Re: Daniel Indiviglio: The "Shadow" Foreclosure Inventory
Right, and many don't want to abide by the theft that is the confidence game nor reside in a house of cards.
It is clear that reform is not even being considered in earnest, so the choice is let the house of cards collapse (and the USA is not a house of cards - but the banking/credit/debt system surely is), and endure the pain that ensues while the system is restructured, OR live with the current fraudulent corrupt system HOPING our benevolent and honest leaders have the people's/country's best interest at heart, that the system will be reformed, while living in anticipation of some future impending collapse.
The sooner the system is reformed the better, and since the entrenched oligarchs financial institutions are not going to let reform proceed unless over their dead bodies, then so be it ... let them die ...or better yet Kill them.
The USA is 300million + people, a whole lot of which are smart, ingenius, hard working and honest. It is these who should and can lead, but not until the FIRE beast is put down.
Originally posted by Sapiens
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It is clear that reform is not even being considered in earnest, so the choice is let the house of cards collapse (and the USA is not a house of cards - but the banking/credit/debt system surely is), and endure the pain that ensues while the system is restructured, OR live with the current fraudulent corrupt system HOPING our benevolent and honest leaders have the people's/country's best interest at heart, that the system will be reformed, while living in anticipation of some future impending collapse.
The sooner the system is reformed the better, and since the entrenched oligarchs financial institutions are not going to let reform proceed unless over their dead bodies, then so be it ... let them die ...or better yet Kill them.
The USA is 300million + people, a whole lot of which are smart, ingenius, hard working and honest. It is these who should and can lead, but not until the FIRE beast is put down.