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US Treasury urges global vigilance against Iranian banks

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  • US Treasury urges global vigilance against Iranian banks

    US Treasury urges global vigilance against Iranian banks
    Updated: Monday, October 05, 2009
    Photographer: White House Photo
    Timothy Geithner


    Washington, 5 October (WashingtonTV)—US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on Sunday urged the international community to closely watch transactions with Iran for signs of money laundering and terror financing.

    Speaking at a meeting of the International Monetary Fund in Istanbul, Geithner also said that sanctions against Iranian banks should be implemented by all nations.

    “We underscore our concerns over illicit finance emanating from Iran and the severe deficiencies in its regulatory regime,” Geithner said, according to the Gulf News website.

    He said that countries should monitor links between their financial institutions and their Iranian counterparts, “including branches and subsidiaries abroad, and particularly with respect to Bank Saderat and Bank Melli,” reports AFP.


    I wonder if the decisions by Iran to change from the $ to the € in their FX reserves could be somehow connected to it ?

  • #2
    Re: US Treasury urges global vigilance against Iranian banks

    Originally posted by D-Mack View Post
    I wonder if the decisions by Iran to change from the $ to the € in their FX reserves could be somehow connected to it ?
    Of course. As anyone with an international bank account will have experienced all US Dollar transactions have to be made through a US clearing bank...usually in NY.


    • #3
      Re: US Treasury urges global vigilance against Iranian banks

      Economics is war by other means. This is nothing new.
      It's Economics vs Thermodynamics. Thermodynamics wins.


      • #4
        Re: US Treasury urges global vigilance against Iranian banks

        Great, now if only they could watch Goldman and JPM transactions for signs of fraud, money laundering, and terrorism.


        • #5
          Re: US Treasury urges global vigilance against Iranian banks

          In the category of "headlines one would like to see but probably never will":

          "Iran urges global vigilance againts US Treasury."
          Justice is the cornerstone of the world

