. If that is dogma - it appears to be borne out by much that has taken place to date (the things we know about). Read Goldman Sachs, Shell, Halburton, Lockeed Martin, Citibank blah blah blah.

              The nobel prize will not change any substantive policy one way or the other, not one bit - it neither frees Obamas' or his administrations' hand nor ties their hands - it does however add and extend to the now waivering hope bullshit, and may make those "hard" decisions more paliatable to those people who may have begun to doubt. Your own personal belief in the dogma of democracy and a free political system, albeit with matters of "real politik" is misplaced, if it ever existed it is long since gone, it is now, just the blare of a bull horn as seen on reality / celebrity TV, a mere fancy of conditioned minds.
              Last edited by Diarmuid; October 10, 2009, 05:54 AM.
              "that each simple substance has relations which express all the others"


              • #22
                Re: Obama gets the Nobel prize

                Originally posted by goadam1 View Post
                Sometimes a raspberry is enough


                • #23
                  Re: Obama gets the Nobel prize

                  I'd just add one more comment in trying to get into the heads of the Nobel committee: didn't Tiger Woods get a $40M contract from Nike before he hit one golf ball on the PGA Tour, and didn't that provoke similar disbelief (on a much much smaller scale)? The Nobel committee seems to me to either be A) a group of flighty star-struck political elites (no low probability there), or B) betting on horse they've judged a sure-winner. Nike's bet sure looks smart.

                  I honestly don't know which case to believe. The cynic in me says 'A' for sure. :cool:


                  • #24
                    Re: Obama gets the Nobel prize

                    Originally posted by GRG55 View Post
                    He won because he is not George W. Bush.
                    Ding ding ding.

                    It has nothing to do with Obama and everything to do with a repudiation of: George W.; the Neocons; the use of torture as state policy; the denial of scientific fact; the export of Christianity at gunpoint; and the ham-handed, simple-minded misuse of power.


                    • #25
                      Re: Obama gets the Nobel prize

                      Originally posted by halcyon View Post
                      First analytical post in this thread. Everything else was just emotional reaction from personal dogma.

                      Of course it was a calculated tactical move from the Nobel committee.

                      We also all know that it hasn't been a 'peace prize' for many decades anymore. It's just a play token on the grand chessboard.

                      Naturally Obama hasn't deserved an iota of this award.

                      But now his hands are ever so slightly more tied on options for some unforeseeable future.

                      My take is that O' administraion will try to downplay this (at least domestically) as much as possible.

                      On the other hand, the Nobel committee will try to publicize it as as possible.

                      Such is the nature of the beast in politics - impressions and public appraisal do matter.

                      My hat is off to the Nobel committee. At least they try to influence things this time, and not just give accolade later when the dust has settled and bodies have been counted.

                      Then again, it didn't work so much w/ Henry 'I wasn't complicit in mass murder' Kissinger. He did it anyway, before and after. No conscience, no emotion - pure rational realpolitik game theory. Gotta admire the guy for that, even though his deeds and apparent lack of moral backbone are despisable.
                      Unlike the rest of us mere mortals I suppose you're apolitical. Simply above it all.

                      I rather enjoyed all those "emotional reactions from personal dogma".
                      They clearly understand what a sick joke many institutions have become over the past twenty years of rising, force-fed pc bullshit.

                      And they aren't deceived as to the accomplishments of "the annointed one".
                      Last edited by Raz; October 09, 2009, 01:47 PM. Reason: rephrased to avoid insinuation


                      • #26
                        Re: Obama gets the Nobel prize

                        Originally posted by jneal3 View Post
                        I'd just add one more comment in trying to get into the heads of the Nobel committee: didn't Tiger Woods get a $40M contract from Nike before he hit one golf ball on the PGA Tour, and didn't that provoke similar disbelief (on a much much smaller scale)? The Nobel committee seems to me to either be A) a group of flighty star-struck political elites (no low probability there), or B) betting on horse they've judged a sure-winner. Nike's bet sure looks smart.

                        I honestly don't know which case to believe. The cynic in me says 'A' for sure. :cool:
                        obama = tiger woods. That seems like the soft racism of marketing expectations.

                        Therefor I nominate Morgan Freeman for the Nobel Prize


                        • #27
                          Re: Obama gets the Nobel prize

                          Originally posted by goadam1 View Post
                          obama = tiger woods. That seems like the soft racism of marketing expectations.

                          Therefor I nominate Morgan Freeman for the Nobel Prize
                          This is DEFINITELY funny. But I was hoping people wouldn't take the bait on the fact that they're both black - it's just coincidental to my point - and try to discuss whether the Nobel committee is either crazy or crazy like a fox. Guess the bait is just too delish...


                          • #28
                            Re: Obama gets the Nobel prize

                            Originally posted by goadam1 View Post
                            obama = tiger woods. That seems like the soft racism of marketing expectations.

                            Therefor I nominate Morgan Freeman for the Nobel Prize
                            just one more and then I REALLY need to get back to work, Tiger's 'marketing expectations' were based on future performance expectations, sort of in spite of his race. Most golf fans think of him as 'basically white' anyway.


                            • #29
                              Re: Obama gets the Nobel prize

                              Originally posted by GRG55
                              Ding ding ding.

                              It has nothing to do with Obama and everything to do with a repudiation of: George W.; the Neocons; the use of torture as state policy; the denial of scientific fact; the export of Christianity at gunpoint; and the ham-handed, simple-minded misuse of power.
                              I think at least 3 of those points are a case of the pot calling the kettle...singed:

                              use of torture as a state policy - still no resolution from that campaign promise

                              denial of scientific fact - cap and trade

                              ham-handed, simple-minded misuse of power - remove the simple-minded. Financial crap and Afghanistan


                              • #30
                                obama wins heisman trophy


