Re: Why Gold if Deflation is the Threat
I don't recall that, in any of the countries listed by Metalman, the only citizenry to survived were those who used their stash of guns and ammunition to kill their less-armed neighbors.
I am fascinated by the persistent notion here and elsewhere that any socio-economic dislocation in the US will trigger gunfire for survival. There is no modern precedent in the US or other developed country for such events. Even in New Orleans during Katrina (our best yet test of 21st Century America's reaction to social crisis) there was little of that behavior and much of it at the hands of Blackwater. This would make a great topic for a sociology thesis; "Why Americans Assume They Will Have To Shoot Thine Neighbor In Crisis".
I don't want to believe that the only thing that keeps Americans from killing each other is cash flow.
I don't recall that, in any of the countries listed by Metalman, the only citizenry to survived were those who used their stash of guns and ammunition to kill their less-armed neighbors.
I am fascinated by the persistent notion here and elsewhere that any socio-economic dislocation in the US will trigger gunfire for survival. There is no modern precedent in the US or other developed country for such events. Even in New Orleans during Katrina (our best yet test of 21st Century America's reaction to social crisis) there was little of that behavior and much of it at the hands of Blackwater. This would make a great topic for a sociology thesis; "Why Americans Assume They Will Have To Shoot Thine Neighbor In Crisis".
I don't want to believe that the only thing that keeps Americans from killing each other is cash flow.