Re: Thousands Mob Detroit Center, Hope for Free Cash
And there you have it. The presumption that had the system run it's course and creative destruction pulled apart all the deadwood and gross negligence done by banks and their subtending entities that in the end we would have nothing.
I disagree. And I am not alone.
Through collapse, bankruptcy and the re-pricing of assets we would have come out a stronger country. Maybe it would have taken 10-20 years, after much trashing and utter chaos. Perhaps millions of unemployed ivy league bankers and investment brokers might be working on alternative energy, nanotechnology and genetics. Things that actually make something today instead of keeping this house of financial 20% GDP virtual productivity through fiat awesomeness running on credit borrowed from 19 generations from now.
Capitalism is dead. We now are all usury contributing fools in an oligarch run country where the special classes make new rules whenever they need to. From mark-to-model only when we're screwed to too big to fail. All in the name of making sure you flip a burger, have a roof, drive a car, eat some food and can watch American Idol.
We've traded our principal perspectives as Americans for short term "prosperity". How dare we.
This is not America. This is a turning point in history, in which the ignorant populous drunk on their own hubris doesn't realize it's been robbed blindly not of what they have in front of them today, but what their children and their children will not have tomorrow.
I know I am not alone. I meet the people who know this every day, they're afraid to speak up, they're afraid to take a stand, they know what's happened.
They were conservatives, they were liberals, but under those political fluid covers that make the fabric of our country they were Americans who now have been robbed and they know it.
Originally posted by fliped42
I disagree. And I am not alone.
Through collapse, bankruptcy and the re-pricing of assets we would have come out a stronger country. Maybe it would have taken 10-20 years, after much trashing and utter chaos. Perhaps millions of unemployed ivy league bankers and investment brokers might be working on alternative energy, nanotechnology and genetics. Things that actually make something today instead of keeping this house of financial 20% GDP virtual productivity through fiat awesomeness running on credit borrowed from 19 generations from now.
Capitalism is dead. We now are all usury contributing fools in an oligarch run country where the special classes make new rules whenever they need to. From mark-to-model only when we're screwed to too big to fail. All in the name of making sure you flip a burger, have a roof, drive a car, eat some food and can watch American Idol.
We've traded our principal perspectives as Americans for short term "prosperity". How dare we.
This is not America. This is a turning point in history, in which the ignorant populous drunk on their own hubris doesn't realize it's been robbed blindly not of what they have in front of them today, but what their children and their children will not have tomorrow.
I know I am not alone. I meet the people who know this every day, they're afraid to speak up, they're afraid to take a stand, they know what's happened.
They were conservatives, they were liberals, but under those political fluid covers that make the fabric of our country they were Americans who now have been robbed and they know it.