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Washington Post: Buy Gold

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  • Washington Post: Buy Gold

    Where does this rank on Itulip's scale of acceptance of gold? I can't remember what the Freds actually called it.

    If, however, you want to buy gold because you're worried about the fate of the dollar, then you're in smart -- and worried -- company.


    FYI: Major shareholders in the Washington Post Company: the Graham family, Warren Buffett and/or Berkshire Hathaway

    and Melinda Gates is on the Board...
    Last edited by Slimprofits; September 24, 2009, 01:45 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Washington Post: Buy Gold

    All right! Gold is going mainstream. First Chinese citizens and now acceptance (okay, maybe not acceptance, but at least recognition of the trend) by the Post. I can picture jtabeb now...

    "...the western financial system has already failed. The failure has just not yet been realized, while the system remains confident that it is still alive." Jesse


    • #3
      Re: Washington Post: Buy Gold

      If you want to worship gold at over 30 times its former $35/oz. pegged price ( 1933-1971 ), then go right ahead. Be my guest: buy gold.

      This kind of reminds me of over-loading a canoe with people and having that canoe rowed out into the deadly cold waters of Lake Superior. We all know what the likely outcome of that canoe outing might be.

      So long as Bernanke keeps his newly printed trillion dollars of U.S. dollars tightly controlled by the Fed and out of general circulation, there will be no way to have inflation, even if the U.S. dollar falls in value. There will be no way to raise prices; i.e, if one price goes up, another price must come down.

      Does Bernanke have the will to keep his new money locked-away at the Fed and out of circulation, forever? That is the question.


      • #4
        Re: Washington Post: Buy Gold

        Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post
        If you want to worship gold at over 30 times its former $35/oz. pegged price ( 1933-1971 ), then go right ahead. Be my guest: buy gold.


        Does Bernanke have the will to keep his new money locked-away at the Fed and out of circulation, forever? That is the question.
        Well it ain't up to Ben alone. The US Congress also has a say. And we know by now that the duelling ideologies at the US Congress have forged a historic compromise: "no spending cuts, no tax increases, and no economic recession"


        • #5
          Re: Washington Post: Buy Gold

          Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post
          If you want to worship gold at over 30 times its former $35/oz. pegged price ( 1933-1971 ), then go right ahead. Be my guest: buy gold.
          List of future "I Told You So"/"In Your Face" candidates once gold surpasses $1,500:

          1] Starving Steve
          2] Lukester

          Feel free to add your own personal favorite. (all in good fun, of course)
          "...the western financial system has already failed. The failure has just not yet been realized, while the system remains confident that it is still alive." Jesse

